Teachers Write! is an online virtual summer writing camp for teachers and librarians who understand how important it is for people teaching writing to walk the walk. If you’re a teacher or librarian who would love to work on your own writing, we’d love to have you join us.
Here’s how it all works:
Location: www.katemessner.com/blog (Post Category: TeachersWrite) New posts will be shared each weekday morning, and you can check in whenever it’s convenient.
Dates: June 4th– August 10th
Schedule is kind of an ugly word for summer, isn’t it? So let’s call this the plan-of-the-day instead. Feel free to participate in whatever floats your boat and skip the rest.
Mini-Lesson Mondays: Mondays will feature a mini-lesson on writing craft or logistics (how to make time has been a big question already!). I’ll share a workshop-style lesson with ideas, tips, and examples, and then there will be something to work on during the week. Or not. You can also just bookmark it for later. It’s summer, after all.
Tuesday Quick-Write: Tuesdays will feature a writing prompt that can be used to brainstorm new ideas or deepen your thinking on the project you’re working on now.
Wednesday Q and A: Ever wished you could just pick an author’s brain about how they do it? Each Wednesday, we’ll have a post where anyone can ask questions about writing . I’ll answer, along with an awesome panel of author friends who come to visit.
Thursday Quick-Write: Like Tuesdays, Thursdays will feature a writing prompt that can be used to brainstorm new ideas or deepen your thinking on the project you’re working on now.
Friday Writing Happy Hour: Fridays will feature virtual lemonade and time to share anything you’d like – progress for the week, links to projects you’re proud of, snippets of writing that you like or want feedback on. Author Gae Polisner will also be hosting a Feedback Friday on her blog, so feel free to stop by there as well to share your work & offer feedback to others.
Sunday Check-In – Weekends are for recharging, spending time with family and friends…and that includes online writing friends, too! Amazing teacher-writer Jen Vincent is having a weekend get-together on her blog, Teach Mentor Texts. Jen will be hosting an online writing group there. Each Sunday, she’ll be sharing reflections on her journey as a teacher who writes and encouraging others along the way. Think of it as a support group for writers, and head over there on Sundays to talk about goals, progress, struggles, and more.
Beyond these daily posts, you can expect the occasional surprise along the way – guest posts and some book giveaways for your classroom libraries, because teachers & librarians who write are worth celebrating.
Teachers Write! Virtual Summer Writing Camp Q and A
Who can join?
This writing camp is for teachers and librarians who work with kids of any age in any capacity. I’d ask that the Q and A and feedback requests be limited to them and the published authors who agree to help out, so the people who are working with kids get plenty of attention when it comes to mentoring and feedback. If you’re not a teacher or librarian, you’re still more than welcome to follow the posts and do the writing.
What does it cost?
It’s free. If you’re a teacher or librarian who’s found this, you’ve probably put a lot of my books in a lot of kids’ hands already, or nominated them for state award lists, or reviewed them online, or purchased copies for your library. I’m thankful for all of those things– and this seemed like a fun way to say so. The guest authors you’ll meet along the way are volunteering their time for the same reasons — because we appreciate teachers & librarians and value the work that you do.
Umm…I followed a link on Twitter and ended up here. Who are you, exactly?
Oh, hi! I’m Kate. I write books for kids of all ages, and I wrote a book about revision for teachers. I was a middle school English teacher for a long time and will never really get that out of my system. You can explore my website links to learn more. I’m visiting Mr. Schu’s Watch.Connect.Read. blog today for an interview about my upcoming mystery for kids. Mr. Schu and 4th grade teacher Colby Sharp recently chose my MARTY MCGUIRE books for their Twitter book club; you can read about that at SharpRead. I’m also guest-blogging about my love affair with encyclopedias at the Nerdy Book Club today. My favorite things are my family, being outside, reading, writing, and chocolate. All that should help you decide if you’d like to hang out here for the summer or not. I’m friendly, I promise.
What if I’m brand new at this whole writing thing?
Then the Teachers Write! Virtual Summer Writing Camp is especially for you. Welcome. You don’t need a license or a creative writing degree or permission from anyone to be a writer. All you need is the desire to write. Beginners and experienced writers are all welcome. Don’t worry… you can go at your own pace and only share what you want to share. If you’re happier lurking as a stealth writing camp member, that’s okay, too.
So will you respond to our questions and give us feedback?
Yes. But be patient with me, okay? I have two big writing deadlines and some book travel this summer and marshmallows to roast, too, so it may take me a while for me to approve and reply to all the comments sometimes. The good news is that this camp can run quite nicely even if I’m away. Daily posts will be scheduled, and all of you can cheer one another on and provide feedback. Our guest authors will be around to help with that, too.
What if I can’t start until later? And what if I’ll be on vacation the last week of July?
That’s fine. Sign up. Join us when you can. Take breaks whenever you like. We’ll keep your lemonade cold while you’re away.
How do I sign up?
Added on 6/2: I was originally having people sign up via comments…but at this point, I need to stop approving all those comments and get back to working on our camp agenda! You are welcome to sign up for camp at ANY time during the summer, though. Even if I don’t get a chance to welcome you personally, please know that I’m thrilled to have you join us.
To sign up, please click here to visit the current Google sign-up doc and leave your name, where you teach and what you teach, and your online contact info (Twitter, blogs, etc.) Thanks!!
If you tweet about writing camp along the way, please use the hashtag #TeachersWrite to help facilitate the conversation on Twitter.
If you’re on Facebook, you may also want to join the TeachersWrite! group there so you can connect with other members & receive notifications. Just go here & click on the “Join Group” button on the top right of the page. It may take me a day or so to approve your membership, but then you’ll be able to see all the members & links.
Hey… Why do you want all that information? Are you going to stalk me?
No. Your name & role are to help me figure out who’s participating as a teacher/librarian and how to tailor the workshops. I’d love to know where (generally) you work because occasionally when I travel for conferences, I have time to sneak in a local school visit, and I’d like to be able to let you know about that if I’m in your part of the world. Items 3-4 are to make it easier for Teachers Write! Summer Writing Campers to connect and stay connected for writing support and critique groups if you so choose. I’m going to share a list of participants on the blog so you can find one another easily. If you don’t want your name/info shared here, you can email it to me instead (kmessner at kate messner dot com). I do hope you’ll consider connecting with one another, though, because there’s so much value in being part of a writing community.
Either way, I promise not to use any of this information to stalk you. And if I do, I will be wearing a big floppy hat and those glasses with the fake nose & mustache, so you’ll never know it’s me anyway.
Got Questions?
Fire away – and if you know you’d like to join us, go ahead and leave your name & info in the comments. Watch for an exciting list of Teachers Write! guest authors soon, and next week, we’ll roll up our sleeves and get writing!
Note: 1st-time commenters on this blog need to be approved, so don’t worry if your question or sign-up comment doesn’t appear right away. I promise to get to them all by the end of the day.
Wow! What a great opportunity. I appreciate that you will be doing this during the summer. I am excited already.
1. Amanda Villagómez
2. 6th – 8th Grade reading and writing (with 2 periods a week push-in support a for 2/3 blend and a 4/5 blend)
3. Still not on Twitter
4. http://www.snapshotsofmrsv.blogspot.com (reflecting on teaching) and http://www.enbuscadeequilibrio.blogspot.com (where I do my Slice of Life Tuesday posts)
Welcome, Mrs. V. Happy to have you writing with us this summer!
1. Heather Corral
2. 8th Language Arts Teacher
3. @heathercorral
4. website is under construction – not happy with current one.
Glad you’re joining us, Heather!
1. Pat Keefe
2. High School English 10
3. PKeefe1845@aol.com
So glad you’re writing with us this summer, Pat!
I am a former elementary educator and now teach elementary education literacy courses at the university level. I am so excited about this opportunity! Thank you!
Welcome, Debbie! I’m excited, too!
1. Robin Willis
2. Middle School Librarian (6-8)
3. @RobinReads
4. I mostly tweet, but occasionally post on Tumblr @ http://gettingdressedoutofthedryer.tumblr.com
Hi, Robin! Happy you’re joining us this summer!
Twitter Name: @dsypherd
Please sign me up for Teachers Write!
You’re signed up, Dee!
Hello! Thank you so much for organizing this!! I’m so excited to join. My name is Jenna and I teach 6thrade language arts in Villa Hills KY. @jennasthings
Glad you’re joining us, Jenna!
Hi Kate!
So excited to be part of this virtual summer writing camp! So, for the info you asked for:
Katherine Sokolowski
5th grade teacher at Washington School, Monticello, IL
Can’t wait to get started! Thanks for doing this.
Hi Kate,
This sounds amazing, and I’m excited to help spread the word. I’m also a little nervous to commit–I’m too busy, aren’t I?–but I think my hesitation has more to do with fear than busyness. (Interesting that my VCFA lecture was on fear . . . ) But you’re flexible and it’s an incredible opportunity, so I’m in!
My name is Kellye Crocker, and since January I’ve been working as a youth services librarian assistant at the Urbandale Public Library in suburban Des Moines, Iowa. I work with all ages, from toddlers to teens (LOVE!) and oversee the YA collection, including ordering. I’m @kelcrocker on Twitter. I have a fledgling website at http://www.kelcrocker.com, which needs to be updated, and I haven’t blogged since 2007 (except for a photo a day project I did last year on posterous.)
I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone! Thank you again for your amazing generosity.
Happy to have you here, Kellye – and no worries about the commitment. You can join us whenever it works and maybe bookmark other posts to return to when things aren’t so busy.
7th and 12th grade English teacher, Rock Rapids, Iowa.
Twitter: @KateBrauning
Website: http://www.katebrauning.com
Great to have you joining us, Kate!
Tammy Delaney
6th Grade Reading/Language Arts Teacher
Spencer Community Schools, Spencer, IA
This will rock! Great idea.
I can’t wait to learn with everyone.
Thanks, Tammy! Happy to have you join us!
I’m so very excited for this and grateful for your willingness to put it together for us teachers and librarians! Thank you! Here is my info that you asked for:
Carrie Garrison
5th Grade Cluster teacher at C.W. Harris Elementary, Phoenix, AZ
(no blog these days)
Thanks, Carrie! And welcome!
Kate, thanks so much for doing this – I’ve just been re-inspired to begin writing again after reading In the Middle, and I think this will be a great way to start
Sasha Reinhardt
8th Grade Language Arts Teacher at Clark Middle in Winchester, KY
I’d love to join your Teachers Write. I work as a freelance writer and homeschool my son – hope I still qualify. I love writing for others and have a hard time writing just for myself!
Jessica Whitmore
I have homeschooled my son for the past three years and teach writing classes at our homeschool co-op. I’m in the Western Suburbs of Philadelphia.
Welcome, Jessica! Happy to have you writing with us!
I’ve been looking for something just like this! Thanks so much!
Valorie Engholm
GED teacher at YouthBuild KCK, Kansas City
No website
Oh, I’m glad you found us! Welcome!
Thanks for doing this, Kate!
Sasha Reinhardt
8th Grade Language Arts Teacher at Clark Middle in Winchester, KY
Sorry if two comments post!
Hurray! So happy you’re going to write with us this summer, Sasha!
I teach 7th grade math in a small k-12 school. I also have over 1500 books in my classroom library that I share with students (even some that have graduated).
Find me @childofthe80s on twitter and http://sandiw.blogspot.com
Thanks, Sandi- happy to have you join us!
Wheeeeee! Gurrrrrl, this is going to be amazing, thank youuuu! I’m a 2nd/3rd grade highly capable teacher in Federal Way, WA. I’m @MsHoughton on The Twitters.
So happy you’re writing with us!
This sounds SO AMAZING! What a great Twitter find!
Here’s my info:
Jen Bearden
5th grade teacher, Robinson Elementary, Kirkwood, MO
CANNOT wait to get started with this! I am telling all of my friends, as well!
Fantastic! So happy to have you join us!
This is awesome.
This is absolutely amazing Kate…If I weren’t working on my dissertation I would join in for sure. I think I may lurk for inspiration :). @kmcilhagga
Lurk away…we’re happy to have you, even if it’s just now and then.
This is just what I needed this summer. I’m planning to finish the first draft and hopefully at least one revision of my current YA WIP before school begins in August.
Kelly D. Vorhis
10th-grade English, Creative Writing, Advanced Composition, Academic Team Coach
NorthWood HS, Nappanee, IN
Hoping to get ideas about starting a teen writing club as well as hone my own writing skills.
Sounds like an incredible experience… Thank You!
Kelly Ickes
3rd Grade Teacher
(another summer project to redo the blog… nothing active right now)
Happy to have you join us, Kelly!
I’m Jan Hamilton; I teach language arts to 8th graders in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Twitter is @JanHamilton7
This sounds fun. Thank you!
Great, Jan – thanks!
This sounds like what I’ve been needing to push me along. I’m not a teacher or librarian, but I do have a 5yr old that devours books and who has renewed my love of writing. We are moving to Cape Town, South Africa in September, and I am hoping to work with Litworld to create libraries in townships there. I am extremely excited about that opportunity!
I would love to join your group.
Carole Lindstrom
Welcome, Carole!
1. Jennifer Fowler
2. 7th/8th grade language arts teacher, Paintsville, KY
3. N/A
4. http://paintsville.kyschools.us/olc/teacher.aspx?s=1005
So glad you’ll be joining us, Jennifer!
Here’s my info:
Kathleen Armstrong
Twitter @ kwarmstrong
I teach 5th grade Language Arts at Mary Institute and St. Louis Country Day School (MICDS) in St.Louis, MO.
I love this opportunity. I haven’t had a writing group for years and I miss it. I will tell colleagues in my department too.
Yay!! So glad you’ll be writing with us this summer!
My name is Cory Roush, I’m currently unemployed but would like to teach elementary school in Portland, Oregon. My Twitter handle is @coryroush and you can find some of my work on http://www.coryroush.com. Enjoy your summer!
Any future teacher is a friend of mine, Cory – happy to have you with us.
I’m in! My name is Deb Day and I teach high school English 9, Creative Writing, Speech and Drama in Cresco, Iowa. I’ve been really working on putting my teaching where my mouth is, but lately the writing has been taking a back seat to everything else. This will be the kick start I need.
My blog is called Coffee With Chloe and it can be found at http://deb-day.blogspot.com/
My twitter name is @mrsday75
Can’t wait to get started.
Welcome, Deb!
Your name: Jamey
Your role Early Entry College Courses (Eng comp 101, American Lit) over Distance Learning
Your Twitter name, jdog90
Your blog or website, http://blog.esu10.org/jboelhower/
Happy to have you writing with us, Jamey!
Micki Fryhover
7th grade language arts teacher, Wichita, Ks
Thank you, Kate, for setting this up. This truly is a gift!! I am STOKED!!
Hurray! I’m excited, too!
This is going to be so great, Kate! I am excited to see everything you come up with and all the writing that will come with it!
I’m Jen Vincent, I am a hearing itinerant teacher in a large district in north-western suburbs of Chicago. I work at 7 different schools with students who are deaf and hard of hearing in grades K – 12. I do know sign language and can speak Spanish, too!
I tweet at @mentortexts and blog at http://www.teachmentortexts.com.
Thank you for all of this Kate! It’s going to be great!
Yay!! Okay if I publish you bio on Sunday when I link to your post?
Erica Ford
6th L. A. In Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Thanks do much. I’m looking forward to this!
Looking forward to writing with you this summer, Erica!
Moving from 7th reading and English to third grade self contained. Looking forward to the change.
Huber Heights, Ohio
Happy to have you join us, Dale!
I am so excited about this! Jen and I were brainstorming ways to do this and this is even better than I could have come up with! Thanks Kate and Jen!
John Scovill
Twitter handle: johnlit360
I teach 5th grade
lit360.wordpress.com (I believe)
I can’t wait for this and I am super excited!!!
Yay! I’m excited, too!
Melissa Biehl
Librarian K-5
I don’t blog as much as I should…I am working on this.
Hurray! Happy to have you writing with us, Melissa!
Sooo excited for this!
Grade 3 teacher- Berlin, Germany
Thanks, Kate, for offering this great opportunity!
Hi, Erika! I’m waving to you from across the Atlantic!
Nervously excited to join!!
Jacquelyn Sticca
Currently: First Grade, (Woodlawn Neighborhood) Chicago, IL
Next Year: First Grade, Cedar Hills, Utah
Twitter: @MissSticker
Blog: http://www.Miss-Sticker.blogspot.com
Don’t be nervous – we’re all going to write & learn together. Welcome!
I am beyond excited!!
1. Stacey Loscalzo
2. Literacy Consulant, Ridgewood, NJ
3. @staceyloscalzo
4. http://www.staceyloscalzo.com
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Welcome, Stacey!
3rd grade teacher
Honolulu, Hawaii
I can’t wait to improve my writing skills!
Hurray! Welcome!
Rita Grimes
Youth Services Library associate II (Infants thru teens)
So happy you’ll be joining us, Rita!
I teach 6th, 9th, and 10th Grade English at a small private school in Pawleys Island, South Carolina. Sara Lewis Holmes is my sister-in-law and how I found out about this. Sounds fun! Interested in your book about revision, too.
Thank you!
My twitter: mrslewislps
My blog for my teacher identity: Mrs. Lewis Thinks on WordPress
My blog for myself: Surly Gurlie also on WordPress
Oh, I love Sara! So glad you’re going to join us!
My name is Judy Twetten. I teach K-8 Gifted and Talented in Cresco, IA. Writing scares me and I have the least experience with writing. But would like to follow in some of my students’ writer footsteps.
