If you’re new to this blog, I’m Kate Messner, and I write books like these:
Also this one…which comes out three days before World Read Aloud Day, on January 29th!
I also read lots of books, and reading aloud is one of my favorite things in the world. When I was a kid, I was the one forever waving my hand to volunteer to read to the class, and still, I’ll pretty much read to anyone who will listen.
For the past few years, I’ve helped out with LitWorld’s World Read Aloud Day by pulling together a list of author volunteers who would like to spend part of the day Skyping with classrooms around the world to share the joy of reading aloud.
The authors listed below have volunteered their time to read aloud to classrooms and libraries all over the world. These aren’t long, fancy presentations; a typical one might go like this:
- 1-2 minutes: Author introduces himself or herself and talks a little about his or her books.
- 3-5 minutes: Author reads aloud a short picture book, or a short excerpt from a chapter book/novel
- 5-10 minutes: Author answers a few questions from students about reading/writing
- 1-2 minutes: Author book-talks a couple books he or she loves (but didn’t write!) as recommendations for the kids
If you’re a teacher or librarian and you’d like to have an author Skype with your classroom or library on World Read Aloud Day, here’s how to do it:
- Check out the list of volunteering authors below and visit their websites to see which ones might be a good fit for your students.
- Contact the author directly by using the email provided or clicking on the link to his or her website and finding the contact form. Please be sure to provide the following information in your request:
- Your name and what grade(s) you work with
- Your city and time zone (this is important for scheduling!)
- Possible times to Skype on February 1st. Please note authors’ availability and time zones. Adjust accordingly if yours is different!
- Your Skype username
- A phone number where you can be reached on that day in case of technical issues
- Please understand that authors are people, too, and have schedules and personal lives, just like you, so not all authors will be available at all times. It may take a few tries before you find someone whose books and schedule fit with yours. If I learn that someone’s schedule for the day is full, I’ll put a line through their name – that means the author’s schedule is full, and no more visits are available. (Authors, please send an email to me know when you’re all booked up! And please note that due to travel and other obligations, it may take up to a week for me to update.)
World Read Aloud Day – Skyping Author Volunteers for February 1,2019
Authors are listed here (kind of randomly, actually…in the order they filled out the form) along with publishers, available times, and the age groups for which they write. (PB=picture books, MG=middle grades, YA=young adult, etc.)
Alyson Gerber Scholastic 6-8 9am-4pm EST
Miranda Paul Penguin Random House, Neal Porter Books, Lerner Publishing Group K-5 9 am – 2 pm Central Time Zone
Robin Newman Creston Books and Sky Pony Press 6-8 10 am – 1 pm EST. rnewman504@nyc.rr.com
Dee Garretson Macmillan, HarperCollins, Month9 6-8 8:00 – 3:00 Eastern time deegarretson@gmail.com
Larissa Theule Lender, Bloomsbury, Abrams K-2 9:30-2:00 West Coast ltheule@gmail.com
Lori Richmond Scholastic, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, and more K-2 or 3-5 10-2 EST lori@loridraws.com
Bethany Hegedus Atheneum/S&S Balzer+Bray/HC 3-5 Central bahegedus@gmail.com
