The Ranger in Time Book Club

Welcome to the Ranger in Time Book Club!

I’m author Kate Messner, and with Scholastic’s permission, I’ll be sharing a chapter-by-chapter read-aloud of RANGER IN TIME: RESCUE ON THE OREGON TRAIL here on my blog over the coming weeks. I’m so glad you’ve found your way here!

Each Thursday by around 12pm EST, I’ll post a new read-aloud video with the next two chapters of the book. Readers can ask questions about this series, the writing process, researching history, what I’m reading (or really anything else you’d like!) by leaving a comment on this blog post. I’ll answer as many readers’ questions as possible after the read-aloud in the next week’s video! If you want to read more Ranger in Time books, there are eleven titles in the series, about all different periods in history, and you can find them wherever you like to buy books. If you’re lucky enough to have a local independent bookseller, please check there first! Many are offering things like curbside pickup, delivery, and shipping. Here’s where you can read about the rest of the Ranger in Time series and my other books for kids.

Okay…ready for the first two chapters? Here you go…

Ranger in Time Book Club – Week 1 – Chapters 1-2

Ranger in Time Book Club – Week 2 – Readers’ Questions Answered and Chapters 3-4

Ranger in Time Book Club – Week 3 – Readers’ Questions Answered and Chapters 5-6

Ranger in Time Book Club – Week 4 – Readers’ Questions Answered and Chapters 7-8

Note for families: Something sad happens in these chapters, so if you’re already having a sad day, you may want to pause after the Q&A today and save the chapters for another day. (They end on a happy note, though!)

Ranger in Time Book Club – Week 5 –  Answers to Readers’ Questions and Chapters 9-10

Ranger in Time Book Club – Week 6 – Answers to Readers’ Questions and Chapters 11-13

Ranger in Time Book Club – Week 7 – Answers to Readers’ Questions and Chapters 14-15 – THE END

Thanks so much for being part of the Ranger in Time Book Club this spring! RANGER IN TIME: RESCUE ON THE OREGON TRAIL is book one in the series, so if you enjoyed the read-aloud, I hope you’ll look for the other titles at your local bookstore or ask for them at your library! You can read more about the Ranger in Time series and my other books for kids here. 

72 Replies on “The Ranger in Time Book Club

  1. This from from Grant B. (age 6) in Omaha, Nebraska: Did you base Ranger on a dog you know in real life?

    1. this is from Eliana C. in washington, marysville: was it hard to write in a dogs point of view?

  2. Sadie from Dallas, TX (age 9) would like to know: Why did you decide to write about a dog? P.S. She loves that you have character named Sadie!!

  3. Can you please give me a writing prompt because I wanted to write my own ranger in time story? Thank you for the read aloud. I love ranger in time!

  4. Kylee from Wilmington, NC (7 yrs) would like to know where do you get your inspiration for the story and your knowledge of the past? Also, what’s your favorite thing to do?

  5. This is Mrs. Sembroski! Thank you for sharing this read aloud, and I know my students and I will enjoy reading along with you. Thank you to all the students who are leaving such great questions. I look forward to learning more!

  6. Gwyneth from San Antonio, TX (8 yrs old) would like to know: why did you choose a first aid box to be the item that transported Ranger back in time?

    Thank you for sharing your book!

  7. We listened to the first two chapter of Ranger in Time Rescue on the Oregon Trail again today! Dominic and Adrianna have a question. Why did they only pack bacon for the trip? Didn’t they have chickens and rabbits to eat back then?

  8. My son really liked Ranger and is excited to hear more! His question-do you have a dog?

  9. My daughter wants to know how many books you have wrote and also how many Ranger In Time books are in the series. From Chloe 10 years old in Virginia ❤️
    ❤️Ranger In Time

  10. Hi. my name is matthew, and i have LOVED your ranger and time series to the point…
    Anyways… my question is how do you come up with the storyline, names, and how do choose which historical event to do in your next book
    welp, keep doing what you are doing to make your books great!

  11. Grant B (age 6) from Omaha says: Thank you for answering my first question. I love this book and I like Ranger a lot. My second question is: why did Ranger choose to follow the wagon train? See you next week. I made my mom put it on her calendar.

  12. My name is Levi, and I’m from Waco, Nebraska (not Texas!). I’m in 3rd grade. I would like to know if you recommend reading the Ranger books in any particular order and is The Rescue on the Oregon Trail the first chronological book?

  13. My name is Molly. I am from Michigan and in 5th grade. This is my first Ranger in Time book and I really like it. My question is, what is the hardest part of writing a book?

  14. Gwyneth (8) from San Antonio asks: when Ranger goes back in time, does current time stand still or keep on going?

  15. Kylee from Wilmington NC again. Thanks for answering my last questions. I was wondering if this is the first Ranger book you wrote? In this book it didn’t seem like he knew what he had to do to get back but in other books he seems to know he has to help someone.

  16. This is Allison From Roseville, California. How long did it take you to write this book? How challenging was it to write it?