I having been taking online college classes the last few years, I think writing may lead to a better fit for me. I decided to sign up because of your line ” “If you’re happier lurking as a stealth writing camp member, that’s okay, too.”
Just started doing Twitter. @jtteachercresco
My school website-
Started blogging last year & love it.
Hi, Judy! It’s okay that writing scares you (though I hope we’ll change that!), and I think it’s awesome that you’re here. Welcome!
Christy Newsham z
Kindergarten teacher at Tillman Elementary in Kirkwood,Mo.
No twitter acct.
Just starting a blog, haven’t published anything yet!
Welcome, Christy!
You had me at: walking the walk.
I need to be better at practicing what I preach, so here we go.
My name is Colby Sharp
I’m a fourth grade teacher in Battle Creek, MI.
On twitter I’m @colbysharp
I blog at http://www.mrcolbysharp.com
Happy to see you here, friend. I may bother you for a guest post later on if that’s okay?
Yes, of course.
Maria Selke
I’m a gifted resource teacher (K-5) in Pennsylvania.
I’ve been through the PA writing and lit project (a branch of NWP) but it’s been years since I wrote any fiction!
I am mselke01 on Twitter
I recently started blogging at http://www.mariaselke.com
Glad you’ll be writing with us this summer!
Sue Fauser
Elementary SpEd (written language small group/individual instruction)
Volunteer adult literacy tutor
What a wonderful idea, thanks for implementing it!
Welcome, Sue!
Hi – This sounds right up my alley. With a one-year old at
home, I had planned on staying out of PD’s and trainings as much as possible this summer, but now I’ve got a potentially great naptime activity.
1. 7th grade language arts teacher
2. Kentucky
What else did you need? I am theoretically on twitter but haven’t done anything with it in over a year. I am on facebook a lot and my username there is just my name.
Naptime is perfect for writing – that’s when bunches of my first book got written (before my daughter decided naps weren’t her thing.) Welcome!
Susan Young
9th-11th grade English teacher
Atlanta, GA
Eager to get some help with my self-discipline for summer writing :-).
We’re happy to have you writing with us, Susan!
Retired Teacher & Curriculum Consultant
Welcome, Joanne!
HI Kate!
This is a great idea! I’m really looking forward to doing some writing & getting feedback.
1. Natalee Stotz
2. Head of High School, Humanities teacher at Windham Christian Academy, Windham, ME
3. @nataleestotz
Hurray! Happy you’re joining us, Natalee!
Angela Redden
8th Grade Language Arts Teacher
Dickson, Tennessee
Hi, Angela! Welcome!
Thank you, Kate. I am looking forward to this.
I am looking forward to improving my writing skills. I plan on taking classes online for my MA and I hope this will really help me. Plus I tell my students to continue learning over the summer, I need to also…lol
Terrific, Linda! Glad you’re on board.
I’m excited for this project and hoping it will kick-start my summer writing!
My name is Jen Kasyan and I am a K-6 librarian in Oradell, NJ.
Twitter: @jmk6
(Neglected) Blog: http://thelibraryhero.blogspot.com/
Happy to have you join us, Jen!
What a great way for us to practice what we preach! My name is Angela Jones and I teach fifth grade in Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Twitter @Jones4225
So glad you’ll be writing with us this summer, Angela!
Mara Southorn
6-8 Reading Specialist, Naperville, IL
No website yet!
Welcome, Mara!
I’ll be teaching 6th grade this next school year with son’s charter school.
I’m @ixtumea on Twitter
I’m excited to be a part of this!
Congrats, Kim – I didn’t know that! Happy to have you here!
Retired 8th grade English teacher who wants to write and needs the structure of something like this! I also like the idea of a schedule..even in the summer. How nice of you to encourage all of us. No Twitter , no Blog, just a head full of ideas!
A head full of ideas is all that’s required – welcome!
I’m so excited. Sign me up.
Kay McGriff. I teach 8th grade language arts in North Vernon, IN. I’m on Twitter as @kaymcgriff. My blog is http://kaymcgriff.edublogs.org.
Great to have you, Kay!
Your name: Emily S.
Your role and city/town where you work: Elementary Education graduate student, soon to be student teaching in Rexburg, Idaho
Your Twitter name, if you’re on Twitter: @Darth_Chic
Your blog or website, if you have one: http://www.emsreviewsbooks.com/
This is fantastic! I’m so excited to be a part of this…I’m almost done with my graduate program and working on writing my own novel. This will be perfect. Thank you!!
I’m so glad you’re joining us, Emily – welcome!
Hi Kate
So excited for this opportunity.
Karen Cingiser
3rd and 4th grade teach in Moretown, Vermont
No blog at the moment…perhaps this will push me to blog again
So glad you’ll be writing with us this summer, Karen!
Name: Dana Schreiner
Role: Currently a literacy coach in a K-6 building but I am going back to teaching next year and will be teaching English as a Second Language to students in grade K as well as students new to country in grades 4, 5, and 6 during the 2012-2013 school year.
Twitter: @teacherdbs
Blogs: shewritesbecause.blogspot.com, cvliteracy.blogspot.com,
This is awesome Katie! Thank you!!!
I meant Kate (typing to fast)
Oh… and I am in a suburb of Minneapolis (I need to learn to read/write directions)
Glad you’re joining us, Dana! (And no worries…I answer to most variation of Kate!)
Michelle Kane
8th grade English and 7th grade Reading
No Twitter or website yet
I am also an aspiring writer and got.my degree in Writing for Children from Simmons!
Welcome, Michelle! Did you work with Jo Knowles at Simmons? She’s a friend and a guest author for camp!
I saw this floating around the Twitter-verse and thought it sounded like a great idea!
I’m hardly a writer, but love to teach it, so why not?
My name is Darin Johnston, and right now, I’m a 5th grade literacy and science teacher in Elgin, Iowa but this may change at any second!
Thanks for giving us this opportunity to stretch our minds this summer!
Twitter name: @AnIowaTeacher
My blog: http://iowaconflictedteacher.wordpress.com/
Welcome, Darin!
Lori Trisler
5th grade teacher
Wichita, KS
Looking forward to rediscovering an old love.
Your comment made me smile – I spent a long time away from fiction writing in my 20s & rediscovered stories in my 30s. Hope you have a great summer with us!
Tammy Egesdal
4th grade teacher
Twitter name @tegesdal
Blog http://www.mrsegesdal.blogspot.com
Thanks again for offering so much to teachers. The kids enjoyed your author skype.
Thanks, Tammy! And welcome to writing camp!
I am a grade K-12 Library Media Specialist.
Twitter: @cjd1030
No website at this time
Thanks so much for the opportunity to learn and grow.
Thanks, Cathy! Happy to have you join us in writing this summer!
Jane Simons
I teach in England but teach English to kids aged 11-18
http://moatedgrange-mariana.blogspot.com/ (But I don’t update it as much as I should)
Welcome, Jane!
My name is Angie Miller and I love Kate.
Busy this summer, but committed to writing…
Middle School ELA Teacher, Holderness, NH
And I love you right back. (Angie is one of my friends & fellow speakers from the 2012 TED Conference, everybody!) Glad you’re joining us!
Hi Kate;
I am a Public Librarian for all ages. We run a writing group for adults once a week, and this would be great to keep myself creative. Thanks. I don’t have twitter, but I do email
Welcome, Tara!
This is JUST what I need this summer! I want to do more writing but don’t make the time to do so. Thank you!
I teach 4th/5th grade at an independent school in Philadelphia, PA.
musingteacher is my twitter name.
I have a blog but haven’t posted anything in a while. (http://musingteacher.wordpress.com/)
You’re in luck – our first topic (on Monday!) is about making time. Welcome!
Rebecca Stephenson
6th grade language arts in Winchester, VA
Twitter: MsAvonlea (Though I’m a relative twitter newbie)
Blog: http://readerswritersworkshop.blogspot.com/
What a great idea! I have always enjoyed writing, but often need motivation to actually make time for it like I should. Hopefully this will help.
Welcome, Rebecca!
Kathy M Burnette, middle school media specialist (6-8)
Granger, In
Twitter: @thebrainlair
Blog: http://www.thebrainlair.com
Hurray! Glad you’re joining us, Kathy!
Hooray! It’s my goal to write every day this summer, and I have a feeling this will be fantastic motivation.
1. Megan Dincher
2. I’m actually a pre-service teacher studying at Miami University to teach high school English, and I’ll be student teaching abroad in Luxembourg in the fall.
3. @mdinch
4. Don’t have one–yet!
That’s a great goal – I think you’ll like it here.
I’m so excited for this! It’s just what I need this summer
My name: Brian Wyzlic
My role: 7th and 8th grade literature teacher in Ann Arbor, MI
Twitter: @brianwyzlic
Website: wyzreads.wordpress.com
Welcome, Brian!
What a fantastic opportunity!
I am Head of Modern Languages and Director of eLearning at Berkhamsted School, UK. I teach 11-18 year olds French and Spanish.
Twitter: @elearninglaura
Blog: elearninglaura.net
Great to meet you, Laura – I’m glad you’re joining us!
Hi! This sounds like a great summer project! My name is Kim Vance, @mrsvance on twitter. Currently without a blog, although, I hope to correct that this summer also. I am at St. Boniface Catholic school in Cincinnati, OH. I teach English LA for grade 6 and Social Studies for grade 6 – 8. Looking forward to this project.
Welcome, Kim!
When it come to reading I most definitely “walk the walk” but writing scares me senseless! So, it’s time to face my fears…thanks for the opportunity!
Susan Dee
4th/5th Grade teacher
Biddeford Intermediate School, Biddeford, ME
There’s nothing to be afraid of – I suspect if you read & teach, you’re already a writer. You just need to get comfortable calling yourself one!
I am an 8th grade ELA teacher who desperately needs to devote more time to writing. I am looking forward to this opportunity. Thank you for making it happen.
Twitter name @aldc2
Welcome, Angie!
Kelli Traber
fourth grade, Dublin City Schools, Dublin, Ohio
Twitter: @kellitraber
Blog: http://kellitrabertalks.blogspot.com
Thanks so much!
Welcome, Kelli!
Kerry Ciccone
3rd grade teacher
This is exactly what I need to be a better teacher of writing! Thanks.
Welcome, Kerry!
Excited and nervous to join
Meghan Fatouros
PK-5 elementary school librarian. Arlington, VA
Twitter: mmflibrary
Don’t be nervous – you’ll be among kindred spirits & friends. Welcome!
7 & 8 Language Arts Teacher
Welcome, Allie!
Susan Wright
6th Grade Reading Teacher
Rowlett (Dallas), TX
Twitter: @wrightsb32
An avid reader who is always being told
I should write a book! Maybe I should.
Thought this would be a good place to start.
Thanks for doing this! Authors are the nicest people!
We think teachers & librarians are the nicest people. Glad you’re joining us!
Sarah W.
K-4 Librarian in WI
Happy that you’re joining us!
Catherine Larkins
Library Media Specialist 6th-8th
Sierra Nevada Mtns., CA
Welcome, Catherine!
I am very excited!
April Pameticky
7th Grade Language Arts, Wichita, KS
We’re all excited, too!
5th grade
Twitter -kkilpatrick7
No blog, yet, hoping to get it together this summer
I am so thrilled to be working with you and the amazing teachers on Twitter. Yeah for writing camp!
Thanks – I’m thrilled to be working with all of you, too!
I’m in! Thanks so much for doing this, Kate! I also passed the word on to a few teacher friends.
Your name: Sarah
Your role: HS English teacher/ Lincroft, NJ
Your Twitter name, if you’re on Twitter: @thereadingzone
Your blog or website, if you have one: thereadingzone.wordpress.com
Welcome, Sarah! Great to have you joining us.
Best. Idea. Ever.
Thank YOU, Kate!
My name: Cindy Minnich
My role: HS English teacher/Elizabethville, PA
My Twitter name: @cbethm
My blog: http://www.chartingbythestars.wordpress.com
Glad you’re joining us, Cindy!
Name: Shauna Hamman
Role: Next year I’ll be teaching 3rd grade (previously 5th)
Twitter name: @shammanaj
Blog: http://blogs.goaj.org/mrshamman/
I’m looking forward to this! Thank you!
Welcome, Shauna!
Yay! Just what I needed!
1. Audrey
2. in between roles..may be a high school English teacher OR may be a high school library/ media specialist when we come back in August. Who knows?!
3. twitter audreyw222 (I think?)
4. readwriteteachlearn.blogspot.com
Welcome, Audrey!
I teach 11th and 12th grade English in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. This sounds like a great plan — I’ll do my best to write something this summer!
Great – welcome!
Hi Kate,
I’m excited! A very observant parent of a student called me today to tell me about your writing camp. I was thrilled.
I’m Denise Krebs
I teach 7th-8th grade in a small school in Granville, Iowa–language arts and social studies and one science thrown in for fun.
Twitter: @mrsdkrebs
Blog: http://mrsdkrebs.edublogs.org
Thanks again. Looking forward to it!
Welcome, Denise! I’m so glad your parent passed along the link!
Thank you Kate for such an exciting (and nervous-making) opportunity!
I am:
Laura Phelps
K-5 Librarian
Phippsburg, ME.
Don’t be nervous – you’re among kindred spirits & friends here.
Thank you for this opportunity!
Michelle Copland
Grade 4 teacher-Westborough, MA
Twitter name: mdcopland
Glad you’re joining us, Michelle!
Kim Douillard
multiage grades 1,2,3 Cardiff, CA
1. Kim Douillard
2. multiage grades 1,2,3 Cardiff, CA
3. @kd0602
4. http://www.cardiffschools.com//Domain/70
Hi, Kim! Great to have you joining us!
Writing Camp sounds fantastic and the perfect addition to my summer plans. Looking forward to sharpening my skills to benefit teachers, students, and myself!
Thank you!!
Name: Kellie
Role: Reading Specialist
Town: Lake Bluff, IL
Twitter: @kellie_bae
What a great idea! I just decided to plan out a summer schedule for writing, so thanks, I’d love to join! I heard you at NESCBWI this year and you were great, and I’ve used your Real Revision book for my own inspiration and recommended it to teachers. I’m a K-5 library teacher in Wellesley, MA and have been writing a blog in the voice of my stubborn foxhound for almost three years: http://dreamsdudog.blogspot.com
Thanks, Lisa! Glad to have you writing with us!
Name: Terry Turner
Role: Currently working as a paraeducator in a self contained preschool class in Essex, CT. (Awesome job). I finished my certification for school librarianship this year (I already had my MLS) and am applying for jobs as a library media specialist, so I’m pretty sure I kind of qualify for this, right?
Twitter: I have a name somewhere but don’t participate.
Website: I have a blog at http://cynical-baby.blogspot.com but of course, I haven’t blogged since January, and if I had the discipline to blog more regularly I might not be needing a course like this so desperately.
I was sent here by a post on Loree Griffin Burns’ facebook page.
Thank you!
You absolutely qualify – welcome!
Name: Bobbi Capwell
Role:Technology Integration Specialist at 2 PK -5 Title 1 schools
Just started my blog. I am not a writer and excited to do this camp. Thanks for doing this.
Thanks, Bobbi – and welcome! I’m excited, too!
11th Grade English and AP English Language and Composition
Happy to see you here, friend! You are already a role model for so many.
Wendy Weisel-Bosworth
6th Grade Teacher, Encinitas, California
Welcome, Wendy!
Jan Jarrell
Community College English & ESOL
No blog or web site
Super happy that you’re doing this! Thanks!
Welcome, Jan!
What a wonderful idea! Thanks for the opportunity. My name is Athena Meacham. I teach 2nd grade in Roseville, CA.
Welcome, Athena!
Name: Bobbie Williams
Role: Retired elementary teacher
Welcome, Bobbie!
Name: Andy Starowicz
Role: Sixth grade language arts and social studies teacher
Twitter: Don’t use (I hope that is okay?)
Blog/Website: http://www.ajswrite.livejournal.com/ AND http://www.quia.com/pages/starowicz.html
I am so excited about this opportunity. This opportunity came at the perfect timing – I am currently getting the “end of the school year” blues. THANK YOU!
Hi, Andy! I’m so glad you’ll be writing with us this summer!
This sounds like fun! I am a Teacher Consultant for the Area 3 Writing Project. I teach 4th grade. This is my 37th year of teaching (yes, I AM old)!
Happy to have you join us!
What an incredible idea, Kate. I can’t wait to participate and share with every teacher I know. Thanks for the opportunity.
Donna Santman
Literacy Consultant / Author
Home Base: NYC
Work – all over USA
Welcome, Donna!
Hi Donna! I believe we worked together a looooong time ago. I believe you were a consultant through Teacher’s College?
I’m in!
Jennifer Sisul
Principal- Robinson Elementary, Kirkwood, Missouri
Twitter: ok, I have no idea, I just stay logged in so I can read smart people’s wise words.
Happy to have you join us, Jennifer!
1. Ashley
2. 10th grade English, 12th grade English, Journalism, Composition, and Yearbook
3. @ashleybz
4. No blog at the moment!
Happy you’re joining us, Ashley!
Terre Holland
Language Arts/reading (6-8)
Twitter: @terreholland
Welcome, Terre!
I’m Marquin Parks. I am a 5th grade teacher, author, and consultant with the NWP
I would love to participate as much as possible. My writing goal for this summer is to finish my 6th chapter book and get book two ready to be published. I am willing to write and available to speak as an author.
Welcome, Marquin!
Hi! I req. to join the FB group.
