Classrooms all over the world have been reading MARTY MCGUIRE as part of the Global Read Aloud this moth, and kids are coming up with some terrific questions for our Video Q and A sessions!
Here are a couple links that may be of interest to classes who want to know more about the real people whose names came up in this week’s video.
And you should also look for this book in your library – it’s one of my favorites!
I’ll post another MARTY MCGUIRE Video Q and A session next Friday. If your class would like to ask a question, please post a comment on this blog post (not last week’s!) no later than Wednesday 10/30 so that I have time to make the video. Remember to include the teacher’s name, school, city/state/country, and your question. Please limit questions to one or two per class so that I can answer as many as possible. It helps if you look at which questions have already been asked to avoid repeats, and questions need to be posted by teachers rather than individual students. Thanks – and I’ll see you next week!
Do you want to write another Marty McGuire book after Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets?
Does Marty McGuire get older?
Thanks from Ms. Victor’s Class in Berlin, Germany
Kaelyn: How did you come up with the name?
Alex: I want to know how special the lion is to Marty and Kate.
Jeremy: Why did you come with Henry Huggins and his dog statue jumping into a puddle?
Sabrina: Why do you like Henry Huggins so much?
Tyler: Why did they do the Frog Prince Play?
Krystal: I wonder why she doesn’t want to be a princess.
Joshua: How did you make up the name Veronica Grace?
Logan C.: Would Marty McGuire do anything to survive in the wild?
Noa: Why don’t you like princesses?
Mrs. Ivey’s Class
Robious Elementary
Midlothian, Virginia
We are wondering what you think is the most important lesson we can learn from Marty?
Hi Kate,
We are a grade 3 class at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School in Barrhaven, Ontario. WE LOVE THE BOOK marty mcguire!
Here is our question:
Why did you choose to have Marty in a family of three? Does Marty have a brother of a sister we haven’t heard about yet?
Many thanks,
Mrs. Aubrey’s Grade 3 class
P.S. We played “sculpture garden” in phys. ed. last week and we would like to send you two photos of our scenes, but we can’t figure out how to do that.
If you would like to see our sculpture tag photos please visit our website:
The class at the American School of Doha would like to know what your literature classes were like when you were small. We wanted you to know dialog is something we are learning to include in our stories.
Why did Annie help with the frog and become her friend again?
How do you name your characters?
We are a First Grade class in Portland, Oregon. Our school is called The Madeleine School. Our school is 9 blocks from Grant Park where the sculpture garden with the Beverly Cleary statues you mentioned in chapter 8 are!
Our question:
How did you get the idea to include the Frog Prince in Marty McGuire?
~from Zoe
Who is your favorite character in Mary McGuire?
~from Caitlin
Why did you use maracas in your story?
~from Dominic
We really like your book. We think it is funny!
Thanks for sharing Marty with us!
Mrs. Langhus’ First Grade Class
How many books will be in the Marty McGuire series?
How do you know when to stop a book?
Have you or are you going to write another series besides Marty McGuire?
So sorry- the above questions were from Ms. Dumas’ 3rd grade class at Garner Elementary in Clio, Mi
How did you decide on Sparky the raccoon’s name?
What inspired you to write books about Marty McGuire in the first place?
Ms. Crombie’s Grade 1/2 Beach Grove Elementary, Delta, BC, Canada.
Hi Kate!
Have you ever been in a play? If so what was it? Have some of the things that happen to Marty in this book happened to you?
Thank you,
Division 9
Here are a few questions our class formulated. Choose the one you like best. How has the character Marty changed since you first imagined her?How might Sparky ‘s react if he met the frog? Where did you imagine the setting of this story?
Mrs. Murphy’s First grade in Marshall, WIsconsin. What is your favorite book that you have written so far? How old are your children? What was the first book that you wrote? We are really enjoying reading Marty Mcguire! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hi Kate,
We have been reading Marty McGuire for the global read aloud. We were wondering if you love helping animals because you mentioned that Marty’s mom was an animal rehabilitator and Marty loves frogs!
Mrs. Molloy’s first grade class from Edison, NJ
Mrs. Batchelor’s Class
2nd Graders from Hartland, WI
Question- When you are stuck on thinking of an idea to write about, where do you get ideas from?
Do you get to pick your own illustrator?
Do you revise your stories with anyone?
Hi Kate,
We are a grade 3 class in Forestburg, Alberta Canada.
Our question –
Why did you add the ruby slippers and The Wizard of Oz to the story?