Jenn Bishop Alfred A. Knopf / Penguin Random House 3-5, 6-8 10 AM – 5 PM EST jenn@jennbishop.com
Nancy Churnin Albert Whitman & Company; Creston Books 3-5 CST nancychurnin@mac.com
Carole Estby Dagg Penguin/Nancy Paulsen 3-5 or 6th After 11 am Eastern (8 am western) I’m on west coast carole_dagg@yahoo.com
Jennifer Roy Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 6-8 or 3-5 Any (I am EST) jenniferrroyauthor@gmail.com
Rosanne Parry Random House 3-5 and 6-8 9am to 3pm PST Oregon Rosanne@rosanneparry.com
Marcie Colleen Macmillan, HarperCollins, Scholastic K-2, 3-5, 6-8 9am PCT to 4pm PCT marciecolleen@gmail.com
Cate Berry Balzer+Bray/Harper Collins K-2 8AM-2PM CST Cateberrywriter@gmail.com
Kathleen Benner Duble Delacorte 4-8 any time that day but 11-12 info@kathleenduble.com
Laurie Ann Thompson Simon Pulse, Random House, Macmillan, HarperCollins Any and all 10am-4pm Pacific Laurie@lauriethompson.com
Michele Weber Hurwitz Random House & Simon & Schuster 6-8 9 am to 3 pm central time micheleweberhurwitz@gmail.com
Melissa Gijsbers Stone Table Books Any Melbourne time (AEDST) – I think we are still on daylight savings then melissagijsbers@gmail.com
laurenne sala harper collins & candlewick k-2 9-5 PSt salasala@gmail.com
Ishta Mercurio Fitzhenry & Whiteside K-2 and 3-5 All Times EST: half hour slots all day from 9-4 ishtamercurio@icloud.com
Kate Narita Farrar Straus Giroux MacMillan K-2 Available after 3 EST katenarita227@gmail.com
Laura Gehl Albert Whitman (for most recent book) K-2 10:00-2:30 EST www.lauragehl.con laurameressa@gmail.com
Dianne White Beach Lane/S&S; HMH K-2 7am to 2 pm MST dianne@diannewrites.com
Hannah Holt Balzer+Bray/HarperCollins K-2 9am-noon (Pacific Time) HannahHoltBooks@gmail.com
Leslie Bulion Peachtree, Charlesbridge 3-5 EST 10am-8pm https://www.lesliebulion.com/contact
Susan Ross Holiday House 3-5, 6-8 Flexible AuthorSusanRoss@gmail.com
Stel Pavlou HarperCollins 3-5, 6-8 11am-5pm EST Mail@danielcoldstar.com
Wendy McLeod MacKnight Greenwillow Books 9-12 8 to 3 EST Wendymcleodmacknight@gmail.com
Abigail Rayner NorthSouth Books K-2 9.30am-12.30pm EST https://www.abiraynerwrites.com/ website abi@abigailrayner.com
Jennifer Camiccia Aladdin/S&S 3-5 and 6-8 10-2 PST Tuesday’s- Friday Jencamiccia@gmail.com
Kathleen Burkinshaw Sky Pony Press 6-8,9-12 10am EST – 3pm EST klburkinshaw@gmail.com
Dana Middleton Feiwel & Friends 3-5th grades 7am-3pm PT Dana@danamiddletonbooks.com
Kayla Cagan Chronicle Books 8, 9-12 PST, CST, MST, EST kayla.cagan@gmail.com
Kathy Ellen Davis Chronicle K-2 and 3-5 7a.m. to 1. p.m. PST Kathyellendaviswriter@gmail.com
Linda Vigen Phillips Eerdmans 6-8 and/or 9-12 Eastern/anytime linda.phillips4866@gmail.com
Lindsey Becker Little Brown 9-12 Any US lindseybeckerbooks@gmail.com
Christina Farley Scholastic Press 3-5, 6-8 9am-2:30pm EST Christina@christinafarley.com
Christina Uss Margaret Ferguson Books/Holiday House 9-12 9 am – 2 pm EST christina@christinauss.com
Samantha M Clark Paula Wiseman Books/Simon & Schuster 9-12 9-2 Central http://www.samanthamclark.com/contact/
Kim Ventrella Scholastic 9-12 7:00am-5pm CST kimventrella@icloud.com
Ann Rose Entangled Teen 9-12 9am(CST) – 3pm(CST) amroseauthor@gmail.com
Mike Grosso Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (Clarion Books) 3-5, 6-8 8am-3pm CST me@mikegrossoauthor.com
Lee Gjertsen Malone Aladdin/S&S 3-5, 6-8 8am ET to 4pm ET Leegjertsenmalone@gmail.com LeeGjertsenMalone@gmail.com
Deborah Bruss Scholastic K-2 10 AM to 2:30 PM. EST Deborahbruss@mac.com Deborahbruss@mac.com