I’m Barbara in real life but am also MISS BARB to bunches of munchkins in my job as a children’s librarian in a public library in North Huntingdon PA. Summer is my BUSIEST time since school is out, and I have to run my Summer Reading program, but I do submit to a local paper every few weeks and would like to start writing more, so I welcome feedback.
Happy you’re joining us, Barb!
I am a Learning Disabilities Specialist at Hollis Upper Elementary School, Hollis ,NH
Twitter: nancy55
This is an exciting opportunity! Thank you, Nancy
I’m glad you’re joining us, Nancy – welcome!
Hi, Kate. Thanks for doing this. Because I have no sense, I’m teaching summer school, which makes me wonder how well I’ll keep up here. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Let’s go.
1. Gary Anderson
2. High school English teacher
3. Palatine, Illinois
4. Twitter: @AndersonG
5. My blog: http://whatsnotwrong.wordpress.com
The great thing about virtual writing camp is that you can show up when you can show up. Open 24-hours. That sort of thing. Glad you’re joining us!
I currently teach 5th grade ELA at Monument Valley Middle School in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. I’m @gilkatgil on twitter and blog at http://kathgillis.wordpress.com/ (Gillis and Her Big Mouth). I’m excited to do this, although my summer vacation doesn’t begin until June 20th!
It’s fine if you join us later on – no worries!
Yay! I’ll be involved (in and out because of travels) as much as possible.
Kristy Dempsey
Preschool – 12th grade
American School of Belo Horizonte
Thanks so much for this opportunity to learn with other teachers and authors!
1. Tracy Cress
2. 7th grade ELA / Near Charlotte, NC
3. Twitter name is @tcressteacher
4. My blog is http://4blocksaday.blogspot.com
I’m so looking forward to #Teacherswrite!
Hi, Tracy! Welcome!
Yay! This sounds like fun!
Joy Olenick
6th Grade Literacy Coach
Council Bluffs, IA
Twitter: @JoyOlenick
Hi, Joy! Welcome!
I’m excited about this!! I’m a K-2 Literacy Coordinator and Coach. I am co-teaching in a Kindergarten next year and can’t wait! I work in Apalachin, New York.
Twitter— @Pamhrtn
Welcome, Pam!
Hi Kate!
Scrolling through all of the participants, I can now see why you are feeling a little overwhelmed! Thank you for offering and coordinating this amazing opportunity.
My name is Kristin Bispels. I work at an elementary school in northern Chester County, PA. I am a Reading Specialist and teach kids from K-6th grade. On twitter, I am @KristinBispels .
My life as a writer began in the late 1970s when my 3rd grade teacher published my poem on purple ditto paper. (I still have it- is that dorky or creepy?) I aspire to be like her- a spark of inspiration to my students. I’m so excited!
I’m overwhelmed in the very best possible way – no worries. We’ll find a way to make this work with however many teachers & librarians want to sign up. I’m excited you’re joining us!
Excited about the possibilities!
Sharon Leerar
Gifted instructor/coordinator, grades 3-8
Hudsonville Christian School, Hudsonville, MI
Welcome, Sharon!
Hi, Kate! This sounds fantastic. I’m busily trying to finish a novel this summer, and this sounds like a great place to hang out.
Name: Kate Armstrong
What I Teach: 8th and 11th grade English and 11/12th grade Creative Writing (in Rockville, MD)
Twitter Name: @katejermain
Blog: http://missadventureporting.blogspot.com
Looking forward to it!
Welcome, Kate! Happy you’ll be writing with us this summer!
I am a fourth grade teacher & have been for 13 years. I keep joking that I am going to write a book with all the funny & unusual things that have happened, esp. this year. On twitter I am hshaner. I look forward to participating!
I’m glad you’re joining us, Heather!
I can’t wait to write and share! Thank you, Kate.
Rachel Harcrow
Language Arts teacher grades 6-12
from Yuma, Arizona
Welcome, Rachel!
Thanks for doing this, Kate!
Adam Shaffer
5th grade teacher
Bellingham, WA
Did you anticipate this response? Wow! You are admired and respected by many, Kate!
Happy to see you here, Adam! (And umm….no…I didn’t anticipate this response and am blown away & overwhelmed but excited. We will find a way to make this work with however many teachers/librarians want to join us, though. I think it’s great!)
Katie Wheeler
Junior High English and Theatre
Cheyenne, Wy
I love this idea! Thank you so much!
Welcome, Katie!
Beth Buchholz
5th grade teacher
Palos Verdes, CA
Happy you’re writing with us this summer, Beth!
Rachael Chapulis
9-12 Special Education Reading & English
Fort Wayne, IN
No Twitter
teacher blog: http://chapulis.blogspot.com
other blog: http://glutenfreefortwayne.blogspot.com
So glad you’re joining us, Rachael!
I have been a kinder teacher for 5 years, but am moving to 2nd in the fll. Excited, but a little scared.
Steve Slates
Reading Specialist
Wheaton, Illinois
Welcome, Steve!
I am excited to join this summer experience. I will be on vacation a lot of the summer but look forward to participating when I can.
Kristel Nichols
4th grade
Sorry forgot to say I’m in Round Rock, TX, outside of Austin.
Theresa Ahmad
3rd grade in Cerritos, CA
No twitter or website
Looking forward to rediscovering the joy of writing and improving my writing instruction!
Welcome, Theresa!
1) Maria Coble
2) I will graduate May 4, 2013 with a degree to teach English to 7th-12th grade students.
Welcome, Maria! And congratulations on your upcoming graduation – I think it’s fantastic you’re joining us now.
What a great idea and what a great opportunity. I’m in!
Melanie Meehan
Special Education teacher in suburban CT
On Twitter @melaniemeehan1
Blog at http://www.tworeflectiveteachers.blogspot.com
Hi, Melanie! Happy to see you here!
Wow, this is already an amazing group! Thanks Kate, and Jen, for doing. My summer is looking good and now this is also just fun to think about. I am a literacy coach, former longtime middle school ungraded class – independent school in Denver, CO. I’ve always written with my students, but can also always improve my writing, & I’d love support in inspiring the teachers with whom I work to write too! @LBaie
I think it’s an amazing group, too -thanks, Linda! Can’t wait to get started!
Amy Ball
4th grade ELA teacher in Texas.
I don’t have Twitter or a blog yet, but plan on joining the Facebook group.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
I am really excited about this opportunity to work with you and other Writing teachers! My name is Cheree Holmes; I teach 8th grade Language Arts in Jonesboro, GA.
5-8 language arts/reading teacher
Lake City, Florida
no twitter, but I do have Facebook where I signed up!
Welcome,Ellen! Happy you’re joining us!
1. Laurie Dean
2. 1st grade teacher, Allen, Texas
Dont have a blog site as of yet. Will work on getting one.
Literacy specialist 4th and 5th
Welcome, Deanna!
Leanna Morton
First grade teacher
Basin, Wyoming
No twitter or blog, but I did request to join the Facebook group.
Welcome, Leanna!
Magen Slesinger
Elementary School Music Teacher (K-5)
No twitter or website yet, but I’ll find you on facebook.
I’m excited about this opportunity to practice… thank you for providing!
Hi, Magen! Welcome!
Fun! *saysthereadernotthewriterbutheygonnatry*
Teacher librarian at a K-5 school in TX (GO SPURS GO!)
Hoping to get some of our staff to participate with me before your fall visit!
Awesome – welcome, Angie!
Nine years teaching sixth grade Language Arts. Would love to join. I tried on Facebook and it wouldn’t let me
Welcome, Kristi! FB group memberships go to me for approval, and I’m just catching up this morning. (So much happens on the Internet while you’re asleep!)
Melanie Cameron
Director of a small K12 Private School – I also teach a novel writing class each year (NaNoWriMo)
Twitter – hawaiiala
Laie, Hawaii
Welcome, Melanie! We’re happy to have you join us!
Thanks for doing this!
Eric Carlson
5th Grade
Buffalo, MN
Hi, Eric! Welcome!
Cassidy Zumwalt
5th grade Language Arts
No twitter or blog
Welcome, Cassidy!
I’m a high school English teacher originally from Canada but now working in Mexico City.
I teach grades 9, 11 and sometimes 12; next year’s courses are still in flux.
I can be found on Twitter under the handle @df_dixie.
Hi, Kristen! Welcome!
1. Jennifer Fountain
2. 8th and 9th grade Reading+English/Language arts in Passdena, TX
3. @jennann516
4. http://fountainreflections.wordpress.com
Hi, Jennifer! So happy to see you here!
5th grade teacher
Currently in Milan, Italy but moving to Amsterdam in August
Hi, Jessica! Welcome!
Ann Yenne
Literacy Resource Teacher
Colorado Springs, Colorado
No blog yet, but I’ve been thinking of starting one. This might just be what I need to get moving.
Welcome, Ann!
ELA teacher for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade gifted/talented students
Red Cedar Elementary School, Bluffton, SC
Twitter: virginiagp
Welcome, Virginia!
I teach sixth graders in Ashburn, VA. I am an English teacher. Thanks for this cool opportunity! I included my blog, even though it’s not focused on education. Oh and at twitter, I’m @Mhaseltine .
Thanks again!
Hi, Michelle! Happy you’re joining us!
I saw this shared on facebook and was so excited. I hope I am one of those that can qualify to participate in this summer activity.
I have a literacy/music program for early learners 3mos – 5yrs. I implement my program in ece centers in Atlanta, Ga. (I only started writing this January and have never taken a writing class. I only know I want/have to write).
Twitter: @MyLMNOP
blog: http://mylmnopreadstokids.blogspot.com
You totally qualify, and we’re happy to have you. Welcome!
1. Arpi Greco
2. Grade 4/5 teacher
3. @arpigreco
4. Website in the near future…
This is very exciting!
Hi, Arpi! Welcome!
4th Grade Teacher
Huntington Beach, CA
Thanks for doing this! I’m writing my first novel. Snippets of many exist.
Welcome, Jen! I’m glad you’re joining us!
Hi! I’m Miranda Kuykendall, and I teach 8th-10th grade ELA and composition at Spartanburg Christian Academy in SC. I tweet at @m_kuykendall . My professional blog is http://mkuykendall.blogspot.com, and my personal/writing blog is http://etchedroots.wordpress.com . Thank you for doing this, Kate!
Welcome, Miranda!
I teach fourth grade in Manhattan Beach, California.
I will also be leading professional development for Head Start teachers and paraprofessionals during the 2012-13 school year.
Welcome, Dawn! I’m glad you’re joining us!
I teach fourth grade in Concord,CA.
No Twitter or blog. I am excited to hear from middle school and high school teachers, as I feel like elementary is trying so hard to set a strong foundation in writing, but not getting too far…
Welcome, Christi!
Things I am hopeful for this summer: my entry into the world of Twitter; the start up of a new blog (or two) so that my blogs can be purposeful, rather than a jumbled all-in-one of my entire life, as is; the opportunity to connect with other writers so that I can grow as a writer, and a teacher of writing! Yippee! So excited! Thanks for arranging the opportunity!
Name: jen baumgarten
Blog: http://www.jenbaum-laughoftenlovemuch.blogspot.com
Twitter: see above – hopefully soon to come!
Role: Learning Specialist (aka – I specialize in Reading Intervention, but oversee all intervention programs in my building, and I do some coaching)
I think I have covered my bases… I hope!
Happy to have you writing with us, Jen!
This sounds like a lot of fun! Our professional development this fall will be focused on writing so I am super excited about doing this to gear up for it.
SO excited I forgot to leave my info…:-)
5th grade teacher; Twin Cedars Elementary, Bussey, Iowa
Welcome, Jayne!
This should be fun!
I teach 6th grade self contained classroom in Santa Rosa, California.
Happy to have you join us, Carol!
Can’t wait to write with a group of energetic teachers!
Welcome, Kathy! We’re happy you’re here!
Sandy B
Literacy coach, K-5, Oakland, CA
Library media specialist
Book lover, wannabe writer (so I can write with my teachers and students)
That is a great reason to be a wannabe writer (also, it’s really fun!) Welcome!
What fun! Thank you!
Deborah Bright
Upper School English Teacher
Community School of Naples
Naples, FL
Blog: spritecsn10.edublogs.org
Hi, Deborah! My parents live in Naples part of the year – I think I’ve driven by your school on a visit!
1. Carol Anne Wall
2. Adjunct professor of business and technical writing
3. Twin Cities, Minnesota
4. Twitter: @EmDashProf
5. http://www.emdashprof.com — but I haven’t posted there in a while, I’ve been busy grading and doing course re-design.
Hi, Carol! Welcome!
5th grade teacher
Penn Valley Elementary
Welcome, Maureen!
I am a literacy specialist in a K-3 building during the day and a teacher of grad students at after school and in the summer.
Stormville, NY (about an hour north of NYC)
This is a great idea. Thank you for hosting it!
Welcome, Anita!
Hi, Wanda Brown here. I am a first grade teacher in Bath, Maine. I partipate in Slice of Life each March. This sound like a great summer adventure. I see names of fellow slicers.
Hi, Wanda! Welcome!
Wow, I’m so excited for this opportunity! Thanks for offering!
Registration info:
Cheri Hart
Currently 5th grade but may change at the end of the is year
No Twitter account
No blog but it’s a goal!
Welcome, Cheri!
5/6 all subjects
Twitter name JessieTrotter
Website at my school. http://flaherty.ky.mce.schoolinsites.com/?PageName=TeacherPage&Page=4&StaffID=82847&iSection=Teachers&CorrespondingID=82847
Hi, Jessie! Great to see you here!
1)Erik Wittmer
2) 5th Grade Teacher
3) Hanover, PA
4) @ewitt43
5) http://blog.swsd.k12.pa.us/bookman/
Hi, Erik! Great to see you here!
Twitter is @glennmccarty
I teach HS ELA near Rochester, NY. Project this summer is massively revising my middle grade adventure manuscript which was “finished” this spring. Ha. I was naive enough to think it was done then. Foolish mortal.
Welcome, Glenn! I’m in Rochester most years for the children’s book festival & my husband grew up there!
Hi! I’m LeeAnn, 6-8 Instructional Coach in Michigan. Twitter name is @heyleeann and my blogs are: http://www.allthingspreteen.blogspot.com (school stuff) and http://www.compoundtales.blogspot.com (mom stuff.)
You have so many participants, I’m a bit intimidated!
Don’t be intimidated – we’re all kindred spirits and learning together. Welcome!
Karen Haddas
5th Grade
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Hi, Karen! Welcome!
I was planning on working on my writing this summer and then found this! It’s meant to be.
Thank you!
Forgot to mention I teach 3rd grade in Alachua, Florida!
Welcome, Deb! Great to have you!
I just bought Real Revision and it’s in my summer reading pile!
Kim Oldenburgh
Grade 2, College Seminar Instructor for Student Interns, Maine Writing Project Teaching Consultant
Orono, Maine
Hi, Kim! We’re going to talk about revision this summer, too, so that’s great!
Gail Stevens
7th grade language arts teacher
Wake County Public Schools, Raleigh, NC
Hi Kate,
Very excited to be a part of this endeavor! I will be busy this summer writing curriculum for the county (implementing CCSS into 7th grade language arts), but hope to find the time for some personal writing.
Welcome, Gail!
1st grade in Dallas , Tx
Twitter: @snoopie62
Hi, Kathy! Welcome!
Rachel Wahlquist
4th grade homeroom teacher
Not on Twitter (yet)
No blog (yet)
Looking forward to doing this!
Welcome, Rachel!!
Rachel Wahlquist
4th grade homeroom teacher
Berlin Brandenburg International School
Berlin, Germany
Not on Twitter (yet)
No blog (yet)
Looking forward to doing this!
Happy you’re joining us, Rachel!
I teach 2nd grade in Fairfield, Iowa.
Twitter: @cartersh
Blog: http://www.cartersecondgrade.blogspot.com
I’m so happy I stumbled across this somehow! I love writing and am excited to participate. Thanks so much!
Welcome, Shelley!
Kristen Marchese
5th Grade Teacher
Fair Haven, NJ
Thank you!
I’m glad you’re joining us, Kristen!
Martha Turner
9th and 10th grade English teacher
Mankato, Minnesota
I am Brandie T. I teach high school English (Lit, Comp, Poetry, and dual credit English 100) in rural Kentucky, and I serve as a leader for the National Writing Project.
I am excited to work with this community of writers! Thank yor for the support and encouragement!
Tracey Pinch (so excited to join!!)
7th grade Language Arts
Sherman Middle School
Holly, MI
Not a twitterer
Web page in process
Welcome, Tracey – happy to have you with us!
I teach 2nd in Ft Myers, FL
I love writing and can’t wait to participate this summer!
Welcome, Sandy! I know your part of the world well – visit my mom & dad on the Gulf Coast most Aprils!
JaNhea Stephens
Captain of the Grammar Police
Ft. Myers, Florida
Language Arts Instructor – 8th Grade
Drama Instructor – 6th, 7th, 8th Grades
My students helped me come up with a brilliant idea for a young adult novel. I am hoping to spend this summer writing it, and being part of this group may help me keep my focus.
Welcome, JaNhea! I spend some time in your part of the world most Aprils – my mom & dad live in Naples part of the year.
Thanks for offering this! I’ll be a pop in writer, but I will try to get on fairly frequently!
Pam Taylor
Full Day Kindergarten
Brampton, ON, Canada
Twitter: @spammela22
Whenever you can join us is great – welcome!
What a fantastic idea – just as I was resolving that would be my focus for the summer!