Did you read, The Wizard of Oz when you were younger?
Thank you for a great story,
Mrs. Coutts’ Grade 3 class
Leila wants to know why you made Veronica Grace so “all-about-me” and selfish? (2nd grade)
Hi Kate,
We are from the San Diego Jewish Academy and have been loving your book, Marty McGuire. All the children in 2B would love to know so many things but I only will ask one on their behalf. Leila asks, “Why did you make Veronica Grace so “all-about-me” and selfish?
We’ve making so many terrific connections through the GRA13. We’re Skyping next week (once the time changes) with an Australian school. Thanks for connecting us.
We look forward to your next blog.
Hi Kate! This is Mrs. Bernhardt’s 2nd grade class at the American International School of Muscat in Muscat, Oman. We have some more questions for you:
1. What are some of your favorite books to read? What were your favorite books when you were in 2nd grade?
2. Were you ever in a play like Marty?
3. Why did you write Marty McGuire?
Hi Kate,
This is Mrs. Hansen’s 2nd grade Class in Litchfield, Minnesota. We are wondering why you chose the school for the setting of Mary McGuire and have you ever had a pet raccoon?
We are Mrs. Dearman’s 2nd grade class and we wanted to know:
What do you have in common with Marty?
How do you come up with your stories?
Did you do the same things Marty did when you were a little girl?
Thank you!
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We are Mrs. Dearman’s 2nd grade class from The Colony, TX and we wanted to know:
What do you have in common with Marty?
How do you come up with your stories?
Did you do the same things Marty did when you were a little girl?
Thank you!
Mrs. Lough’s Class
JW Reason Elementary
Hilliard, Ohio
Our class has a lot of questions, and we know you have a lot coming from other students. We thought we would list all of our questions and let you choose which one to answer. We watch your videos every week and are learning a lot about the story and becoming a writer.
1. Why did you choose to make the frog a girl instead of a boy? -Ryan
2. What was your first inspiration for the Marty McGuire series? – Rachel
3. Was your school growing up as chaotic as some of the events in Marty’s school? – Tiara
4. Is there more than the 3 books to the series? Are you going to keep writing books to the series? – James O.
5. Do any of your students reflect the character of Marty? – Hannah
Mrs. Arnold’s 2nd Grade Class
Northeast School
Ithaca, New York
Hi Kate,
We had the same question about why you choose the frog to be a girl and not a boy. So our other question is why did you decide to have Marty lie to Mrs. Aloi about her mom being able to sew the frog? We have never described Marty as a liar. We think maybe you are trying to teach us a lesson. Are we right? Thanks for making us laugh out loud this week when the stuffed frog lost it’s leg.
Hi again. We were THRILLED to watch this video and see your answer to our question – thanks! We have a few questions, so feel free to choose 1!
If Veronica Grace was nice, who would be mean?
Are any of the people in the story based on your friends?
How would the frog turn into a prince?
What do bullfrogs eat?
How old is the teacher?
Does Marty know frog language?
Does Annie get to be Marty’s friend again?
Did you have a pet named Sparky, and what pet was it?
What are you being for Halloween?
How many minutes was Marty late for school in chapter 10?
Why did you make the raccoon say bad words?
From Miss Woods’ grade 3 class in Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Hi Kate,
The Grade 2 students in Mr. Heim’s class at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School (Washington, DC) are wondering how you came up with the scene where Marty lied to Mrs. Aloi about having her mom sew the frog together while she was really planning to just put the real frog into the wishing well. Thanks!
Mrs. Axtell’s 2nd Grade
Star Elementary School
Star, Idaho
Dear Kate,
Thank you again for sharing your talents! We have two questions tied for favorite this week. We’ll look forward to hearing your answer to your favorite.
1. We are excited to see kids participating in the GRA from all over the map. Is Marty McGuire translated into many languages? Have you been to visit any countries that have your books for sale? If so, what was your favorite?
2. We love to make the illustrations to match our writing. Do you ever like to create your own illustrations?
Mme Amoah’s class
Hamilton, ON
Dear Kate,
Our grade 2 French immersion class at AM Cunningham school in Ontario, Canada is loving reading all about Marty Mcguire and her classmates. Thank you for writing this awesome book. We were wondering why you picked the Frog Prince for the class play (we are also reading fairy tales)? What is your favourite fairy tale? Does Marty have one as well?
We would also like to know why you wrote about adventures in the 3rd grade. What was your favourite grade in school and why?
Thank you.