Monica Tesler Simon & Schuster 3-5, 6-8 9-6 EST monicatesler@gmail.com |
Melissa Sarno Knopf Books for Young Readers 3-5 10:30am-12:30pm EST melissa.sarno@gmail.com
Katy Farber Green Writers Press K-2, 3-5 EST Katyfarber@gmail.com
Emma Wunsch Abrams 3-5 Eastern Time 9:00 am -2:00 pm mirandaandmaude.com | emmawunsch.com emmalucy@gmail.com
Nanci Turner Steveson HarperCollins Children’s 3-5 6-8 Mountain Time 7:30am to 1:30pm Ponywriter7@gmail.com
Beth Anderson Simon & Schuster K-2, 3-5, (a bit long for K) 9-4 MT https://bethandersonwriter.com beth@bethandersonwriter.com
Bonny Becker Knopf 3-5 10 am and 11am, Pacific Standard Time bjb@site7000.com |
Julie Abery The Creative Company 3-5, 6-8 09.00 AM – 12.00 Am EDT littleredstoryshed.wordpress.com julieabery@hotmail.com
Rachel Noble Enchanted Lion 3 to 8 I live near Brisbane australia Rachnoble@me.com
K. A. Reynolds HarperCollins 9-12 EST 10-2pm poetesskristin@live.com
Augusta Scattergood Scholastic Press 9-12 10-3 EST https://www.augustascattergood.com/ gsgood2@gmail.com
Jessie Janowitz Sourcebooks 3-5, 6-8 10:30-1:30 EST Jejanowirz@gmail.com
Patricia Valdez Random House / Knopf K-2 (3-4 as well) 10 am ET -12 pm ET; 1 pm ET – 3 pm ET pvaldez11@gmail.com
Melissa Roske Charlesbridge 9-12 8am-4pm EST melissa@melissaroske.com
Jenn Bailey Chronicle K-2 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST jenn.c.bailey@gmail.com
Rob Vlock Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 3-5 9-5 Eastern time rob@robvlock.com
Yvonne Ventresca Sky Pony Press 9-12 12:30, 1, 1:30 EST yvonne@yvonneventresca.com
Amanda Rawson Hil Boyds Mills Press 3-5, 6-8 7 am – 12 pm PST Amanda.rawson.hill@gmail.com
Elaine Vickers HarperCollins 3-5 10-1 and 2-5 pm MST elainebvickers@hotmail.com
Gina Perry Tundra (Penguin Random House Canada), little bee books K-2 8:30am-2:30pm EST ginacarey@comcast.net
e.E. Charlton-Trujillo Candlewick Press 6-8, 9-12 9:00 – 1 p.m. Pacific atrisksummer@gmail.com
Shawn K Stout Philomel 3-5 10-3 ET Shawn@shawnkstout.com
Lauren Abbey Greenberg Running Press Kids 6-8 9am – 2pm EST Laurenabbeygreenberg@gmail.com
Corabel Shofner FSG 5,6,7,8,9 Flexible Eventsforcorabel@gmail.com
Dawn Prochovnic Graphic Arts Books and Abdo Publishing Group K-2 and 3-5 9 am to Noon Pacific Time dawnp@smalltalklearning.com
Mikela Prevost Viking/Penguin 3-5 9am-1:30pm MT Mikela.prevost@gmail.com |
Jonathan Rosen Sky Pony Press 3-5 or 6-8 10-1 EST Houseofrosen@aol.com
Corabel Shofner FS&G 5,6,7,8 Flexible Eventsforcorabel@gmail.com
Lisa Schmid North Star Editions/Jolly Fish Press 9-12 PST lisa.schmid@sbcglobal.net
Irene Latham Penguin Random House 3-5 8 – 3 CST irene@irenelatham.com irene@irenelatham.com
Robin Yardi Lerner Publishing, Arbordale Publishing K-2, 3-5 6:00 AM Pacific – 2:30 PM Pacific robinyardi (at) mac (dot) com
Chana Stiefel NatGeoKids, Feiwel & Friends, HMH All of the above Morning (Eastern) stiefelchana@gmail.com
Fran Wilde Abrams 6-8 10am-4pm EST fran.wilde@gmail.com
Lori Degman Sterling Publishing K-2 8:00am – 5:00pm CST Lori@Loridegman.com
Jennie K. Brown Tantrum Books Imprint of Month9Books 3-5 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. EST jenniekaybrown@gmail.com
Beth Vrabel Running Press 6-8 8 am to 3 pm cst Bethannvrabel@gmail.com
Tina Powell Peanut Butter Press & BWL Publishing K-2 9 am to 3 pm ET tina@tinapowell.com
Claudia Guadalupe Martinez Cinco Puntos Press, Charlesbridge, Lee and Low All 9-12 central www.claudiaguadalupemartinez.com cmartinez50@hotmail.com