Bev Baird
Grade 3 teacher (altho next year will be 2/3)
Ontario, Canada
(not on twitter)
First grade teacher turned Instructional Coach turned Freelance Writer turning right back around to teaching 3rd and 4th graders in the writing lab in 2012-2013. Couldn’t be more excited!
Thank your loads and loads for this opportunity!
Hi. I am a special education teacher. I teach 3-5 grade at a children’s hospital in New York.
Kristina Paustian
Third Grade Teacher
Twitter: Kristina Paustian @ PaustianT
This will be my summer challenge…
It’s a summer challenge for all of us – welcome!
I’m excited to join in the merriment and fun. Can’t wait to learn something new this summer. I teach 5th grade in Waterford MI. I have a twitter account, but never posted anything on it and don’t know the name. I don’t have a blog, yet. Maybe I will be inspired to try something else new.
Hi. I am a special education teacher. I teacher 3-5 grades at a children’s hospital in New York.
Welcome, Corryn!
I am Tracey Nelson, and a 7th grade Language Arts teacher in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I am currently not on Twitter.
I implemented Kate’s Revision book last year in my classroom with great success!
Hi, Tracey! Thanks for the kind words about REAL REVISION – so glad it was helpful!
1. Anne Rochford
2. Literacy teaching and learning coach, Victoria, Australia
3. @thelitladies
Hi, Anne! Welcome!
Writing Instructor in Charlotte, NC
Welcome, Sarah! Glad you’re joining us!
Anne Marshall
6,7,8 English teacher; Tempe AZ
Can’t wait!
7th English
Windsor, CO
Welcome, Corrina!
Jennifer Hastings
6-8 Literacy Coach
Dalton, GA
Welcome,Jennifer! Happy to have you with us!
I finally scrolled all the way down. So many people, so exciting adventure. Way to tap into such a powerful group, teachers wielding their writing skills once the students leave….
1. Kenny Yim
2. High school teacher
4. Theseagullswings.blogspot.com
Welcome, Kenny!
High School Library Media Specialist
Guilderland, NY
This looks like fun!
Hi, Kelsey! We’re kind of neighbors – I live just south of Plattsburgh!
Glennda Shealey
3rd grade teacher
Welcome, Glennda!
1. TSJ
2. Middle School, Special Education Language Arts Teacher, Cranford, NJ
3. No Twitter account
4. I LOVE writing and am excited to join the group!
Welcome, Thais!
This is great!
7th grade Language Arts
Sterling, VA
Hi, Sarah! Glad you’re joining us!
10th grade English
Hi, Mallory – welcome!
Yay! Summer camp for teachers that sounds like fun!
Bernadette Vitale
4th Grade Language Arts teacher, Ocean Springs, MS
@bernrice (don’t do much with this though)
haven’t figured out the blog thing yet
Thank you for doing this!
Welcome, Bernadette!
1. Monica McCormack
2. Gifted Resource Teacher; located in Fussa, Japan (at a US Air Base)
3. N/A
4. N/A
Can’t wait to see what we learn!
Welcome, Monica!
2nd grade teacher
Looking forward to helpful tips to teach writing…
Welcome, Gemma!
Hi! I’m a 5th grade teacher at West Hill School in Rocky Hill, CT. And this school year will be the completion of my 34th year in Rocky Hill! I can’t quite believe it! I only wish that all the opportunities, such as this writing camp, that technology has to offer was around 34 years ago. New teachers are very lucky.
I am very excited to have this chance to write and learn. Looking forward to it!
Welcome,Lucy! We’re happy to have you with us!
Please sign me up for the Writer’s camp! I am a high school librarian and former English teacher. I was one of the first district trainer’s for the New Jersey Writing Project in Texas. I miss time to write!
My twitter name is dlpierce2.
This sounds like fun! Thank you!
6th grade reading
Haysville, Kansas
This sounds like fun! Thank you!
Welcome, Brett!
Tonya Stivers
7th grade English/Language Arts
Oldham County Middle School
Don’t twitter
Website being rebuilt
Very excited about this opportunity. I will be unable to attend the first full week, but can start up on the 10th.
Welcome, Tonya! Just join us when you can – we’ll keep your lemonade cold.
1. Megan Van Loon
2. 7th Grade LA/LIT Teacher, Arlington Heights, IL until June 6th then transitioning out to Seattle, WA.
I can’t wait to start this as my summer project!
Welcome, Megan!
1. Terri Stauffer
2. 6th grade language arts and 8th grade reading teacher
3. East Clinton Middle School, Lees Creek, Ohio
4. @terristauffer
5. No blog. I love reading other blogs.
I can’t wait to learn more for everyone.
I can’t wait to learn more FROM everyone! LOL
Me too, Terri – welcome!
Thank you for this opportunity!
Wendy Fairon
Chico Country Day School in northern California
7th and 8th grade English
Welcome, Wendy!!
Hooray! This sounds like the perfect summer writing plan!
Laura Komos
1st grade teacher
Lake in the Hills, Illinois
Welcome, Laura – glad you’re joining us!
8th Grade ELA
Not on Twitter
Welcome, Pamela!!
My assignment was changed from 8th grade Spanish to 5th grade ELA! This will be a huge help to get me ready for teaching writing this fall.
Boone Middle School
5h Grade ELA and Social Studies
I don’t twitter or blog (yet).
Perfect! Welcome, Gloria!
Melissa Ackerman
middle school English Language Arts, Spreckels, CA
Welcome, Melissa! So glad you’re joining us!
Maya Woodall
6th Grade Language Arts
@mayawoodall (I follow, but I don’t tweet much. Limiting myself to so few characters is tough)
Welcome, Maya!
1. Sabrina
2. 6th Grade Special Ed/Oconomowoc, WI
3. No Twitter
Welcome, Sabrina!
Susan 7th grade ELA

Hamilton, Virginia
Twitter name: sfm00sfm
I’m so excited about this opportunity. THank you! (I’m in London from June 21-July 12 but I may be able to check in there.)
Welcome, Susan – and no worries at all if you need to miss a week or two. Most of our summers are like that, I think.
1. Gerard Sukhram
2. Still in school, getting my masters in teaching!
3. Well, I go to the University of South Florida.
4. @GerardSukhram
5. gerardwrites.wordpress.com though I haven’t used it much yet.
This sounds awesome! Thanks for doing this
Welcome, Gerard!
Love Twitter! @meg_allison and I also manage @MoretownSchool
I am the library teacher and technology integration specialist. Looking to make a new blog for reflection and resource sharing. The one listed is one I use to blog with my students.
*See* you on Skype next week
Hi, Meg! So happy you’ll be writing with us this summer!
Can’t wait!
6-8 Language Arts and Reading Teacher
7th Grade Religion
Green Bay, WI
Welcome, Samantha!
I am so excited you are hosting this summer camp! I have heard you speak at several conferences and my own girls love your books.
Georgia Parker
English 8 Teacher @ Trinity Prep School
Winter Park, Florida
Thanks, Georgia! Happy to have you writing with us this summer!
1st grade Spanish immersion teacher
New Britain, CT
Welcome, Danae!
Thanks so much for doing this. I need an outside motivator.
Glenda Funk
English and speech teacher: 9-12; Early College Program
Welcome, Glenda!
I’m in! And just so you know, Kate, this is one more reason why you’re my hero.
My info:
Ruth Ayres
K-12 Writing Coach
http://ruthayreswrites.blogspot.com; http://twowritingteachers.wordpress.com
Aw, thank you – and know that the respect is mutual. So glad you’ll be writing with us!
Kate- You rock! Thanks so much to you and all the other authors for givng so generously of your time!
1. Teresa Bunner
2. Academic Support Specialist (and 20yr veteran classroom teacher). I will actually be hosting a 4 day writing camp in July for our high schoolers!
3. @rdngteach
4. Uh, yeah, my blog. Think I’ll wait to share that until I start doing some writing. It has cobwebs!
Can’t wait!!!
Hurray! Happy you’ll be writing with us!
I am a retired elementary school teacher and worked in our district’s curriculum office. Currently I am living in Iowa and volunteer in an area elementary school.
Happy to have you join us, Barbara!
High School English Teacher
South Riding, Va
twitter name @vonegt
Welcome, Katheryn!
Beth Friese
My “role” is in flux right now. I’m a Library Media Specialist who is about to finish her PhD. Looking for a place to land!
I’m @librarybeth on twitter.
Looking forward to being a part of this community!
We’re happy to have you joining us, Beth!
Nancy Kampfe
Retired English teacher with 30 years experience, most recently taught ninth graders.
I live in South Dakota and substitute teach regularly.
What a wonderful opportunity this is for me to get back to daily writing! Thank you, Kate.
Welcome, Nancy!!
So…I was sitting here planning how to start a writers group of teachers in our school district and wondering if I would get any responses and WHAM! This invitation falls in my lap. Some things are just meant to be. Thank you, Kate, for hosting this!
Mary Meihaus
K-5 Library Media Specialist
Kirkwood School District
St. Louis, Mo.
No tweet, no blog, no website
Perfect! Thanks, Mary – and welcome!
Tracey Shuckhart
Fourth Grade-
Rock Hill, SC
Blog- http://msshuckhartsclassroomblog.blogspot.com/
Hi, Tracey! Welcome!!
Susan Spengeman
I teach AP Literature, 10 Honors, Introduction to Journalism, and Newspaper in Loudoun County. Ever since attending the Northern Virginia Writing Project, I always say I’m going to start writing again, but something always gets in the way. This sounds perfect to help motivate me to write this summer.
Great! Welcome, Susan!
Tara Little
4th grade teacher
Welcome, Tara – glad you’re joining us!
Carol Ann Osler
I teach little ones in Head Start.
Salt Lake City, Ut.
I am so excited.
Welcome, Carol Ann!
Hello! I am a student teacher. Is it possible for me to do this or is it just for full time teachers?
You are absolutely welcome to join us, Arwyn!
What a great opportunity! Thanks for arranging it! Here’s my information:
1. Colleen Milligan
2. 6th/7th Grade Language Arts teacher
3. Have Twitter acct., but can’t find it..arrghhh!
4. Have blog, but have neglected it….as you can see…I need this!
Welcome, Colleen!
Beverly Vyule
1st grade teacher
Sounds awesome…can’t wait!
Happy to have you join us, Beverly!
2. 9th grade Regular and Honors Comm Arts in Overland Park, KS.
Welcome, Cynthia!
Sounds like my cup of tea!
Great! Welcome, Linda!
Jaime Mendelis
Instructional Coach / 8th grade ELA
Owego-Apalachin Middle School, Owego, NY
So excited!
Welcome, Jamie!
Melissa Edwards
Instructional Resource Specialist (work with teachers to use technology in classrooms and used to teach 4th grade) in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, NC
Twitter: @mwedwards
Blog: http://www.melissaedwards.org
Hi, Melissa! Welcome!
Hi Kate –
I’d love to help you as a guest published author. Let me know what might work best for you.
What a great idea!!!
Jean Reidy
Would love your help, Jean – Could you drop me an email at kmessner at kate messner dot com & I’ll send info?
Wow, this is awesome! I’m happy to see several of my friends from Slice of Life Tuesdays here!
I’m Jennifer Mitchell.
Through tomorrow, I’m a 6th & 7th grade Spanish teacher. Next year I’m plunging into teaching high school ELL, which is why this is perfect for me — I need all the help I can get this summer from wonderful teachers of writing! I teach in Dublin, OH.
Not on Twitter because I already feel like I’m drowning in ideas!
I blog at http://ihabloespanglish.blogspot.com/
Welcome! Happy to have you join us, Jennifer!
Thanx Kate!
Welcome, Nuria!
thanx! ready to get started!
1.Diana Knight
2. K-8 Library Media Specialist in Oak Creek, WI.
Hi, Diana! Welcome!
1. Mrs. S
2. 1st/2nd grade teacher all subjects
3. no twitter
4. website tbd
Welcome, Nancy! Happy to have you writing with us this summer!
This is definitely something I need to do, no matter how nervous it makes me. Here is my information:
1. Heidi Schone
2. 5th Grade teacher and 5-8 Spanish teacher in Appleton, WI
3. I am not a tweeter.
4. I do not have a website.
I just started teaching Writing Workshop in my room, and I am desperately in need of new ideas and ways to help the students in their writing. I am very new to the writing workshop model and could use all the help I can get.
I have a question. Do you email us something everyday or do we need to check the website everyday? I only ask because I will admit that I can be a little forgetful.
I will do my best though! Thank you for taking the time out of your summer to help the teaching community, and our students in the process. What a blessing this will be to many teachers! I am excited to be a part of it!
I will not be emailing anything – I’ll be posting here on weekdays, and you’re welcome to join us whenever you remember. No worries if you miss a few days!
This is definitely something I need to do, no matter how nervous I am. Here is my information:
1. Heidi Schone
2. 5th Grade teacher and 5-8 Spanish teacher in Appleton, WI
3. I am not a tweeter.
4. I do not have a website.
I just want to let you know that I can be a bit forgetful, but I will do my best to check in everyday! Thank you for taking time out of your summer to help the teaching community, and our students as well. What a blessing you will be to many teachers and schools! I look forward to this opportunity to learn and grow!
Sorry! I commented twice. The first didn’t go through right away, and I found the answer to my question. Please disregard the first message.
Heidi, don’t be nervous – you’re among kindred spirits and friends here. We’re happy to have you join us!
Becky Wojahn (aka W.H. Beck)
K-5 school librarian/middle grade author
Would love to help out as a published author/teacher/librarian!
Thank you!!
This sounds like a great idea (and a lot of fun!).
Natalie D
High School English Teacher — Hershey PA
Welcome, Natalie!!
Hi Kate, I am a big fan of your books. This is a very cool thing you are doing for teachers and librarians. Unfortunately, I am neither of those, just a pre-published pb writer. I look forward to reading your posts and doing the assignments. My understanding is that I can follow along but can’t ask questions or ask for feedback, correct? Thanks!
1. Darshana Khiani
2. Neither, just an aspiring PB writer learning her craft
3. @darshanakhiani
4. http://www.flowering-minds.com
That’s how I’m working it for now, Darshana – just because we have so many teachers/librarians signed up and I really want it to be a professional development opportunity for them. But – Gae’s Feedback Friday on her blog is open to everyone, and all the posts here are public, so we’re more than happy to have you following along
Sounds like fun. Count me in!
Grade 1 Teacher, Ontario, Canadad
Wired Like That
Thanks for this great opportunity!
Welcome, Michelle! Glad you’ll be joining us!
WOW! What a great opportunity for PD with so many teachers. I can’t wait to begin and am in the process of recruiting fellow teachers in my building.
I am a reading specialist at Sweet Home Middle School in Amherst, NY
Twitter name: tdmann4
Welcome, Dina! I grew up in Western NY and remember playing volleyball against Sweet Home in high school (they were always SO good!)
Becky Wojahn (aka W.H. Beck)
K-5 librarian/middle grade author
Hi, would love to join in, either as a published writer or teacher/librarian!
Welcome! How about if you join us wearing both hats?
My name is Catie Krautsack. I am a fifth grade self contained teacher in Buffalo, New York. I’m always looking for ways to improve writing in my classroom. This is an awesome way to keep my mind active over summer! My twitter name is @Catie_Krautsack. Thanks again!
Welcome, Catie! I grew up not too far from you, in Medina.
Kristie Schmidt
HS English: AP Lang & Comp, World Lit, Intro to Media
no blog yet
Welcome, Kristie!!
Ann Marie Cleary
4th now but 5th next year
Prospect CT
Welcome,Ann Marie!
I teach third and fourth grade in New Effington, South Dakota
Cheryl Lazarus
4th grade teacher
so excited!!!!
Welcome, Cheryl!!
I am an ELA consultant for secondary school. I work with middle and high school teachers and teach literacy instruction.
I am not on twitter, but will check out the Facebook group!
Thank you.
Hi, Anne! Welcome!!
Hi Kate,
I love this idea and thank you for giving up your time for us to help with writing and instruction. I teach 10th grade in a rural town near Hickory, NC.
Twitter: @smccabe29
Stephanie McCabe
Welcome, Stephanie!!
oops wrong twitter….its @calazarus
Your – Ashley S
Your role – 4th/5th grade teacher
Your Twitter name – ashmk31
SOUNDS FUN! I’m graduating in a week with my bachelors and teaching certification!
Welcome,Ashley – and congratulations!
My name is Cynthia Colletta-Schloss
Literacy Instructior
Cicero Public Schools, Cicero, Illinois.
I am interested in the summer writing camp for both personal and professional reasons.
Thank you for doing this!!!
Welcome, Cynthia!!
This sounds great….thank you
Carla Sulli
4th grade teacher Rancho Cucamonga, California
Paula Tremba
4th grade teacher Charles Town, WV
I don’t twitter or blog. Will that be a problem? I did join the group on Facebook.
No problem if you’re not on Twitter – you can do everything here on the blog. Welcome, Paula!
Hi! My name is Rhonda Tate and I teach 6 and 7 Writing (as well as 6, 7, and 8 Science) in Dedham, Maine. In my pre-teaching life I was a freelance journalist so I am excited to dip my toes back in to the grown-up writing world! Thanks for organizing this!
Welcome,Rhonda! I was a journalist, too – spent seven years in TV news before I went back to school to teach and eventually found my way to writing fiction.
Your name: Kim Leimer
Your role: K-8 ELL Specialist
Your Twitter name, if you’re on Twitter: @kleimer40
I can’t wait! I participated in the RI Writing Project a few years ago, and loved it. Thank you!
