Hello, teacher/librarian/writer friends! Here’s an update on Teachers Write, our free online summer writing camp for teachers & librarians. Many of you have reached out to ask about this summer, and I hope you’ll be excited about the news I’m sharing today! I’m a little late with this year’s information because I’ve been busy writing books. Like this one…

Illustrated by Kelley McMorris and out July 9th from Scholastic!
And this one…

Illustrated by Jillian Nickell and out November 5th from Chronicle Books!
But now those projects are put to bed, and it’s time to talk about summer camp, which will be just a little different this year. As most of you understand, coordinating an ongoing online project like this involves many hours of work. This has been a labor of love for me since Teachers Write began in 2012, but I’m at a point in my writing and personal life where I need to spend fewer hours online. I’m also mindful of the fact that this project has asked for many hours of free labor from our amazing guest authors, who are also busy writing books and doing other good, important work in the world.
Don’t worry, though – Teachers Write isn’t going away! This summer’s camp will just have a new format. Teachers Write 2019 will run for three weeks, from July 8-26. Instead of coordinating blog and social media posts, I’ll be sharing a daily newsletter, Monday through Thursday during those three weeks. Each week, we’ll focus on learning and practicing some element of writing craft by studying a mentor text or two. This summer, we’ll be learning from five amazing mentor texts – four picture books and one novel – and we’ll have a visit from the authors of our mentor texts each week for some Q&A. The list of books will be coming soon, so you’ll have time to purchase or request them at your library.
This summer, I’m leaving Fridays open for other posts that folks in the writing/publishing community would like to share with Teachers Write campers. So author friends… if you’d like to offer a mini-lesson or writing prompt on a summer Friday, just share it with the hashtag #TeachersWrite. I won’t be involved in these, but our teacher-librarian-writers will be able to search the hashtag for more inspiration & lessons on our summer Fridays and throughout the year.
Ready to sign up and write with us this summer? Just sign up for my email list here:: http://eepurl.com/grB4p1
And watch for our list of Summer 2019 mentor texts, coming next week!
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