Lindsay Moore Greenwillow Books K-3 9 AM, 10 AM, 11 AM EST lindsay.koza.moore@gmail.com
J. Anderson Coats Harcourt Children’s, Atheneum Books for Young Readers, Candlewick (forthcoming) 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 9:00 am – 3:00 pm PST jandersoncoats@gmail.com
Christian McKay Heidicker Holt Macmillan and Simon & Schuster 9-12 Any! cmheidicker@gmail.com
Linda Joy Singleton Albert Whitman and Little Bee 3-5 (can do other ages) In Pacific Tie Zone – flexible on time Ljscheer@yahoo.com
Krista Van Dolzer Putnam, Sourcebooks, Capstone, Bloomsbury 3-5, 6-8 10a-noon MT, 1p-3p MT www.kristavandolzer.blogspot.com kvandolzer@gmail.com
Danielle Davis Capstone 3-5 10am – 4pm PST http://www.danielledavisreadsandwrites.com danielledaviswrites@me.com
Samantha Cotterill Little brown books, Simon and Schuster , Harper Collins K-2, 3-5, 6-8 Between 9:30-1pm EST Samcott@hotmail.com
Sandy Stark-McGinnis Bloomsbury 9-12 Pacific Time–I am a teacher, so I only could a talk during my lunch (12:00-12:45). starksandy@hotmail.com
Lori Goldstein Razorbill 9-12 EST lori@lorigoldsteinbooks.com
Jane Kurtz Beach Lane k-2 8-12 Pacific jane@janekurtz.com
Veronica Bartles Balzer + Bray (Harper Collins) K-2, 3-5 7am-3pm eastern time vbartleswrites@vbartles.com
Fran Manushkin Capstone K-2 12:00 noon-2:00 EST franm@nyc.rr.com
Keely Hutton FSG Macmillan 7-12 EST 8AM-4PM khutton1@rochester.rr.com
Sarah Darer Littman Scholastic, S & S 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 EST 8am-12pm 1pm-6pm sarahdarerlittman@gmail.com
Michael Salinger and Sara Holbrook Scholastic, Boyd’s Mills, Red Giant K-12 just give us a heads up 9am-12pm EST salinger@ameritech.net
Cynthia Platt Amicus Ink K-2 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 a.m. ET cynthiaplatt@icloud.com
Jeri Watts Candlewick K-2; 3-5 9-3 Eastern time zone Skype in the classroom watts.jh@lynchburg.edu
Terri Farley HarperCollins, Houghton Mifflin, Simon &Schuster 9-12 Any (i am in Pacific) Farleyterri@aol.com
Hillary Homzie Charlesbridge, Simon & Schuster, Sky Pony k-2, 3-5, 6-8 Anytime from 7:30 a.m. PST through 2:00 p.m.PST hillary@hillaryhomzie.com
Patricia Bailey Albert Whitman and Company 3-5, 6-8 9:00-3:00 Pacific patriciabaileyauthor@gmail.com
Melanie Sumrow Yellow Jacket/little bee books 6-8 9:00am-11:00am CST melanie@melaniesumrow.com
Christy Mihaly Holiday House (and Lerner) K-2 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern christy@mihaly.org
Susan Ross Holiday House 3-5, 6-8 Flexible AuthorSusanRoss@gmail.com
Betsy Devany Henry Holt and Co. K-2 10 -5 EST betsydevany@comcast.net
Jackie Yeager Amberjack Publishing 3-5 10:00am- 3:00pm EST jacquelineyeager5@gmail.com
Marie Miranda Cruz Starscape, Tom Doherty Associates 9-12 6-8 am PST everlastingnora2018@gmail.com
Christina Collins Sourcebooks Jabberwocky Ages 8 and up 10:00 am – 12:15 pm EST christinacollinsbooks@gmail.com
Victoria piontek Scholastic 3-5 10:00 PST-2:00 PST victoriapiontek@gmail.com vpiontek@gmail.com
Melissa Stoller Clear Fork Publishing K-2 and 3rd grade 9-4 EST MLStoller@aol.com
Rebecca Caprara Carolrhoda Books/Lerner 3-5 & 6-8 9:30am-12:30pm EST https://www.rebeccacaprara.com Caprarabooks@gmail.com
Christina June Blink/HarperCollins 6-8 or 9-12 9-11:30 EST, 1-3:30 EST christinajuneya@gmail.com
Sue Lowell Gallion Beach Lane Books/Simon & Schuster, Sleeping Bear Books K-2 9-11 and 1-3 Central Time Zone suegallion@gmail.com suegallion@gmail.com
JODI KENDALL HARPERCOLLINS CHILDREN’S BOOKS 3-5, 6-8 11-1PM EST http://www.jodikendall.com/connect/