What a super idea!
Royanne Baer
7th Grade ELA/MYP Language A
Ridgeview Charter School
Atlanta, GA
I have a Twitter but never use it, just haven’t seen the benefit yet.
Switched my Website to Edmodo this year — http://www.edmodo.com/baerr
Welcome, Royanne!
Gr 4
Welcome, Ginger!
Kelly Mogk
4th Grade general ed, NWP Teacher Consultant, aspiring author
Super excited!!
Welcome, Kelly! So glad you’ll be joining us!
Looking forward to a Writing Workshop for teachers!
I teach ELA 7th and 8th Grades
Hancock, Maine, USA
Welcome, Jacquie!
K-12 ELL in Ann Arbor, Michigan
This sounds wonderful!
Welcome, Jaana!
Kate, Thank you for offering and organizing this writing camp for all of us!
Melanie Swider
5th grade teacher in CT
Twitter: @MelanieSwider
Blog: http://tworeflectiveteachers.blogspot.com
Kate, Thank you for offering and organizing this writing camp for all of us!
Melanie Swider
5th grade teacher in CT
Twitter: @MelanieSwider
Blog: http://tworeflectiveteachers.blogspot.com
Hurray! Great to see you here, Melanie!
Thanks so much. I am a coach and this could really help me.
Hi, Debbie! Glad you’re writing with us!
Welcome!! Great to have you with us!
Amy Gambino
10th and 12th grade English
Working on a blog……
Welcome, Amy!!
Where in Buffalo?
Forgot to include I am in Buffalo, NY
Sounds wonderful-how does it work?
The intro post should explain pretty much everything – you’re welcome to join us!
Oops- I also forgot to write that I am a writing coach at an elementary school in South Florida!
Fifth grade teacher teaching reading/writing to my own class and math to 3 sections of fifth grade in Duluth, Mn. Every year I resolve to do a better job with writing, and hope this can help!
Twitter name: SauerDW
Happy to have you writing with us, Debbie!
8th grade ELA
Grass Lake, MI
Welcome, Angela!!
Hi! So excited for this! I’m leaving the classroom (4th grade) to become a full-time instructional coach after my maternity leave this summer. I know I’ll have my hands full with a new baby, but the flexibility will give me a chance to keep writing and in touch with other teachers:)
thank you!
Kirsten Shrout Fernandes
Instructional Coach, Grades 3-5
Rhode Island
I have fond memories of writing one of my first books with a baby in my lap. (She’s ten now & writes with me!) Welcome!
Looking forward to participating.
Linda Biondi
5th Grade teacher-all subjects
Robbinsville, NJ
Pond Road Middle School
Welcome, Linda!!
2nd grade at Sunrise Elementary in Appleton, Wi
I’ll be joining the group through Facebook!!
Seriously can not wait for this opportunity!!
Welcome, Jennifer! Daily posts will be here on my blog & I’ll try to post each day to the FB page with links, too.
Denise Cooper
First grade teacher at Bright School, Chattanooga,TN
Can’t wait!
Welcome, Denise!!
Sounds great!! Thanks so much for doing this!!
I teach 4th grade in Florida, so I prepare my students for the state writing test.
On Twitter I am @mhutcheson.
Thanks, Kate!! Looking forward to a great summer of writing!!
Welcome, MaryAnne!
What an amazing opportunity that you and others are organizing. Thank you, in advance, for sharing your passion and expertise! I am a 4th grade teacher who works with kids in Central Falls, Rhode Island.
Looking forward to having some fun writing and thinking together!
Welcome, Kathy! I’m excited to write with all of you this summer!
Hi Kate, I am so glad I came across your site. I just completed my PDP for the upcoming school year and my goals are around writing and the new common core standards. Writing is definitely an area I struggle in and nothing like the present to work on fixing that. Here’s my info:
1. Teresa Oliveira
2. 3rd grade teacher, urban district, NJ
3. my twitter name is Teresa110980
4. no website/blog
Welcome, Teresa!!
This is so exciting! I can’t wait to get started. My name is Catherine Flynn and I’m the literacy specialist in a PreK-8 school in Sherman, Ct. I’m on twitter @flynn_catherine. I have a blog with one post from last February, but it will have more soon!
Welcome, Catherine! Glad you’ll be writing with us!
Gr 9-12 Library Media Specialist in Fulton, NY
Twitter: @wscalfaro
Blogging at: http://wscalfaro.wordpress.com
So happy to have found this!
Hi, Wendy! Welcome!!
Can’t wait to get started!
Jen Brieske
4th grade literacy teacher in Hartland, WI
Twitter: thewritingteach
Working on developing my website (www.thewritingteach.com) this summer!
Welcome, Jen! Glad to have you join us!
Looking forward to writing and growing with all of you!
Welcome, Pam!!
Pam Harris
Teach 4th grade at Robinson Elem.
No twitter
No webpage
Barb Michalesko
K-6 reading coach
Burnham School, Cicero, IL
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Barb!
4-6th grade special education teacher in the south suburbs of Chicago
Twitter: booksnooks
Can’t wait!!!
Welcome, Karen!!
Lauren “Up” – 3rd grade teacher
Central Falls, Rhode Island
I have never participated in anything like this but cannot wait!
Welcome, Lauren! I’m excited, too!
Lynette Varnon
high school English teacher in South Deerfield, MA
I live in Greenfield, MA
no twitter or current blog
Welcome, Lynette!
Thanks a bunch Kate for giving access to this writing camp to teachers from near and far and for free! Feeling so lucky to collect some new ideas and pieces in my writer’s notebook to share with my fourth graders in September.
Kelly Seperack
4th grade reading/writing teacher in Garner, NC
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Kelly!!
Hi, Kate,
I just started teaching Creative Writing this year at a local theater– my students are middle schoolers. Looking forward to gaining some new strategies and ideas!
1. Mary E. Cronin
2. Creative Writing teacher– Cape Cod, MA
3. Twitter– maryecronin
4. Your blog or website– http://maryecronin.livejournal.com/
Hi, Kate,
I started teaching creative writing at a local theater this year– my students are middle schoolers. I am looking forward to gaining some new strategies and ideas!
1. Mary E. Cronin
2. Creative writing teacher– Cape Cod, MA
3. Twitter– maryecronin
4. Blog– http://maryecronin.livejournal.com/
Hi, Mary! So happy you’re joining us!!
Katie Delaney
7-12 ELA Teacher Central City Iowa
This will be a great opportunity! Thanks!
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Katie!
I am a national children’s literacy consultant with a passion for teaching/coaching writing. I’m from Huntsville, AL and have five picture books in my head just waiting to come out. I am also a professional author with three published titles for librarians and teachers and parents – home base is Huntsville, AL
website included above. I’ve some blogs that have been neglected for a while (one for parents reading with children of all ages, one for preschool teachers and one for K-12 teachers) but I’m hoping to start them back up this summer (see my website for details).
Welcome, Cathy!
What an exciting and slightly intimidating idea! I am a literacy consultant (although I do not embrace that term) for the Vermont Reads Institute at the University of Vermont. I work in several elementary schools (K-6) in the state as an embedded consultant, usually for three years. I also design and present workshops and seminars on many aspects of literacy.
I look forward to this opportunity to strengthen and expand my writing skills.
You’re among friends, Pam – no need to feel intimidated. Welcome!
Hello and thank you!
Diane Greenseid
Library Aide at Loyola Village School
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Diane!
My name is Lydia Graham and I’ll be teaching students in 4th grade this year…at Tilden Hogge Elementary in Morehead, Kentucky. My (unused) Twitter account name is @GrahamLydia and I will be working to use this very soon. My webpage is…er, uh, in progress…under total reconstruction this summer. It can be found at http://www.rowan.k12.ky.us/olc/teacher.aspx?s=908 or through the Tilden Hogge Teacher Websites link on the Rowan County Schools website. I’m excited about this opportunity!
Welcome, Lydia!
Hi Kate, This is a wonderful idea. I’m looking forward to being a part of it – just hope I have something to add. I am a Literacy Leader and Reading Recovery teacher at Bradford Elementary School in Bradford, VT working with Kindergarten through 6th grade. My twitter name is @carvteach, but to show how often I use Twitter, I had to go and post something so that I could find out what it was. Pretty sad, I know. As for a blog….I had a blog once…hmmm…Buried in Books was the name…wonder what ever happened to that (shows my lack of diligence that hopefully this group will help improve).
So glad you’re writing with us this summer, Carol!
Hi Kate!
What an amazing response from so many educators! This is going to be fun! Thanks for hosting this.
Mary Bellavance
K-5 Literacy Specialist
Waterboro, Maine
Summer goal: start my own blog
It is going to be fun, isn’t it? Welcome!
I would love to do this, but I’m taking my last class for my Masters (plus it’s SUMMER!), so I can’t trust myself to check up every day on my own. BUT, if I can get an email every day, that would be completely different. Are you planning on doing an email every day?
I’m not doing emails – it’s simply a matter of checking in when you want to join us, but feel free to be sporadic about it if you have a busy summer. That’s fine.
Glad to be joining with a community of writers for the summer. Thank you, Kate!
Happy to have you writing with us!
7th grade ELA
New Albany, IN.
Welcome, Jenny!!
Scrolling and scrolling and scrolling . . . look! I finally made it to the bottom!
What an opportunity – thanks!
Michelle Nero
K-5 Reading Specialist
Northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Michelle!
Forgot my information!
Right now working for Dept of Public Instruction, NC as an Instructional Coach
Live in Charlotte, NC
Twitter: @becoming
more of a Facebook fan though
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Karen!!
This is AWESOME!
I’m Mandee Jablonski.
I teach 8th grade ELA in Georgia & work with the Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project.
I blog about books at http://www.booksandbling.com & Twitter @ohmandee
I blog about teaching at http://www.literacyeverywhere.com & Twitter @liteverywhere
I’m looking forward to writing with you this summer!
Welcome, Mandee! I’m glad you’re excited – I am, too!
Looking forward to writing this summer!
Patrice Pintarelli
4th grade teacher
Roosevelt School
Have to look Into this twitter. Signed up but haven’t had the opportunity to play.
Welcome, Patrice!
Of course I am going to take part
I may be more of a lurker at the beginning, but I’ll jump in
Middle school reading and yearbook in Orlando, FL
http://www.teachmentortexts.com (the host on Sunday :D)
1. Tanya Chiasson
2. 7th ELA, Lafayette, LA
3. not on Twitter
4. http://www.speakingofliterature.blogspot.com/ (Used with students, so purged each year for online safety/privacy)
So excited to participate in your summer writing camp! “I won’t ask you to do anything I am not willing to do myself” is my classroom writing motto. So here I am: ready to take some risks, learn, grow, and stretch as a beginning writer. Thanks for this opportunity!
School will be in session by the time this camp is over, so I would like to share this site with my students and colleagues in August. Would that be okay with you?
Hi, Tanya! Welcome! It’s absolutely fine to share this project at school in August.
I’m excited to join you!!
1. Sara Hensley
2. I teach high school English in Alton, IL. In the past, I have taught 9th and 10th grade, but next year I will have a group of seniors as well.
3. @SaraHensley11
4. Blog- http://shensley23.blogspot.com/
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Sara!
What a brainstorm, Kate! Approaching it with an open mind, and looking forward to wondering, learning, and creating!
Mary D’Eliso
K-6 librarian
Bloomington, IN
It is going to be a fun experiment, for sure! Thanks, Mary!
@dlaughey twitter
HS English – AP Language and journalism.
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Deborah!
3rd grade teacher
Viera, FL
*Thank you for this opportunity! I dread teaching writing….not my area I feel most comfortable teaching since I don’t like to write myself.
Welcome, Staci! We’re glad you’re here.
Whew! Took me so long, I forgot the order of information. B-)
Toshia Mamning
7th grade ELA, Rocky Mount, NC
Twitter: jollyswife
Welcome, Toshia!
Kate Lechtenberg
High school English teacher of 10 years
Next year I’ll be a teacher librarian at an 8-9th grade building
Des Moines, IA
@katedower (but i’m just getting started)
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Kate!
Twitter: N2Reading
K-5 Media Specialist
Greensboro, NC
So glad you’re writing with us this summer,Melanie!
Lea Campbell
5/6 GATE in Orange, CA
@Arghimedes (I’m a math nerd/pirate enthusiast)
Welcome, Lea!
Sue Crean
Grade 5 literacy
Brookfield, CT
What a terrific idea! Thanks so much!
So glad you’re writing with us this summer, Sue!
Tammy Astor – Skokie, IL
4th grade until June 13, then seeking an elementary position
Your Twitter name, if you’re on Twitter – signed up, but can’t remember name or password
Your blog or website, if you have one – plan to develop website this summer
Welcome, Tammy!!
1. Debbie Wilks
2. Third grade in Kansas
3. Twitterless
4. debbiesdabblings.blogspot.com
This sounds like a great opportunity! I’m looking forward to participating. Thanks!
So glad you’re writing with us this summer, Debbie!
I’m a first grade teacher of years too many to mention! Just thinking about my own writing assignment gives me sweaty palms. Now I know how my kids must feel! Very excited to be a part of this group…
“Now I know how my kids must feel!” This, I think, is really at the heart of why we’re all here. So glad you’re joining us!
Sharon Lanasa
Youth Services Manager and Children’s Librarian
Dorchester County Public Library
Share books, words, and stories with toddlers, school-age children and middle schoolers
Twitter: #PinkShad
Awakening the long dormant writer within …
Welcome, Sharon!!
This is awesome!
I’m Julie Meiklejohn
I teach 10th,11th, and 12th grade English in La Junta, CO
Twitter @jem2323
No website
Thanks, Kate! I’m so excited!
Welcome, Julie!
1. Mary Jo Wentz
2. 4/5 reading teacher & literacy coach
3. no Twitter
4. no blog
Welcome, Mary Jo!
This sounds amazing and Iam so excited to be participating. I have a hard time carving out time to write so a group and a flexible schedule will hold me more accountable.
I work as a literacy consultant in Pre-K through Middle Schools. I am currently working in scholsin NC and SC but I live outside of Charlotte, NC.
Welcome, Rebecca!!
1. Chris Kervina
2. English 11 (regular and AP) and journalism (new this year!) at Centreville High in Clifton, VA
3. @ckervina
4. VERY sporatically at http://mrskervina.blogspot.com/ (I always swear I’ll blog regularly after NCTE…)
Thanks for offering this, Kate. I will be jumping in and out all summer. I can already see my summer filling up with an in-person writing seminar, yearbook camp, a JEA conference, and more.Whew! I think that “how do I make time” lesson will be a good one for me!
Welcome, Chris! Jumping in and out is just fine.
I’m excited about this opportunity to practice what I believe in….great teachers of writing get involved in writing also. I am a literacy teacher/coach in an elementary school in Illinois.
Glad you’re joining us, Nancy!
April Wulber, English Language Arts Specialist K-12, IRA Teachers’ Choices Co-Chair, Greenville, OH; Twitter – @awulber; website – http://www.darke.k12.oh.us/~april_wulber; http://thewulberfamily.blogspot.com
Welcome, April!
This sounds awesome! I’ll be teaching 4th grade gifted reading in the fall. One of my summer goals is to figure out Twitter, and I don’t have a website.
Welcome, Holly!!
Hello! Thanks to a wonderful parent volunteer who wishes to become a librarian someday (best job in the entire world) your website was sent to me via Facebook. I am an elementary librarian for grades K-4 with 35 classes and see over 700 students per week! I am all about books and reading and would love to learn more about writing. Thanks!
*Above website is more about me.
Hi, Becky! Welcome!
I am moving into a new position as an Instructional Coach. I will be teacher two sections of English I in the fall, then coaching other freshmen teachers in my district. Excited but nervous.
I am in Carrollton, Tx.
My Twitter is @amyrass
My website I write with Molly and Heather is http://www.threeteacherstalk.com
I am looking forward to this camp. I hope I can keep up! I will be writing curriculum during June, so this will be a challenge.
Happy you’re writing with us this summer, Amy!
I am interested in doing this. I don’t twitter though, hope that’s ok. I am an LD teacher on the elementary level.
That’s absolutely okay – just check in here on my blog & you’ll find updates every weekday starting on Monday!
Sounds wonderful!
I’m an ESL teacher and MFA student at Vermont College of Fine Arts.
Welcome, Shelley! Happy to have you writing with us!
Will Bangs
Grade 6 Social Studies, Reading and Language Arts teacher
Welcome, Will!
Wow! What a wonderful opportunity and a bit scary, too! Thank you, Kate. I can’t wait to get started on this. I currently teach grade 2 in Calgary, AB in a Spanish bilingual school but I am making a major move this summer back to Ecuador. I will be teaching grade 3 (or grade 4) there at an international school. My twitter name is @elisaw5
Looking forward to this. Thank you, Stacey Shubitz for blogging about this!
Don’t be scared – or at least know that you’re not alone in that and enjoy yourself. This is going to be fun!
What a fabulous opportunity! (And just the push I need this summer!)
I am an Elementary Academic Coach in LaGrange, Ga.
Twitter: @teachergirl89
Blog I (somewhat) keep up for the teachers I work with: http://www.writenowtroup.blogspot.com
Welcome, Kim! We’re going to have a fun summer of writing!
Jan Newport
Instructional Specialist for teachers in ELA K-12 in a large school district
Twitter: JanNewport2
Have abandoned a former blog and am in the process of creating a new blog for middle school teachers to use for Professional Development.
