You’ve all had such terrific questions, and I wish I could do just fly around the world and visit every single one of your classes to talk about Marty some more. But if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to finish the new books I’m working on this fall. Next week, we’ll have another Video Q and A session, though. And teachers…if you’d like your class to have the opportunity to order personalized, signed books after your Global Read Aloud experience, please drop me a note via my contact form, and I’ll send you an order form for my local independent bookstore – I sign there often, and they offer free shipping for orders over $50.
And finally, for the class that wanted to know more about the scene where Marty’s mom uses a noose tool to catch Sparky when he’s escaped in the house…
I’ll post another MARTY MCGUIRE Video Q and A session next Friday. If your class would like to ask a question, please post a comment on this blog post (not last week’s!) no later than Wednesday 10/16 so that I have time to make the video. Remember to include the teacher’s name, school, city/state/country, and your question. Please limit questions to one or two per class so that I can answer as many as possible. It helps if you look at which questions have already been asked to avoid repeats, and questions need to be posted by teachers rather than individual students. Thanks – and I’ll see you next week!
Hello we are
Mrs. Talicska’s Second Grade Class from Garner Elementary in Clio, Michigan. What is your best advice for us to help us become great writers, like you?
What a great question!
Did you have a friend like Annie, who was your friend but left you for another “group”? What did you do about it?
Mrs. Tina Schmidt
St. Ignatius School, Yardley, PA
Grade 3
Why did you choose to make Marty and Annie have friendship problems?
We want to thank you for taking the time to do these video Q & As! It is appreciated. Our 2nd graders at Garner Elementary in Clio, MI had some questions. We’d be honored if you answered any of them!
Do you have teachers or animal rehabilitators in your family?
Did you have a lot of animals in your house growing up or now?
Was Annie a real person in your life?
Do you think Marty’s mom understands her?
When you were little, did you want to be a writer?
Hi Kate – the children in MPD and MCM would like to know what inspired you to start writing books – what was your favourite book as a child? Do you know any Australian authors?
Mrs. Muller
Tarver Elementary
Thornton, Colorado
2nd Grade
Will you give us permission to post recording of each chapter of our teacher reading Marty McGuire during this Global Read Aloud? We want to follow copyright permissions. We will take the recordings down as soon as this project is over.
As a class, we would like to know if you like to dance? We want to know if you can waltz? We watched a YouTube video on waltzing and tried to do it as a class. It was funny and hard.
Thank you! Mrs Muller’s Class
Hi, Mrs. Muller’s Class! If you’re talking about posting online for all to see, the permission for this type of recording would need to come from the publisher, Scholastic, and I fear that would take some time. Is there a students-only space online where you could share instead?
I’ll answer your question in this week’s video!
Thank you for responding so quickly. If the recordings are in a blog that is password protected for students only, would that be honoring copyright? Thank you for your direction in this matter.
That should be fine, since it’s no different from a teacher reading aloud to students in the classroom (which I hope everyone does!) Thanks for asking!
Ms. Carlson’s 2nd and 3rd Grade Class
Lewis and Clark Elementary School
Grand Forks, ND 58201
How did you come up with the idea for Sparky to be on top of the refrigerator with her paws in
the cookies while throwing them at mom? This was fantastic and really funny!!! We laughed really hard!!!!
Good afternoon. My class at Coosa Elementary School in Beaufort, SC were wondering if you have a favorite book that you have written and do you think you will write a book about a third grade boy? Thanks!
Were you ever in a school play and if so did you want to play the part you were assigned?
Mrs. Cooper’s 3rd Grade from Wasse Abin Junior School, Wikwemikong, Ontario, Canada
Mrs. Farnsworth’s 3rd grade class. West Valley UT
We have some questions for you. Have you ever written a book about your family? Mom, Dad or Brothers and sisters?
Did you learn about frogs when you were little?
Did you make books when you were little? Like me.
Why did you choose the Frog Prince?
Was there a play or something like that you had to do when you were little that you did not want to do?
Do you have pets? What kind?
When did you start writing this book?
Mrs. Paustian 16 students
Wisconsin Lutheran School
Racine, Wisconsin
Why did you want Marty to have a real frog in the play?
The American School of Milan 3rd grade explorers want to know:
1. Marty is quite a character. We have been studying character traits. How do you plan for such a character?
2. How long does it take to write a book like Marty McGuire?
Grazie mille.
What advice would you give us to be able to become an accomplished author like you?
We are a Grade Three class from Milk River, Alberta, Canada. We LOVE Marty Mcguire!
Here are our questions:
1. You seem to love animals. Did you have any pets when you were a child?
2. We are interested in the character of Veronica Grace. Do you think she has a weakness? Why do you think she acts the way she does?
Dear Kate,
We are 18 second graders at Norwood Elementary School in Port Jefferson Station, New York. We live in the United States of America. Here is our question:
In Chapter 6 you wrote that you can tell the difference between a boy and girl frog by the size of their ear drum. Is this a true fact?
From your fans,
Mrs. Rosenquist’s Second Graders
Mrs. Steighner’s second and third grade class in Federal Way, WA would love if you could answer one (or both) of our questions:
1. Did you ever have a special teacher like Mrs. Aloi or James Jackson growing up?
2. Why is Veronica still being so mean to Marty even though she’s acting like a princess now? Or is this a question we need to keep reading to find out?
What is your favorite Marty Maguire book so far? How many Marty Maguire books will there be?
On the cover, Marty’s crown is falling off into the pond, but you don’t write that in the book. Why the difference?
Ms. Harrison’s 2nd Grade
University of Chicago Lab Schools
Chicago, IL
My question is for both myself and my second grade class. How do you pronounce “Ms. Aloi’s” name? I have tried several different ways each day, reading with my class. How do YOU pronounce it? Thank you for your wonderful book. We are all enjoying getting to know Marty and watching her class get ready for The Play!
Mrs. McDaniel and the entire Second Grade Classroom Team
Northeast Elementary School
Ithaca, NY
Mrs. Walls’ Second grade class would like to know : Have you ever been asked to do something you didn’t want to do, like when Marty was asked to be the princess in the play? How did you handle the situation?
Sorry I forgot to add we are from Wilson, NC
St. Matthias School From Ms. Kelly’s class in Lanham Maryland. Are you writing a fourth Marty McGuire book?
When you were in school, what was your favorite grade or teacher?
What do you think of Veronic Grace?
My second graders were wondering why isn’t the title of your book capitalized?
Mrs. Haskins’ Second Grade Class
Oak Hill Elementary School
Lowell, IN
Hi Ms. Messner
I know we are late but just in case you haven’t made a final copy of your video…our class has some questions. We are in Windsor, Ontario and in grade 3.When you were little, did you want to be something else other than a writer? Quest 2 Was someone bossy to you and how did you deal with it?
Quest 3. When you were little were you ever in a play and what part did you play?