A. B. Greenfield Holiday House 3-5 9:00-10:30 EST http://www.amybutlergreenfield.com amy@amybutlergreenfield.com
Merrill Wyatt JIMMY Patterson Publishing 3-7 Between 10:45 and 12:45 or after 3:30 EST Rimerllwyatt@gmail.com
Jennifer Kam Charlesbridge 6-8 or 9-12 8AM-1:30PM EST
Stephanie Robinson Random House/Delacorte Press 3-5 8:30-3:30 EST https://www.fairdaysfiles.com/ robinsonstef@yahoo.com
Diane Zahler HarperCollins, Capstone, Boyds Mills 3-5 12-3 EST dlzahler@gmail.com
Wendy McLeod MacKnight Greenwillow Books 6-8 any time between 9 a.m. to 5 pm AST wendy@wendymcleodmacknight.com
Joy McCullough Dutton/Penguin Random House 9-12 any time after 8 am PST joymariemc@gmail.com
Brooks Benjamin Random House Children’s Books 3-5, 6-8 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (EST) cbrooks.benjamin@gmail.com
Jill Diamond Farrar, Straus & Giroux 3-5 9:30-3:00 PST jilldiamond78@gmail.com
Kris Waldherr Scholadtic 6-8 9-11am artandwords@optonline.net
Karen Leggett Abouraya Lee & Low 3-5 Any school hours (I am in Eastern Time Zone) Karen@handsaroundthelibrary.com
Mark Maciejewski Simon & Schuster 3-6 8-3 pacific magicjetski@yahoo.com
Mike Mullin Tanglewood Press 9-12 9 – 3 EST mike@mikemullinauthor.com
Bridget Hodder Macmillan 3-7 9:30-3:30 EST http://www.bridgethodder.com/contact-bridget-hodder/
Rebecca Ansari Walden Pond Press (Harper) 9-12 8:30-3:30 CST Rebeccaansariauthor@gmail.com
Jess Redman FSG/Macmillan 9-12 9-12 EST; 1-3 EST JessRedmanWrites@gmail.com
Hallee Adelman Albert Whitman K-2 or 3-5 10-2pm est www.myquietship.com ; www.halleeadelman.com Hallee@adelmans.net
Shauna Holyoak Disney-Hyperion 9-12 noon to three EST https://shaunaholyoak.wordpress.com/ s.holyoak@yahoo.com
Anica Mrose Rissi S&S, Disney-Hyperion, and HarperTeen K-2, 3-5, and 9-12 (picture books, chapter books, and YA) 10am to 6pm, Eastern Time anicamroserissi@gmail.com
Augusta Scattergood Scholastic Press 9-12 10-3 EST https://www.augustascattergood.com/ gsgood2@gmail.com
Sarah McGuire Carolrhoda 6-8 anytime after 1pm EST smcguire.author@gmail.com
Jonathan Rosen Sky Pony Press 9-12 EST 10-2 Houseofrosen@aol.com
Judy Lindquist Florida Historical Society Press 9-12 Flexible Linkyjr59@gmail.con
Stefani Deoul Bywater Books 9-12 EST – Flexible author@stefanideoul.com
Jenipher Lyn Crown / Penguin Random House branch middle grade / tween age Eastern, open availability. Jenipherlyn@gmail.com
Emma Otheguy Lee & Low Books, Bloomsbury, Knopf 3-5, 6-8 8am-6pm EST https://app.youcanbook.me/#/editProfile?id=f935b5f2-e2ac-43ff-bccb-3da8ced4d04d§ion=availability
Miriam Spitzer Franklin Skypony Press 3-5, 6-8 EST 1-3 PM mspitzerfranklin@gmail.com
Angela Cerrito Holiday House 9-12 EST Noon – 4PM writerangela@outlook.com
Danette Haworth Bloomsbury Walker 3-5 10:00 am-2:00 pm EST dhaworthbooks@yahoo.com
Doreen Spicer-Dannelly Random House Books for Children 9-12 9 AM PST www.spicerackproductionsinc.com doreen@spicerackproductionsinc.com
E.D. Baker Bloomsbury 6-8 & 8-12 10 am EST – 3pm EST edbakerbooks@gmail.com
Patricia Sutton Chicago Review Press 6-8 9-noon Central Time Patriciakaysutton@gmail.com
David A. Kelly Random House Children’s Grades 2 – 4 10 am – 6 pm (eastern)
Jodi Wheeler-Toppen National Geographic Kids; Charlesbridge K-2, 3-5, 6-8 10-2 EST http://OnceUponAScienceBook.com wheelertop@gmail.com
Malayna Evans Month9Books MG (5-6_ 9a-2p CST malaynaevans22@gmail.com
Shannon Hitchcock Scholastic 9-12 10:00-2:00 EST ShannonH@ShannonHitchcock.com
Tracy Marchini Creative Editions K-2 9am – 5pm EST http://tracymarchini.com/contact-faqs/
