ALA in San Diego & Kate’s School Librarian Advisory Team

Happy June, friends! I wanted to let you know that I’ll be at ALA in San Diego this month. You can join Kekla Magoon, Tracey Baptiste, William Alexander, and me at the PopTop Stage for “From Brainstorm to Bookshelves: The Journey of Creating ‘The Kids in Mrs. Z’s Class’ series” at 1:30pm on Saturday, June 29th, and I’ll be signing at Algonquin Booth 616 from 3-4pm Saturday afternoon. If you’re there, please put us on your schedule to come say hello and get a signed copy of EMMA MCKENNA, FULL OUT! 

(Photo from one of my book tour schools last month – every third grader went home with a signed book!) 

Whether or not you’ll be at ALA, I have another invitation for you – an important one. I feel like school and library budget cuts and changes in the social media landscape have made it a lot harder for librarians and readers to learn about new books lately, which is why I’ve decided to put together a School Librarians Advisory Team for the coming school year, with a few representatives from each state and several international school librarians as well. Here’s a little more about what that means and how it will work so you can see if it might be a good fit for you and your most enthusiastic readers!

As an advisory team member, you’ll:

  • Have early access to preview all of my new books and occasionally other authors’ upcoming titles for curious readers in grades K-8. 
  • Share titles you love with fellow librarians, educators, families, and readers via social media, newsletters, and state book list nominations.
  • Receive periodic emails requesting input from you and your readers about new series topics, book titles, and cover art.
  • Have priority access to free in-person author visits when I’m on a publisher-sponsored book tour that includes your city.
  • Get invitations to a selection of free virtual author visits that fit your readers’ interests.

If this sounds like a good fit for you and your readers, just fill out this form to apply.
I promise to get back to you later this summer. Even if you’re not selected for the advisory team, you’ll get an invitation for your school to attend a free virtual author visit this fall.

For now, I hope your last days of school are great ones, and I’m wishing you the very best of summers! 

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