This is just what I was looking for! With all the summer work of the district working with Common Core…this will feed my need while I try to feed others. Thank you!
Hi, Jan! Glad you’re joining us this summer!
What an opportunity!
1. Ramona
2. 6th grade Language Arts and Social Studies
3. No twitter
4. http://pleasuresfromthepage.blogspot.com/
What a fun way to challenge ourselves as writers during our summer. I learned about this through Two Writing Teachers! BTW I love The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z!
Hi, Ramona! Welcome – and thanks for the kind words about GIANNA Z!
Hi Kate,
I am one of your big fans and I am thrilled at this chance to learn from you and others in the group. Wow! I am Joan Young and I teach 4th grade in the SF Bay Area. My Twitter name is @flourishingkids and my website is http://allkidscanflourish.blogspot.com
Thank you so much for this gift!
Thank you, Joan! And welcome!
This sounds excellent! Looking forward to learning and growing!
My info:
Melanie Hoeksema
Reading Consultant K-4th grade (Forest Hills Public Schools) Grand Rapids, MI (former 1st and 2nd grade teacher too)
Twitter: @mhoeksema (Melanie Hoeksema)
I have a blog…but haven’t written in awhile…this will be a great way to fire it back up!
Welcome, Melanie! We’re happy to have you writing with us!
Hi! My name is Paige Blackoff and I am teaching Language Arts in the Middle Grades — particularly 6th and 7th grade in Central New Jersey.
My twitter name is @paige_blackoff and I do not currently have a website.
I am looking forward to learning this summer and am hopeful to find some great ideas to use in my classroom next year!
Thanks so much for doing this!
Welcome, Paigee!
Please sign me up!
Kristi Oritt
7-8 Language Arts in Salt Lake City
You’re signed up – welcome!
My name is Janet Ilko
I teach writing to seventh and eighth grade English Language Learners and an AVID class that preps students for the college experience. I also host a writing club in the mornings for any student interested in Writing Called Writing for Change. We are hoping to host a camp this summer with the San Diego Area Writing Project.
My twitter name is writin4change
I have a blog that I try to post on at least once a week during the school year, but plan on refocusing energy on that space this summer. http://writinginmyhand.org/?p=491 that is my latest post.
I think this is going to be a great opportunity to write and respond to writers, I just can’t wait!!
Welcome, Janet! I’m excited, too!
Please leave a comment here that includes:
I am so excited about this opportuntity!
1. Tammy Zeaser
2. Instructional Specialist (Grades K-5), Mechanicsburg, PA
3.I’m on twitter, but rarely use it, but I think my twitter name is trzeaser or tzeaser – I can’t even remember (how sad is that!)
Welcome, Tammy! Glad you’re joining us!
What a fabulous opportunity. Thanks!!!
Here’s my info
1. Heather Temske
2. Fourth grade teacher in Roswell, Georgia
3. @htemske (although I go in and out of phases using it)
4. I have a class website that isn’t useful to people outside my classes. My plan is to start blogging this summer.
Welcome, Heather! Glad you’ll be writing with us!
Maggie Abrams
7-9 reading
twitter: @march4teachers
Welcome, Maggie!
I teach ninth grade literature, British literature, and AP English literature and composition. What a wonderful opportunity to learn from others!
Hi, Jill! Glad you’re joining us!
I am so excited about this! My summer professional development had to be canceled so this is just the thing I needed to lift my spirits!
Thank you!
1st grade teacher
First Grade @ Klinger Cafe
I’m glad you found us, Tammy! Welcome!
Valerie Cornett
Literacy Specialist in Lexington, KY (K-5)
I’m looking forward to learning new ideas!
Welcome, Valerie!
Hi to all.
I’m carla arena
My twitter is @carlaarena
I’m an EFL educator in Brasilia, Brazil, teaching English to all levels, face to face and online
I blog at http://collablogatorium.blogspot.com , but I think for this summer activity I’ll use http://carlaarena.posterous.com
So glad you’re joining us, Carla!
Valerie Stein
K-8 Library Media Specialist/Curriculum Coordinator in a small independent school in WA state.
http://vst3in.wordpress.com/ – Blog. I’m also feltmaker/teacher and writer so it’s a mix of me!
@stein_valerie – Twitter
You’ll find me on FB too. Excited to participate!
Welcome, Valerie!!
This could not have been timed better!
Thank you for the opportunity.
I teach third grade in a suburb of Philadelphia.
So glad the timing is good for you! Welcome!
Special education 9-12
No twitter
No blog
I need to learn more about writing and teaching it!
I am very excited for this!
Welcome, Darci!
Wow, I’m so excited. I’m at K-5 Literacy Coach. Thanks to Stacey at Two Writing Teachers for alerting me to this.
Glad you found us, Deb!
Just finishing my first year of teaching in 4th grade… definitely feeling the need to “walk the walk” with writing. Thank you for the opportunity… I’m sure my 3rd graders will benefit from this next year.
Perfect! Welcome, Melody!
Youth Services Librarian serving children 0-12 (public library, Central New York)
I also teach a course in children’s literature
no Twitter
no website
Thank you for this great opportunity! Looking forward to a summer of writing. Yikes!
Cherisse Barrett
Literacy Coach K-5
CT Schools
Welcome, Cherisse!
No website or Twitter, just a sixth grade teacher in Sacramento, CA striving to improve her writing and teaching. Looking forward to the challenge of writing daily with the group. Thanks so much.
Welcome, Jill – Twitter & website aren’t required at all. Just join us here on my blog!
Hi Kate – what a fantastic idea and a great way to bring together teachers and librarians with common questions, ideas & visions!
1. Nicole Frederickson
2. 4th Grade – Theodore, Saskatchewan, Canada
3. Twitter @nbcheshu
4. morethanblueberries.blogspot.ca
Thank you in advance for your work in putting this together!
Hi, Nicole – welcome!
I teach Advanced Placement Literature and Composition 11 in Lewis Center, Ohio
Glad to have you joining us, Natalie!
Primary grades
Twitter: eatingpath2yoga
*please feel free to email me for more specific info on city/state/grade level
Welcome, Jill!!
Hi! My name is Heidi Myrick and I am an instructional specialist (I work with kids who need a little intervention in literacy or math) for students in grades K-5.
I’m super-excited about this opportunity! Thanks!
Now I have something great to look forward to on Monday!!!
Welcome, Heidi! I’m excited, too!
6th Grade Language Arts in Frederick, Md!
Twitter: MrsKremWKMS
Welcome, Amanda! Glad you’re joining us!
My name is Sharon and I teach Kindergarten in Vermont. I love to write and am really looking forward to writing and connecting with others. I use LOTS of collaborative tools that enhance learning opportunites for children and myself. I have created many blogs and wikis that reflect the amazing things that 5 and 6 year old can do!
Great idea to do this!
Oops! My twitter name is @kkidsinvt. My Kindergarten class twitter account that I use with my students is @kkidsinvermont123
Wasn’t sure how to add this to my previous post! Thanks
Welcome, Sharon (I’m waving from across the lake!)
I am waving back!
Thank you so much! This sounds so great!!
I am a writerand an artist~ I have a children`s book called ~ To the Cider Mill~it involves kids to draw along and prepare them for illustration and writing themselves. The book has an fb page~check it out!!
I also teach drawing and art to kids~ home school, after school,whoever. I home schooled my own children and always taught hs kids literature and writing.
I am working on more books and LOVE writing.
Thanks again!!
Danna York
Just to check out~
Welcome, Danna!
Hi, I’m from Jamaica and I just completed my undergraduate degree in Literacy Studies. I’m not presently in the classroom , but I’m hoping to start in the upcoming school year. I would really like to be a part of this programme as I believe that writing is probably the most neglected of the language arts, yet it is so critical to one’s academic sucess. I do hope that I can join the group.
You are more than welcome to join us, Erica – happy to have you!
Thank you so much
Jennifer Weigand
Currently teaching 3rd grade
Columbus, Ohio
Can’t wait to get started
Welcome, Jennifer! I’m excited, too!
My name is Shelah Novak. I teach 8th grade English in Loudoun County, Virginia.
I have no twitter account or website or blog.
I look forward to participating in this wonderful opportunity
Welcome, Shelah!
Hi everyone – I’ve collected all of the twitter handles up to here and have added anyone who doesn’t have a ‘private’ twitter account to this list: http://twitter.com/JoanneLevy/teachers-write
If anyone else wants to be on the list, I’ll check back here, or you can let me know on Twitter: @JoanneLevy
You are the BEST. Did I mention that already. Thanks so much, Joanne!!
Tammee Petersen
4th Grade Dual Language English/ Spanish Teacher – school year
Literacy/Math Coach – summer school
Beardstown, Illinois
I am looking forward to incorporating these ideas during our summer school program!
Welcome, Tammee!
Kari Routledge
2nd Grade – All Subjects
Walled Lake Consolidated Schools
Commerce Township, Michigan
Welcome, Kari!
Learning Specialist
Welcome, Amba!
I teach 4 and 5 year olds in public school in Georgia. I’m a member of NWP but this summer we aren’t having summer institute so this may get me thru my withdrawal from my writing community.
Welcome, Mary! I think we’re going to have a great writing community here!
Hello! Kristin Moon from Oregon here. As of this morning I am teaching 8th grade Math, Science, Language Arts & Social Studies (a.k.a. a 8th grade self-contained classroom). My Twitter account is
@ogsmoon. School doesn’t end for a couple of weeks here, but I am excited to start this learning adventure!
Join us whenever you can, Kristin – welcome!
M. Cari L. Sadler (students call me M
9/10th grade Reading/English teacher (next year 11th graders and Semantics and Logic too! Logic…clearly administration doesn’t know me very well. lol)
I don’t tweet. I don’t have a blog/website (yet)
Am thrilled to be considered a part of this!
Welcome, M!
Hi my name is Monique Leonard and I am a teacher in Rocky Hill CT. I have taught for 12 years. I am currently a fifth grade teacher but have taught 4th, and 2nd. I look foward to our summer writing.
Welcome, Monique!
I teach 6th grade reading/LA in Mansfield, CT.
Twitter: @jmeizels
Looking forward to working on some writing I can share with my kids next year!
Hi, Jen! Welcome!!
I work with 9th Graders and AP Lit students, and I have for …gulp… 30 years. I think I’m ready to write more than curriculum materials, grades and comments, college recs and Commencement benedictions. Thanks for the opportunity.
Welcome, Mike!
I teach 4th grade in Taipei and my twitter name is @grafitti101.
Thank you for offering such a wonderful opportunity!
Welcome, Kathy! Happy to have you join us!
Marcie Atkins
4th grade teacher (and writer on the side)
Salem, VA
K-12 Literacy Consultant with a local Intermediate School District
Welcome, Janet!!
I work in ESL/EFL grades 10-12. No Twitter but lots of interest!
Welcome, Carrie! Happy to have you join us!
This is great! Thank you for getting this going. I’ve shared it with my staff and I hope we have some of them join us.
Most sincerely,
Welcome, Todd! Thanks for sharing with your staff, too!
Debbie Tofte
6th-8th Grade Reading Intervention Teacher/8th Grade Language Arts (reading/writing)
Live in Sherwood, OR
Work in Newberg, OR
On Facebook
Welcome, Debbie!!
This looks amazing! Just today I was adding your books to my summer reading recommendations list for my 5th graders!
Christina Williams
5th grade, Bexley City Schools
Bexley, Ohio
Thanks, Christina! And welcome!
1. Bethany Stoller
2. 6th grade (this school year, next school year I will be teaching 8th grade Writing and Reading) Writing, Reading and Social Studies teacher at Chehalem Valley Middle School in Newberg, Oregon.
3. I do not have one yet.
4. I do not have one yet…I have been debating whether or not to have one!
Welcome, Bethany!
What a testimony to social networking! Can’t wait for this authentic PD, with a hundred of soon to be writing partners.
I’m Liz Deskins, a library media specialist currently enjoying the challenge of engaging high school readers after 25 years in an amazingly literacy rich elementary setting. My twitter handle is “library”‘and my blog is
Welcome, Liz! Happy you’ll be joining us!
Thanks to Kate & team for providing this opportunity! Time to finally get serious about the middle-grade novel I’ve been brainstorming so long…
1. Katy Manck, librarian-at-large, Gilmer TX
2. project development & publicity for the GiggleIT Project of International Association of School Librarianship (free online international writing project for kids & teens) – http://www.iasl-online.org/sla/giggleIT/index.htm
3. http://BooksYALove.blogspot.com – I recommend young adult books beyond bestsellers
4. @BooksYALove
Welcome, Katy!
I am a retired teacher (10-12) and librarian (K-6). I’ve taken one of Molly Beth Griffin’s classes at the Loft in Minneapolis. Hoping you are admitting retirees too:)
Happy to have you join us, Jane!
Thank you SO much, Kate! This is going to be a wonderful summer!
Name: Peg D
Role: Instructional Assistant with Kindergarten and reading intervention with 2, 5, 6, as well as doing “Success” time with 4th grade.
Location: Northern Indiana
No twitter
I love to write but don’t do it enough. Hoping this will motivate me.
Welcome, Peg!
Hi! My name is Erin Pennington. I teach 3rd grade all subjects in San Antonio, Texas and I just love teaching writing. I have no Twitter account or website, but lots of enthusiasm! I am so excited about this opportunity. Many thanks for doing this.
Happy to have you join us, Erin!
Hi, I’m Tricia and I’m a 5th grade language arts teacher in Skiatook, OK. I’m looking forward to this camp!
Welcome, Tricia!!
Wow, Kate! This must be a record (or mp3, maybe) for comments! Anyway, sounds like fun. I’ll be working on a big project this summer as well as lots of unCCSS stuff for my district. This sounds like a great daily warm-up for all the (ahem) serious stuff.
I am west of Boston. During the school year I teach two sections of Grade 8 English and do curriculum work/guest-teach/team-teach/coach in other middle school classrooms the rest of the time. Off hours, I “extra, extra, blog all about it” at kenc.edublogs.org.
See you soon.
Welcome, Ken! (and yes…I’m kind of blown away by all the comments – exciting stuff!)
What a great idea – would love to participate.
no website
don’t twitter
Sheri Barth-Johnston, teach special education (LBS) at Crow Island School in Winnetka, IL
Welcome, Sheri!
Hello, my name is Esmeralda Garza. I have been teaching 4th grade for 6 years. Thanks for making this possible!
4th Grade SLA/ELA
San Antonio, TX
Twitter @ esgarza1
Welcome, Esmeralda!
I teach 1st, 2nd, and 7th grade currently, plus a class of teens once a week on literature studies. (Yes, we home school.) I suppose I’ve taught the gambit of preschool through elementary to this point, but it’s not until this last year (after 10+ years of teaching) that I finally decided to categorize myself as an educator. I mean seriously, other than writing, that’s what I do.
This sounds like a ton of fun, but since we school through the summers (they’re an optimal time to be indoors in Florida), I will only be able to participate one or two days a week. I do look forward to it.
Welcome, Crystal! Just join us when it works for you.
I am a third grade classroom teacher in Commack, NY
We don’t finish school until June 22, but I will try my best to write as much as I can.
Just join us when you can, Marsha!
1.April Townsend
2. 4th grade in Dalton, Ga
Welcome, April!!
Katrin Beinroth
Fifth Grade Teacher
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
This is a fantastic idea, thank you!
Welcome, Katrin!
I teach 4th graders in Rochester, NY. This sounds like a fabulous opportunity. One of our favorite memories this year was blogging with you about Gianna Z! Many thanks. ~ Theresa
Welcome, Theresa! So happy you’re going to write with us this summer!
Kate, you’re a rock star on so many levels! I would love to join if possible:
1. Marissa Graff
2. Currently teaching 1st grade in Northern Virginia, but about to go on hiatus to start an MFA program in Children’s Literature.
3. Twitter: 4YALit (shared with Martina Boone) and blogging at Adventures in YA & Children’s Publishing (http://childrenspublishing.blogspot.com)
Thanks for the great opportunity!
I teach 3rd grade in Orlando,FL
Welcome, Patty!
Kate, your efforts are much appreciated! You’re a rock star on many levels
Hope you can squeeze me in!
1.Marissa Graff
2. Currently a 1st grade teacher in Northern Virginia, but about to go on hiatus to pursue an MFA in Children’s Literature.
3.@4YALit, shared with Martina Boone
4. http://childrenspublishing.blogspot.com/
Happy to have you join us, Marissa!
Wanda Zehr Anderson
Title I Reading Specialist, K-5th
Arlington, VA
Welcome, Wanda!
Erin Ochoa
English teacher: grades 10, 11 & 12
Looking forward to this!!
Welcome, Erin!
Sheila Cochrane
K-4 Literacy Specialist/Coach
Looking forward to the writing ahead
Welcome, Sheila!
Stacey Callaway
6th Grade ELA
Midland, Texas
On Twitter I’m BookGirlStacey
Hi, Stacey! Glad you’re joining us!
1. I teach sixth grade language arts in northern Virginia…about 30 miles outside of Washington, D.C. I’m just finishing my eighth year teaching. I really enjoy teaching, but teaching writing has always been a struggle, as I don’t feel that I’m a writer myself (except for writing papers for college and grad school!). I’m really eager to become a better writer myself, so that I can help my students.
Welcome, Courtney!
Looking forward to becoming a better writer so that I can better serve my students.
I teach 5th grade Dual Language in Englewood, NJ.
Welcome, Maribel!
Chris Flench
Librarian PreK-5
Manassas, Virginia
no blog or twitter yet… but maybe that’s on the horizon.