Gail Hedrick Tumblehome Learning 6-8 8–12and 1-3 EST gailehedrick@yahoo.com
Susan Tan Roaring Brook 3-5 (But I also frequently skype with K-2, and would be happy to do that too!) All day EST susanshaumingtan@gmail.com
Holly Thompson Random House, Clarion, Henry Holt, Lee&Low K-12 I’m in Japan so between Tokyo time 6 am to 11 pm is fine! hatbooks@gmail.com
Stacie Ramey Sourcebooks 9-12 after 1:00 PM EST stacieramey@gmail.com
Anna Raff Candlewick K-2 9 AM to 3 PM EST anna@annaraff.com
Wendy Greenley Creative Editions K-2 9am-12 EST Wendy@wendygreenley.com
Jo Hackl Random House Children’s Books 9-12 8:00-9:00 eastern standard time Jo@JoHackl.com
Claire Lordon little bee books/Sterling Children’s k-2 9:30am – 1pm PST claire.lordon@gmail.com
Jennifer Blecher Greenwillow 6-8 9am-2pm EST jenniferblecher@gmail.com
Anna Staniszewski Scholastic 9-12 1:30-4:30pm Est annastan@gmail.com
Jackie Azúa Kramer North-South and Clavis K-2 10:00-2:00pm EST https://www.jackieazuakramer.com jkramer422@gmail.com
Linda Marshall Peter Pauper, Scholastic K-2 9:00 – 5:00 EST SheepRFarm@aol.com
Jody Feldman HarperCollins/Greenwillow 3-7 8:30 – 4:00 CST
Darlene Beck Jacobson Creston 9-12 9-11AM EST 1-3PM EST http://www.darlenebeckjacobson.com djac2185@verizon.net
Denis Markell Delacorte Press 4-8 9am-4pm EST https://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=Denis+Markell dmarkell@aol.com
Megan Wagner Lloyd Knopf/Random House K-2 only 10 AM to 2 PM EST meg@meganwagnerlloyd.com
Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw Henry Holt / Christy Ottaviano Books K-2 MST 9:30am – 3:30pm http://dancingelephantstudio.com/visualart/ coloredsock@mac.com
Evelyn Bookless Marshall Cavendish 4-5 and 6-8 9am – noon evelynbookless@yahoo.co.uk
S.A. Larsen Leap Books & Ellysian Press 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 8:00 AM – 1:00 AM EST https://www.salarsenbooks.com/ sheri@salarsenbooks.com
Justin LaRocca Hansen Dial Books for Young Readers, Sky Pony Press K-2, 3-5 8am-3pm EST http://www.justinlaroccahansen.com j.larocca.hansen@gmail.com
Annette Bay Pimentel Nancy Paulsen Books, Charlesbridge, Amicus K-2, 3-5 Pacific Time Zone 5 AM-3 PM http://www.annettebaypimentel.com/ annettepimentel@gmail.com
Susan Lubner Running Press Kids/Hachette 9-12 9am – 3pm eastern Suelubner@gmail.com
Michell Schaub Charlesbridge k-2, 3-5 8-3 central time shellschaub@hotmail.com
Ella Schwartz Bloomsbury, National Geographic Kids 9-12 10:30-2:00 ella@ellaschwartz.net
Lisa Kahn Schnell Charlesbridge K-2, 3-5 8am-3pm EST, but other times may be possible lisakschnell@yahoo.com
Meera Sriram Penny Candy Books 6-8 9am-12 noon PST meeratsriram@gmail.com
Maria Padian Knopf Young Readers; Algonquin YR ANY age group. I write YA but read everything! 9 A.M. – 3 P.M. mpadian@comcast.net
Tom Hirschfeld Penguin Random House 6-8 1-4 ET tom@hirschfeld.nyc
Authors & Illustrators: If your schedule is full & you need to be crossed off the list, please leave a comment to let me know. If you’re an author or illustrator and you’d like to be added to the list, directions are here. Please note that this particular list is limited to traditionally published authors/illustrators (such as those listed here), only to limit its size and scope. I’m one person with limited time. However, if someone else would like to compile and share a list of self-published, specialty, magazine, and ebook author/illustrator volunteers, I think that would be absolutely great, and I’ll happily link to it here. Just let me know!