  17. I am a thankful, fourth grade teacher for you doing this book club/read aloud! Upon return from Spring Break, this title was going to be offered as a choice for small group novel study. Now we can still enjoy the Ranger story in a different than planned way. – Mrs. Sposato in Colorado

  18. hi its Matthew

    whenever i use my imagination for characters, I usually come up with my friends names.
    How do you come up for the names of the characters like ranger, luke, and sadie?

  19. This is Corbin from Arkansas (10), have you ever wanted a dog and which kind? By the way which book is your favorite. Mine is your D-Day book!

  20. Hi this is Lila from Denton TX I love the book so far and can a boxer dog be a rescue dog also are there any dogs in the book that is not Ranger?

  21. Gwyneth from San Antonio asks: do you have a favorite of your Ranger in Time books?

    She’s really enjoying the book club and looks forward to the new reading each Thursday.

  22. Will you write about this time when it´s over?
    Did you write about injuries and sicknesses you experienced?

  23. This is from Grant in Omaha: Besides names, what else do you put in your writer’s notebook? I also have a writers notebook at school. I am in kindergarten.Thank you for reading this fun story and answering my questions.

  24. This is from Aaron A. (3rd grade age 9) in Ridgecrest, CA. Are you going to write a Ranger In Time book about the California gold rush? Will you be reading another Ranger In Time book after you finish this one?

  25. Why did you choose the name Ranger. I mean its a good name but why couldn’t you choose any old name?

  26. Sienna a 4th grader in Reno, Nevada would like to know if they held buffalo dung with their bare hands. Also, be reading more Ranger in Time books?

  27. Hi Kate! Fourth Graders at the Hansen School in Stoughton, Massachusetts are reading your book in a variety of formats and coming together for small group “book clubs” on Google Meet! We just started the Historical Fiction unit as part of our home learning and will have our first discussion sessions at the end of the week! Thank you for sharing the first book in the series with us during this strange time. We love that you are open to questions and hope to get students involved in asking some even though we are a couple of weeks behind in the read aloud! Happy reading! – Mrs. Palmer

  28. Hi again! Also, some of my students noticed Mr. Palmer in the story as he is the one who wrote the guidebook that the Abbotts are using to help them prepare for their trip. Students are wondering if there is a Mrs. Palmer and are staying alert in case she appears!

  29. Questions from Seattle, WA: Henley (5) wants to know how old Luke and Sarah are. Aubrey (7) asks “how do you get inspiration for your books?”

    Thanks so much for reading and answering questions! It’s one of our weekly highlights.

  30. My name is Molly and I am from Michigan. Are you writing more Ranger in Time books? If yes, when will there be a new one and what will it be about?

  31. Hi! This is Grant from Omaha. Thank you for reading this Ranger book out loud. It is one of my favorite things to look forward every week. I am going to write a story about helpers in my writer’s journal for online school this week like you said. My question this week is if Ranger actually wrote his name in words or left a pawprint in chapter 8. My mom just ordered me three new Ranger in Time books to read. I can’t wait to read them.

  32. Hi Kate my name is sreyanshi (9 years old) I am from Texas Irving I have two or three questions so I read ranger’s adventure about hurricane Katrina I loved it so l heard about your blog and I visited it so how does the first aid kit let ranger travel through time?I love your books!!!

  33. Hi my name is Sofia I am 10 years old and I am from Dublin, Ohio I have 3 questions, are some of the books in your writing room the ones you published and how do you know what names go with the time period, And lastly what books would you recommend for me to read. Ps this is the first book I have read that you published this book is amazing!

  34. Hi! This is Grant from Omaha. I was so excited that today was Thursday and I could hear about Ranger again. I am excited to learn about three island crossing. My mom and I are reading about Ranger and the race to the South Pole together right now and I love it. Today it is snowing at my house in Nebraska and I threw snowballs at my brother like Sam did to Ranger in the story.

  35. Raylan from Mrs. Castines class in Saranac NY
    I’m really enjoying this book. I have 6 dogs and I also have an uncle Aaron.

  36. Why did you choose to use a snake to have Ranger scare away?

  37. Hi there Kate it is me sreyanshi I don’t really have a question about the book I just want to thank you for reading the book bye bye for now and thank you ⭐️

  38. Hi Kate it is me Sofia from Dublin, Ohio again and I just wanted to say this is my first time reading your books and I love . Thank you so much I enjoy this book so much it makes my day happier.

  39. Hi Kate it’s me sreyanshi where is the first aid kit and how does ranger know when to go home ?

  40. Hello! Henley wants to know how many people died crossing the river and Aubrey wants to know how many books have you published?

    Thanks so much! We look forward to this every Thursday!

  41. hi, Caleb again why did you choose to write about time travel I’m going to be an author to but I would not have thought of that good job.

  42. Hello! Im 10 years old and my name is Pepper. I really liked the book! Will you be reading anymore of your Ranger In Time books?