Thanks for hosting such a worthy project this summer!!!
Welcome, Chris! Happy to have you join us!
Sprinkle of fresh stories and a dash of writer’s block! I’ve been teaching special education students for 8 out of 12 years with primary aged students. It’s been a long time since I’ve taught writing.
Welcome, Catherine!!
I am throwing caution to the wind and joining the summer writing camp. I know I will be all the better for it.
I am a fifth grade teacher
Ridgefield, CT
twitter: @shogem84
Welcome, Meg! I’m excited to write with everyone this summer!
I am a fourth grade ELA teacher and I am excited about this. Thanks for offering. Writing is the main content area I teach and I am looking for new ideas!
Welcome, Tracy!!
6th and 7th grade ELA
Deerfield, MI
Not tweeting or blogging
Hi, Lori! Glad you’re joining us!
I am an elementary Media Sspecialist. I love books and want to know more about the writing process. On Twitter I am Queenslace515.
Welcome, Mary Jane!
Debbie Shaw
Elementary Reading Specialist
Gainesville, VA
Hi, Debbie! Welcome!!
Claudine DiMUzio
Hauppauge, NY
Thanks for this exciting opportunity!
Welcome, Claudine!
Denise La Fave
7th grade language arts/reading teacher
@dlafavorite (do not use it often lately)
http://www.nopermissionrequired.blogspot.com (personal and catch all)
http://www.justwriteniecy.blogspot.com (writing practice and Slice of Life)
Welcome, Denise!
Cindy Skibinski
6th grade language arts and one reading/writing class for struggling students
Oak Creek Wi
Thank you for this exciting opportunity!! Its just what I’ve been looking for as I’ve got readers’ workshop going but still need to improve the writing element.
Welcome, Cindy! I think it’ll be a great summer!
Kim Barrett
First Grade
Southern California
Thank you for this opportunity!
Hi, Kim! Welcome!!
I teach 8th graders in Dalton, Georgia. My current language arts classroom will change to a literacy collaborative classroom next year, so i wll be teaching both reading an writing next year. I majored in writing college, but I have not had time to write for pleasure in a long time. I am currently working on a non-fiction book which is foreign to me because my normal writing genre is fiction. I am looking forward to dusting off my skills and getting out of my witing comfort zone. Like many teachers, I feel that enthusiasm teaches as much as any lesson. When the students see that you are excited about writing, it usually rubs off on them as well. Happy writing everybody!
Please forgive the typos in my previous message. I hit send before I had an opportunity to proof read.
No worries!
Welcome! We’re happy to have you join us!
Janice Toomajian
PreK – 5 librarian, Troy, NY
Welcome, Janice! You’re actually not too far from me – I’m just south of Plattsburgh!
Trish d’Entremont
4th, 5th multiage class
Cardiff School District
Cardiff, CA
Welcome, Trish!
I am looking forward to summer camp!
Amy Weisberg
Transitional Kindergarten teacher, Topanga, California
No Twitter
Will weekly assignments be emailed or given via FB?
Hi, Amy! The schedule above (weekdays here, Fridays at Gae Polisner’s blog, & Sundays at Teach Mentor Texts) all happens online. We’re not emailing assignments, but you can bookmark this site: http://www.katemessner/com/blog and check in each day, and I’ll also try to remember to post links on the FB page.
Very excited to do this! Thanks for the free PD!
Oops – didn’t follow directions. It’s late.
Julie Crocker
4th grade teacher in Albuquerque
http://sunsandstone.blogspot.com/ is my blog
Welcome, Julie! Glad you’re joining us!
Twitter: @maggiekobewka
Welcome, Maggie!!
1. Jennifer Kesler
2. Literacy Coach at a K-6 PYP International School in Shanghai, China
3. No Twitter name
4. http://web.me.com/aggiekesler/myjourneyabroad/Blog/Blog.html
Looking forward to the writing challenge!! Thanks for hosting!
Welcome, Jennifer! I’m excited about our writing summer, too!
Donalyn Miller
4th grade self-contained (new job! I’m still not used to writing this, yet!)
Fort Worth, TX
I don’t have a blog of my own, but I do post for EdWeek and Nerdy Book Club from time to time.
Happy to see you here, my friend – and I know people will be so excited to write alongside you.
Hi Donalyn!!
Fourth grade! That’s exciting! Wish I could join you.
Love coaching, but missing a small group of my own kiddos! Best of luck to you!
I made some lofty goals for writing this summer. I think this camp will help me meet them. Excited to meet other teacher-writers, too.
Margaret Simon
Gifted elementary grades 1-6
Great! Welcome, Margaret!
Hi! I’d love to join.
Lisa Rosenman
currently 2nd grade teacher, Somers, CT
Welcome, Lisa!!
1. Vicki Hall
2. K-5 Library Media Specialist Springfield, IL for 5 schools
3. Twitter – @VickiHall
Welcome, Vicki!
I’m a fourth grade teacher in upstate New York. In the past our Teacher Center offered writing workshops and retreats, but their funding was cut. I am very excited to have found a chance to be part of a writing community. Thank you!
Hi, Eileen – welcome!
Erin Subcleff
2nd grade teacher in Kirkland WA …. I am also working on getting my library media specialist endorsement.
no twitter
I have a book/art blog that has been long abandoned. perhaps I will start it back up soon!
Hi, Erin! Glad you’re joining us!
Hi again! I’ve just gone through and added a bunch more people to the twitter list (up to and including Donalyn – so I have a placeholder for when I next check). If you want to subscribe to the list it’s here: http://twitter.com/JoanneLevy/teachers-write and if I missed you, please let me know on Twitter @joannelevy
Teri Poulos
High School English, New Concord, Ohio
Not using Twitter right now, really
No blog or website – yet, right?
Welcome, Teri!
I was laid off from my school and have always wanted to writea children’s book…this seems like the perfect way to get motivated! Thank you for the great idea!
1. Neha Dhruv
2. Library Media Specialist, Looking for a position in the Chicagoland area
3. MsDhruv
4. orange3sides.blogspot.com/2012/04/orange-triangle.html (highly under construction!)
Welcome, Neha!
Wow! There are nearly as many people here as my entire school. I am so excited!
Kristi Lonheim
6th grade L.A. (new to me from ES)
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Welcome, Kristi! I’m excited, too!
This sounds wonderful (and fun)!
I teach 10th graders at an urban charter school in Pawtucket, RI. No twitter, no blog, just lots and lots of writing…..
Welcome, Marti!
Thank you for this incredible opportunity!
Debby Smith
6th grade teacher, Castle Rock, CO
Welcome, Debby! Happy to have you as part of the community!
I’d like to join you this summer!
1. Heidi Mussachio
2. High School Librarian & previous Elementary Librarian, Amherst, New York
3. @msmuss
4. msmuss.wordpress. com
Happy to have you join us, Heidi!
Hey–another local person! I teach at Sweet Home.
Casey Mulligan Walsh
Speech-Language Pathologist at a public school just east of Troy, NY
Think I’m on Twitter but haven’t used it in ages, so maybe it’s inactive…I need to check this out.
http://www.brittonkill.k12.ny.us/walshweb (my school webpage)
I’m excited to join in this project – two of my fellow faculty members are already here as well. I’ve been writing memoir for the last year, so I hope that genre works for this camp. Looking forward to it!
Welcome, Casey! Any genre will work, but thanks for letting me know. I’ll see what I can do about finding a guest author to talk specifically about memoir.
I teach 5th grade Reading/Language Arts. Excited to do some writing this summer.
Welcome, Julie!!
Hello all!
Super super excited to join! I promise that I will stop with the exclamation points but this is such a fun idea and it’s down to the last week of school to boot!
Beth Bryden-Miller
Loudoun County in Northern Virginia (but a transplant from Michigan, really)
Middle School Librarian (former language arts teacher with the quirky seventh graders)
No blog or Twitter yet (though this might be the last push I need to sign up for Twitter)
(I’ll also stop with all the parentheticals, maybe.)
Welcome, Beth! (I have no problem with exclamation points. I’m excited, too!!)
Middle School Librarian
Thank you for this opportunity.
Welcome, Patricia!
Hi, I am an English teacher for 16-19 year olds in the UK, are Brits allowed to join too?
Of course! We actually have teachers & librarians from at least four continents now!
Thanks for putting this together. I was ready to go at this all alone this summer until I saw your post. Thank God for Twitter! (Did I just say that?)
1. Misti Segura
2. 7th and 8th grade ELA teacher of some really smart kids in Baton Rouge, LA
3. @MistiSegura
4. http://www.seguraclass.blogspot.com/
Welcome, Misti!
Jennifer Maxwell
4th Grade at Illahee Elementary School in Camas, Washington
Thank you for providing this opportunity!
Welcome, Jennifer! So glad you’ll be writing with us this summer!
Dear Kate, This is a great idea! I’m so glad I found your cozy group on the first day of summer vacation. Thank you for bringing us all together on this creative adventure. -Mary
1. Mary Yockey
2. 6-8 Library Media Specialist, Naperville, IL
3. @readergurl
4. Not yet
Great timing, Mary – welcome!
K-8 teacher (I get moved every year, so I never know!)
Grass Lake, MI
SpottedGirl on Twitter, but I haven’t tweeted previously.
Looking forward to this experience with all of you!
Welcome, Penny!
I’m a K-5 Literacy Coach in
League City, Texas
Very excited to have some writing support for the summer! Thank you!
Welcome, Emily! Happy you’re joining us!
David Etkin
6th grade ELA, Amherst, NY (Sweet Home Middle School)
I am so looking forward to this! Here’s my information:
Tara Smith
6th. Grade Language Arts/Social Studies/Writing Workshop teacher in Glen Rock, New Jersey.
Just got on Twitter, and proceedIng slowly: @tara_smith5
My blog: A Teaching Life:
Welcome, Tara! Glad you’re joining us!
David Etkin
6th ELA @ Sweet Home Middle in Amherst NY
Twitter handle: @davidaetkin
Blog: http://www.mretome.com
Sooooo…where in WNY are you from, Kate?
I grew up in Medina – In high school, we played volleyball against Sweet Home (and ALWAYS lost – they were amazing!)
Sign me up!
Allysson Vallieu
11th and 12th grade ELA + Journalism + ACT English, Dayton, Ohio
How exciting!
Welcome, Allysson!
elementary substitute teacher in RI
Welcome, Kristen! Happy you’re joining us!
Ashley Kent
I’m certified 4-9 language arts and social studies. I’m not sure exactly what/if I’m teaching next year, currently I teach 5-7 language arts in Dayton, Ohio.
Welcome, Ashley!
I am an ESL & German teacher and teacher trainer who loves to write, which includes blogging and tweeting.
Collaborating with others to improve my writing skills is something I am looking forward to!
Welcome, Diethild!
I used to teach middle school Language Arts – but this summer I’m finishing up my M.Ed. in Reading Education. I hope to get back to the middle school – love me some seventh grade minds!!!
Charlottesville, VA
I am so excited about this writing workshop. Thank you!
Welcome, Anne! Happy to have you joining us!
What a neat opportunity! My name is Amanda Lucero, and I teach Language Arts to grades 6-8 in Columbus, OH. Twitter is @mrslucerosclass.
Welcome, Amanda!!
Shelly Surridge
What a great opportunity! Thanks for the offer.
I teach third graders in Orange, CA
Welcome, Shelly! Happy to have you joining us!
Hi Kate,
Thanks for doing this. I’m looking forward to it. My info is on the google doc.
Thank you, Paulette – welcome!
Anne Marie
Gr 5, Singapore
Welcome, Anne Marie!!
Wow — almost 1,000 responses already? Kate, you have inspired a lot of teachers. I hope you have an army of reader-helpers.

I am Kevin Hodgson
I teach sixth grade out in Western Massachusetts (and I am the technology liaison with the Western Massachusetts Writing Project)
On Twitter, I am @dogtrax
My blog is Kevin’s Meandering Mind — http://dogtrax.edublogs.org/
Thanks for getting teachers seeing themselves as writers!

So now I realize that about half of the responses are you, Kate, in response to posts.
But still …
Welcome, Kevin! Yes…about half the responses are me saying hi to everyone. Still an awesome group of teachers, though!
Thanks! Sounds like fun! ( and maybe a little work, too).
Ellie Bailey
Grade 5 Classroom Teacher
Welcome, Ellie!
Hello! I’m a K-12 literacy & English teacher currently working at the elementary level in Wendell, NC. Twitter: fahaley. What a fabulous idea & opportunity – thank you!
Welcome, Fran!
Noreen Holt
Language Arts 7 and 9 in Westlock, Alberta, Canada
I’m looking forward to challenging myself over the summer. I hope to have some experiences about my writing to share with my students in the fall, and also some tricks of the trade to pass on.
Welcome, Noreen!!
Thank you for arranging this. I know it will be great fun. Here’s the scoop on me.
Literacy Coach & Reading Intervention teacher
Hopkins Middle School
Adjunct Faculty-Cornerstone University-Teacher Ed/Spec. Ed.
Blog: http://readingessentialsclass.blogspot.com/
Welcome, Brenda!!
Nervously excited about joining the group!
Lorie Berget
2nd Grade, Onalaska, WI
Welcome, Lorie!
Hi, my name is Jen Ferguson. I teach 5th grade in St. Louis, MO. I’m on twitter, but I am still learning how it works. So, I think my name is Jen Ferguson at jenferg11 or something like that. I’m not sure though because I’ve never given it out? I’m excited to learn and grow with you over the summer. Will I receive emails, or do I need to be looking somewhere for the information?
Hi, Jen! You won’t receive emails – just check the blog each weekday morning for the day’s assignment, and you can also join TeachersWrite on Facebook. I suspect some of our conversations will continue there, too. Here’s the blog URL: http://katemessner.com/blog
I have taught primary grades for most of my career, but have had the incredible opportunity to teach a few years in 4th and 5th grade as well. Four years ago I was trained in Reading Recovery and I am now a reading support teacher working with readers and writers in grades 1-5. There is pure joy of growing with young readers and writers.
I have been involved in writing books for beginning readers but since that opportunity I have not been dedicated to my writing. I miss writing with my students and pushing myself as a writer. Thank you for this opportunity to renew myself as a writer and a teacher.
Hi, Josie! Welcome!
I am a high school English teacher in Brantford, Ontario. This sounds like the perfect way to kick start some writing practice in the summer.
Welcome, Caroline! We’re happy to have you join us!
Hi~ I hope it is not too late to join! I am a literacy coach in Wichita Public Schools, in Wichita, Kansas. I look forward to this writng experience!
Gina Schutt
Literacy Coach
(Elementary-Middle School-High School)
Not too late at all – welcome, Gina!
This is great! It will help with some of the lonely discipline of wriitng. I am an administrator at a Preschool to 12th grade independent school outside of Baltimore, MD. I work primarily with the preschool now, but am expanding my role as Parent Educator for Early Childhood (through 3rd grade) next year. I write weekly parenting letters that I tweet as ZibbyA. They are also available on the school’s website at gfs.org under Lower Division.
Welcome, Zibby!
Hi! My name is Andrea Payan. I am an 8th grade teacher in Milwaukee, WI.
@payanar on twitter and I have a blog for friends and students to see my reviews of YA books I am reading at mrspayanreads.blogspot.com
Welcome, Andrea! I’m actually speaking at your state reading festival this winter!
1. Ruthie
2. Middle School and High School English and Math teacher in Toronto
3. @copcher
4. Every once in a while I post on my blog. elephanttowers.wordpress.com
Welcome, Ruthie!
Hi, I’m Kirsten LeClerc. I live in Asheville, NC. (Interestingly enough, I recently moved from the Burlington, VT area and used to get the weather from Kate’s cheery husband!) I was a reading specialist for four years and an elementary librarian for one, and am currently tutoring part-time. My twitter name is kirleclerc and my website is http://bookswithcharacter.blogspot.com/.
I’m very excited about this! Thanks, Kate.
Hi, Kirsten! I’ll let Tom know that you were a weather fan – he’ll smile over that, I’m sure. Welcome!
I teach third grade in Chicago. This looks like the perfect way for me to work on writing without being tied to a time and place. thanks for organizing!
Hi, Debby! Glad you’re joining us!
1. Alex Rode
2. 5th grade teacher
3. @axlerode
Let’s write!
Hi, Alex! Welcome to writing camp!
Elementary teacher/retired/subbing/tutoring/consulting/writing!
Central NY
Looking forward to being a part of this! Thank you!
Hi, Janet! Welcome!
I’ve taught fifth grade this year but next year will teach third in Washington, PA. I I love to teach writing but after reading my student end of the year reflections on their pieces, I think there is something I am not doing right. I am hoping that writing with and in front of them will help deepen my practice. That idea is scary! I found this through the Nerdy Book Club and decided this might be the ticket. I’ve decided to take the leap.
I’m glad you’re leaping with us. Welcome!
Heather Hazlett
4th grade teacher, Port Saint Lucie, FL
Welcome, Heather! So glad you’ll be joining us!
I teach third grade and need to write.
Welcome, Jen! We’re happy to have you writing with us!
This sounds perfect! An NWP friend of mine turned me on to Real Revision last year, and it is a terrific resource. Can’t wait to learn and push myself more!
Shyrl Cone
Third Grade Teacher
No twitter address
Classroom website: http://www.mitten.weebly.com
Welcome, Shyrl! And thanks for the kind words about REAL REVISION!