Happy reading, everyone!
“World Read Aloud Day is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write belongs to all people. World Read Aloud Day motivates children, teens, and adults worldwide to celebrate the power of words, especially those words that are shared from one person to another, and creates a community of readers advocating for every child’s right to a safe education and access to books and technology.” ~from the LitWorld website
Hey Kate (and all): as of 11/23 (Friday) I’m fully booked. Sarah Albee
Thanks very much to Kate for organizing this on behalf of teachers, librarians and authors everywhere. Thanks also to the writers for volunteering their time.
Hi Kate and all – I’m full for WRAD. Thanks so much for helping connect teachers and authors for this great event! – Erin Soderberg Downing
Hi, Kate. Huge thanks for organizing this wonderful opportunity to connect. Wanted to share that my schedule is now full for WRAD. Again, most grateful for what you are doing for so many! – Best, Elly Swartz
Hi Kate,
Thank you so much for organizing this list. Unfortunately, I must have input my information wrong. It says I write for grades 6-8 but I write picture books–suited for K-3. Would you like me to submit a new listing or would you please change it? I’m so sorry for the mistake. — Margaret Greanias
Hi Kate!
Whew! That was fast! My schedule is all filled up! I wish we could do WRAD twice a year!
Thanks sooooo much for putting this together!
mary sullivan
Hi Kate!
Thank you so much for organizing this!
My schedule for the day is now completely booked
Hi Kate,
Thanks again for doing this!
I am now completely booked!
Beth F
Hi Kate,
Thanks so much for connecting teachers and authors for WRAD!
I’m all booked up!
Shine on!
Hi Kate,
Thanks for all you are doing to connect authors with schools. It’s a great service you are doing!
My schedule is full. Please take me off the list.
With sincere thanks,
Rebecca Hirsch
Hi Kate,
Thank you for organizing this! My schedule is also full now.
Buffy Silverman
Hi Kate,
My schedule is full.
As always, thanks so much for organizing this!
Carmella Van Vleet
Thank you once again so much for doing this for us, Kate!!
Thanks Kate, as always, for connecting us with kids! My day is all booked up.
Thanks, Kate! Unfortunately, I am booked for the day, but am happy to SKYPE with classes throughout the year.
Thanks, Kate! Unfortunately, I am booked for the day, but am happy to SKYPE with classes throughout the year.
Thanks for organizing this! I am fully booked for the day.
Hi Kate – My schedule is full. Thank you so much for organizing this!
Hi Kate, Thank you, as always, for doing this. My schedule is full for WRAD 2019. Please cross my name off. Thank you!
Kate, my schedule is full. Thank you for organizing this!
Hi, Kate!
Thanks again for organizing and hosting this list of authors and illustrators. My schedule is now full.
Hi Kate–
My schedule is now full. As always, thank you so much for taking the lead year after year and organizing this WRAD list for all of us!
All best,
Hi Kate!
Thank you as always for leading the way! I’m full to the brim for WRAD! Can’t wait!
Sarah Aronson
Thank you so much, Kate! My schedule is now full. See everyone on WRAD19!
Hi Kate,
Thanks so much for posting the list and organizing this. My schedule is now full. Could you please cross off my name. Thanks! Looking forward to WRAD!
Hi Kate,
Thanks for doing this! I’m now booked for the day. Happy WRAD, everyone!
I and a children’s picture book author available for World Read Aloud day. I thought I reached out to you earlier in the school year to add my to the list, but I don’t see it. If it is still possible, I’d love to be added. I am published with Charlesbridge and Pomelo Books. Pre K- 3
Thank you for organizing this list, Kate! My schedule is now full. Looking forward to Feb 1!
Thanks a bazillion again, Kate, for organizing this list! My WRAD19 schedule is now FULL.
Can’t wait for Feb 1! Happy WRAD19!
Thanks, Kate. You are a rock star for managing this list! My schedule is now full.
Kate, Lynn Plourde here and my WRAD is now full. Thx for all you do!–Lynn
Hi Kate! This is Gail Nall. My schedule is now full. Thank you so much for organizing again!
Hi Kate,
Thank you so much for all yor work on WRAD! I’m thrilled to be a part of it. My schedule is now full. Thanks again!
Annie Silvestro
Hi Kate,
I’m now completely booked for WRAD. Thank you so, so much for organizing!!! Can’t wait to connect with classrooms!
–Lauren Magaziner
Hi Kate,
Thanks so much for helping authors and schools connect for WRAD! My schedule is now booked. Please cross out my info. Thanks much, Laura Sassi
Hi, Kate,
Thank you for creating this resource.
I’m all booked up for WRAD, thanks to your site.
All the best,
Stephanie Ledyard
Hi, Kate. I’m full up! Thank you! Cynthia
Hi Kate!
Thanks for organizing this. I’m full up now!
–Jane Kelley
Hi Kate! Thanks so much for organizing this! I’m really looking forward to connecting with students. My schedule is now full.
Hi Kate!
Thanks again!
My schedule is now full.
As always, thank you for doing all this work to bring authors and their readers together. My schedule is now full.
Hi Kate! Happy New Year! Thank you as always for organizing this. I look forward to it every year! I’m now all booked. – Julie
Thanks for organizing this, Kate! I am booked.
Hi Kate. I’m booked. Thanks for organizing this!
Hi Kate,
I’m fully booked now. Thanks again for organizing!
Best wishes,
Hi Kate, I’m completely booked. Thanks for coordinating this!
– Abby
This is such a beautiful program for teachers and kids! I teach 8th grade English at a cyber charter school and also have a book club. In 8th grade alone, we have over 440 students! This would be so amazing to have one or even more, authors attend and share their love of writing and reading! I am so hopeful that this can work for us! Thank you so much for this, Kate! This is so brilliant; I may cry a billion happy tears!
Hi Kate,
My schedule is full now. Thank you so much!
Jessie Oliveros
Happy reading everyone on Feb. 1 and every day. Kate Messner thank you for organizing!
Wanted to let people know that my day is completely booked up.
Kate Feiffer
Hi Kate,
Thanks for your enormous generosity in coordinating all of us. I am booked and looking forward to connecting with new friends on 2/1.
Happy WRAD, all!
Hi Kate, my schedule is full. Thank you so much!
Corey Ann Haydu
Hi, Kate! Thanks so much for this! My schedule is full. And I get to share my book with a group in Uzbekistan!!
Hi Kate! Thank you so much for organizing this. You are truly a star!!! Just a quick note to let you know I’m all booked up. I can’t wait to read to these kiddos. What a fun day to look forward to!
Hi Kate! I’m all booked. Thanks for being you. I like living in a world with a Kate Messner in it.
Dear Kate and lovely WRAD folks, I am fully booked! I’m working on finalizing plans with some classes, but I cannot field any new requests. Thank you so much for this lovely opportunity!
I’m booked.
Hi, Kate. My schedule is full. Thank you for organizing!
Hi Kate,
My WRAD spots are full! Thank you for organizing this event. You’ve provided a valuable way for authors and schools to connect. Appreciate it!
Hi Kate,
Thank you so much for putting this all together! My schedule is now filled.
Hi Kate,
Thanks so much for this fun chance to zoom into a classroom on the other side of the world. My schedule is now full.
All the best,
Hi Kate,
Thanks for providing this platform. Hard to imagine that I’ll be sitting in my office in Maine visiting kids from all over the country! My schedule is now full.
Regards from,
Hi Kate,
I’m booked for most of the day but have a window 3-5 pm EST still open if someone needs a last minute addition. I also made a video for MS/HS educators who may need something in a pinch.
Thank you again for providing this amazing opportunity to connect with readers!!! I had so much fun!!!
What a fabulous project. I just found out about this from Kathleen Burkinshaw. Can I sign up for next year? I’d love to take part in this.