Sounds fun, Kate; count me in! I’m Lauren Strohecker, a K-6 librarian in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA. On twitter: @lkstrohecker
Hi, Lauren! So happy to see you here!
Ileana Jiménez
High School English Teacher, New York, NY
Welcome, Ileana!
Reading Intervention teacher,
Jessup, MD
Patuxent Valley Middle School
Welcome, Happy!
I’ll be returning to classroom teaching in September after 8 years in another position. I couldn’t be more excited about teaching second grade in Three Bridges, NJ. I intend to spend the summer preparing- and this is just what I need! Thank you!
Welcome, Nancy! Congratulations on your return to the classroom, too!
This sounds awesome! Thank you for the great opportunity.
1. Sue Yeomans
2. Grade 2/3 teacher – London, Ontario, Canada
Welcome, Sue!!
Stacy Dillon
Lower School Librarian at LREI in NYC
Welcome to my Tweendom
ALSC blog
Hi, Stacy! Happy to see you here!
What a wonderful way to begin the summer! Thanks for the opportunity and inspiration. I will share this with my colleagues.
Michele Sodergren
Writing Coordinator K-12, Chelsea, MA
Hi, Michele! Welcome & thanks for spreading the word!
Look forward to learning new ideas that will help improve my students’ writing. Thank you.
Welcome, Heather!!
Forgot to put my twitter information and what I teach…
I teach 9th and 12th English at Olathe East High School in Olathe KS
Laura Crawford
I teach 4th grade ELA in Allen, TX (little town north of Dallas).
@Mrscreads on Twitter
I have a blog for my kids to share their reading – http://www.mrscsreading.blogspot.com. It’s slow in catching on with my 10 year olds.
I’m excited about writing this summer and learning from everyone!
Welcome, Laura! And I love your blog idea!
I am a special education teacher, teaching sixth grade replacement language arts, science, social studies and math. I am so excited to grow my own writing so I can help my students grow theirs! I’m a little technologically challenges so twitter and blogging have not entered my sphere as of yet!
Thank you for this opportunity!
Welcome, Karen! Great to have you joining us!
Teri Pastorino
Lower School Paraprofessional
Salt Lake City
Welcome, Teri!!
Wow! Just read the Nerdy post about this today and come to find over 900 people have signed up. I haven’t been to camp in years! So happy to attend yours! Thank you for doing this!
I’m Amy, and I’ve been teaching high school English in Palatine, IL for 11 years. I’m currently working on my certification as a school librarian. You can find me on twitter at @Amy_LovesYA or on my blog where I try to find time to discuss all the YA that I love to read, AmyLovesYA.com.
Welcome, Amy! (But our real sign-up numbers are about half the comment numbers – which include my hellos to everyone!)
Ha ha! Realized that after I posted. So great of you to take the time to welcome us all. Thank you!
Patricia Jankowski
2nd grade teacher in Florida
Hi, Patricia! Happy you’ll be joining us this summer!
Teaching 8th grade ELA in Wilmington, NC. Love to write & always astounded by what it does for my growing writers & for improving my own writing. Even though my summer technically doesn’t begin until the 13th, I’m so excited to get started.
Welcome, Reagan!
This is exactly what I’ve been wanting to work on this summer. Thank you so much!
1. Anita Surrett
2. 2nd grade Conyers, Georgia
3. Not on Twitter, but will follow on FB
4. No personal web page either. But this might just inspire me!
Hi, Anita! Welcome!
William Polking
9th grade reading/12th grade dual-credit composition
Carroll, IA
Thanks for doing this.
Welcome, William!
Diane Anderson
ESL Teacher, Grades 3-6
Indianapolis, IN
I’ve been “slicing” with Two Writing Teachers since March. I tried to do a lot of writing with students during this school year and hope to continue next year.
Welcome, Diane! Glad you’ll be writing with us!
Hi! I’m Theresa. I’m an elementary school literacy coach. Teachers give me “the look” when they get to talking about writing — you know, “Am I doing this right?” or “See, I *do* teach writing.” I am the embodiment of writing accountability at my school. I think it might be a good thing to continue to work on my craft — since they think I’m so awesome. ;oP Looking forward to a fun summer of writing!
Well, I think it’s awesome that you’re here – welcome, Theresa!
I would love join ~ please sign me up! I am an instructional coach working with kindergarten through 3rd grade teachers.
You’re signed up, Karen – welcome!
Hi I’m Beth Steinbruckner
I’m a high school librarian in a suburb of Buffalo.
I have a twitter name but I never go on there – maybe this will make me use it again
Hi, Beth! I grew up not too far from you, in Medina – and my sister teaches in Tonawanda. Glad you’ll be joining us this summer!
I teach fifth grade in Ottawa, KS.
Hi, Cheryl – Welcome!
I definitely need this! Looking forward to writing together this summer — definitely a weakness for me.
Sherry – School Librarian 6th-12th, Rossville IN
Welcome, Sherry! I’m looking forward to writing with you, too!
Mindy Higgins
Elementary Principal
Hi, Mindy – Welcome! It really makes me happy to see principals here, as well as teachers.
I will be gone for part of this but I think this is a great idea.
You’re more than welcome to join us for whatever part of camp fits your schedule, Karla.
1. Vicki Sherbert
2. 6, 7, 8 Reading & Language Arts, Wakefield, KS
3. sherbev on Twitter
4. http://on-purpose.posterous.com/
Welcome, Vicki! Glad you’ll be writing with us this summer!
4th/5th grade teacher at an independent school in New Haven, CT. Busy with the end of the school year, but hoping to join camp when things wrap up toward the end of the month. Thanks.
Welcome, Joshua! Just join us when you’re ready – we’ll keep your lemonade cold.
I teach special education pre-k during the school year and middle school enrichment classes during the summer. I’m on Twitter @aedens1985!
Hi, Amanda! Welcome!!
I am switching from being a middle school reading to prek-5 reading intervention.
Hi, Charlene! Welcome!
This sounds amazing!! So glad I ran across your tweet about this event!
Sara Allen
5th grade teacher
@saraallen91 or @room121
saraallen91.blogspot.com or pvroom121.blogspot.com
Welcome, Sara! Glad you’re joining us this summer!
Hi, Kate! I love this idea.
Carolyn Hunter Denny
K-5 C&I specialist for language arts & reading
San Antonio,Texas
Twitter: @redhen2011
No blog…yet
Looking forward to this!
Welcome, Carolyn! I’ll actually be in San Antonio for a week of school visits in October. Glad you’re writing with us this summer!
Erin Broderick
K-5 librarian in Newton, MA
http://www.msbrodericksbookblog.blogspot.com (blog)
http://www2.newton.k12.ma.us/~erin_broderick (website)
Would love to bring more writing into my library program – and having never taught writing or even dabbled much outside of blog posts and newsletters, this will be my crash course! Thanks for the opportunity!
Welcome, Erin! Happy to have you joining us!
This is just the opportunity I was looking for this summer. Thank you! I am attending Lucy Calkin’s writing institute this summer and this should compliment what I learn well.
Sharon Libront
4th grade full time teacher
Literacy Coach – part time (yes it is a stretch to do this on top of full time teaching)
Pike School (independent)
Andover, MA
Twitter account: @slibront
will follow on facebook
Welcome, Sharon! I’m glad you found us!
I’m a middle school reading coach/reading teacher who has secretly always wanted to write a kids book.
Thank you for the opportunity to work on my writing!
Well, the secret’s out, isn’t it? That’s a great start – welcome!
Great idea!!
Chris DeCarlo
Grade 5 Teacher
Glenville, NY
Thanks, Chris! Welcome!
We had our last day of school yesterday, and I’ve been revving to get back to novel revisions as soon as grades are in. I write all year long, but summer is prime time, and discovering the Teachers Write camp was perfect timing! How great to get to write with peers. Here’s my info:
1. Elissa Field
2. Certified in MG English & Social Studies, currently teaching writing (gr 5-8) at a private school in Palm Beach County, FL
3. elissafield on Twitter (https://twitter.com/#!/elissafield)
also welcome connections on Facebook (Elissa Field – its just for writing so you can friend me without being BFFs)
4. http://elissafield.wordpress.com/
Bret Biornstad
4th Grade Vancouver, WA
Thank you for the opportunity.
Welcome, Bret!
Ieke Giese
Kindergarten – Grade 7 teacher-librarian
Welcome, Ieke!
Think I’d like to follow and give this a try! Found your link on Brenda Power/Choice Literacy.
Elementary Teacher
Lafayette, IN
Welcome, Becky! Glad you’re joining us this summer!
HI Kate, I’m Stella Villalba. I teach literacy (Reading and Writing Workshop) to English language learners. I love your work, your books and I love what you’re doing and I’d feel honored to be part of Teachers Write. Gracias, muchas gracias!!!
twitter: @stellavillalba
Welcome, Stella! I’m glad you’re here.
(Hope this isn’t a duplicate, but I’ll try posting again…) Kate, thanks for organizing this. I write all year long, but as the last day of school hits, summer is my key time for extended work finishing a novel, so I’m glad to have peers to keep each other moving!
1. Elissa Field
2. Certified MG English & Social Studies, currently teaching middle school Writing (gr 5-8) at a private school in Palm Beach County, FL
3. elissafield on Twitter (https://twitter.com/#!/elissafield)
I also welcome connections on facebook – https://www.facebook.com/#!/elissa.fieldfiction is for my writing, only, so you don’t have to be a “bff” to friend me
4. http://elissafield.wordpress.com/
Welcome, Elissa! Glad you’re joining us!
Maria Kays
6th Grade/Port Angeles WA
@makpaddle (Twitter)
http://techonalog.wordpress.com/ (not extremely current)
Welcome, Maria!!
High School Science, Deer Park NY
Seems like it should be a fun excuse to make myself write a bit during the summer!
Hi, David – welcome!
1. Joanne Toft
2. Grade 4 and 5 – Literacy and Science
( 5th grade in the am and 4th in the pm – a new position – should be interesting)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
3. JoanneToft
4. Blog – Garden Learning: Learning in a Wild Garden
Words from JL – Teaching on the North Side
Both of these blog are sitting quietly waiting for me to return – summer is almost here and I will begin my writing practice again. Thanks for this class. I am excited.
Welcome, Joanne! Glad you’re joining us!
6th grade teacher – all subjects / District technology coordinator (rural district, many hats!)
Twitter: @Eleanor_Rigby
Been so long sinceI’ve posted to my blog… o-:
Welcome, Sue – looking forward to writing with you this summer!
Reading specialist, grades 2-4
Kenilworth, IL
on Facebook, too
okay, don’t have a blog just yet, but boy oh boy would I love to try!!! I’m hoping to develop the confidence and ability to start one…
Welcome, Emily – glad you’re joining us!
Whitney Clodfelter
9th grade Intensive Reading/Student Government Teacher
Delray Beach, FL
I’m hoping to get over my “fear” of writing and sharing what I write with others. This seems like the perfect way!
Welcome, Whitney!
correction on the twitter line
Sorry about that the @ sign did not go through.
WOWZERS! What a crew! Good to see some familiar names and faces!
1. Mary Lee Hahn
2. New adventure starting next year — 5th grade language arts only, Dublin City Schools, Dublin, OH
3. @maryleehahn
4. A Year of Reading (with Franki Sibberson) http://readingyear.blogspot.com
Thanks, Kate! I can’t wait to play along!!
Hi, Mary Lee! Happy to see you here!
I am an instructor at my university in Trinidad,West Indies.Three of the courses I teach involve getting undergraduates to develop their writing skills, incorporate them with their reading competence in order to create useful resources for their prospective students (and themselves). Last year I published my first story for readers grade 3 upwards – The Night Nopat was Left Out.
I certainly look forward to this Writing Summer Camp to expand my writing experiences and help my undergraduates improve their skills.
Welcome, Lynette – and congratulations on your book!
Sheri Edwards
Middle School (Grades 6-8) Reading/Writing Teacher
Twitter: @grammasheri
Teacher Blog: What Else
Writing Teacher Blog — collaborative blog with PLN
Thanks for this opportunity to improve my writing and my teaching !
Welcome, Sheri – happy you’re joining us!
6-8th grade Language Arts teacher…..taught 5th grade for 26 years, now teaching Lang Arts, need help with the writing piece. I am finding time the biggest challenge! Can’t wait!
Making time to write is our first lesson – watch for it on Monday!
Cindy Sarver
Grade 4 in Dublin City Schools
I’m a little nervous, but looking forward to challenging myself. Thanks for the opportunity.
Welcome, Cindy! So glad you’re joining us!
Hello, My name is Maylén and I am a high school Spanish teacher (Spanish for Native Speakers and Spanish I).
I will be starting a new job in San José this August.
Twitter: @MaylenSoyYO
I would love to participate, and I can write in Spanish, English or French
Welcome, Maylen! Write in whatever language you like (though most sharing on the blog may only be able to share with you in English). It’s possible, though, that you may meet other Spanish & French teachers here who might want to start a sub-group for writing in those languages.
Oops- forgot to mention Dublin is in Ohio! The Muirfield Golf Tournament is happening now.
Hi I am a gr. 2 teacher that is always looking to learn. looking forward to this.I stalk blogs but don’t have one myself , no twitter or facebook but I do have email.
Welcome, Mary! I’m glad you’ll be writing with us this summer!
Teresa Garrett
Elementary Librarian now serving two campuses
No website yet that is one summer goal
Looking forward to participating!
Welcome, Teresa! Happy to have you writing with us!
Vicki Gibson
Instructional Coach/Interventionist K-5
Wilmington, NC
Thanks for this opportunity. I am hesitant to commit because of a busy summer schedule, but you have made this so inviting. I look forward to the conversation, and lessons learned!
Welcome, Vicki! No worries if a busy summer causes you to miss some days – just join us when you can.
I am a Elementary Reading Specialist in Eastern Massachusetts.
Thank you for the opportunity!
Welcome, Nora!
Thanks for the opportunity to write and learn together.
K-5 Literacy Coach
Hi, Carla! Welcome!
Hi! I’m a children’s librarian in Charlotte, NC. I enjoy writing, mostly poetry and short stories. I’m planning on doing a program on Nanowrimo for kids this November.
Hi, Kristi! This will be great practice for Nanawrimo!
Hi! I am so excited to find this! I currently teach third grade all girls with the Lucy Calkins Unit of Studies! I am going to the Teacher’s College for writing in June and think this will be great challenge to write this summer!
Adrienne Screen
Louise S. Mcgehee- 3rd grade language arts
Welcome, Adrienne!
I am a 3rd grade teacher – please sign me up. I really want to hone my writing skills this summer!
Welcome! So glad you’re joining us!
Hi, I am a Literacy Coach for K-5. I also teach small group reading and writing in grades 2-4. This will be a fantastic way to learn more about myself as a writer and to bring something new to my staff in September.
Looking forward to a new experience!
Welcome, Debbie! We’re happy to have you here!
Jayme Kelly
7th grade ELA teacher in Amherst, NY (just outside Buffalo)
Looking forward to this!
This is a wonderful and very exciting opportunity. I look forward to writing over the summer. Thank you for leading this learning community.
Karen Creech
5th grade teacher
Leesburg,, VA
Twitter: @KWCreech
Thanks for this great opportunity! Motivation to get writing!
My name is Beth Ho, and I teach high school English in Coral Springs, FL
(yes, yes, I know – my last name is a JOY with teaching teenagers. What’re ya gonna do?)
I look forward to attending writer’s summer camp while my kids are at their own camps!
Trying to sign up on the google.doc BUT it is running incredibly slow. Have requested to join the FB group. Just wanted to get my info in just in case I can’t access the google doc.
Thanks-looking forward to this!
Doing some trainings for teachers of writing this summer for our educational service center in Sn Antonio. I’m a reading specialist at an elementary school. Love to talk about the reading/writing connections. This will be good for me!!
K-5 Literacy Coach. Discovered your book Real Revision this year and was thrilled to add your work to my repertoire. This year I began a writing class with promising 5th grade writers at our school. It was awesome! I hope to polish some dabbling of my own during summer camp. Thanks for this opportunity.
I’m excited for the chance to “walk the walk” this summer and work on some of my own writing!
Emily Spikell
4th Grade Teacher
Central Falls, RI
Ruth Wallin
5th grade teacher
Milwaukie, Oregon
Thanks for the opportunity. This could be the kick I need to write this summer!
Hi! Sorry, I tried to sign up for the teacher’s write on the google doc, but my computer didn’t like it, so I’m going to have to do so here instead. My name is Gillian and I teach self-contained middle school special education language arts and reading intervention classes. I’m also in grad school, so I’m not sure how fully I will be able to participate, but I’d like to give it a try!
No worries, Gillian – this is fine. Welcome!
signed up @ GoogleDocs
My name is Michele Kirkwood, and I am a K-5 Reading Resource Teacher in Southeastern Michigan. This summer blog seems like a great way for me to keep working on my writing skills, and seems to have some great ideas to offer. I tried to sign up on google docs, but my computer would not it, so I am signing up here!
My name is Rebecca, and I teach 2nd grade in Neptune Beach, Florida. I’m excited about this summer project!
I look forward to learning along with everyone else this summer.
Looking forward to learning more about my writing self…I joined on the google doc some time ago but thought I should comment as well.
I teach junior/senior high English at a small school in Southwestern North Dakota.
Twitter: @giraffemama
Blogs and I have danced a few times, but I have not been faithfully committed! I am interested in writing more this summer so I can be a better role model to my students once school starts. I want to incorporate technology into the writing process so I can meet my students where they are in the technology world!
Thanks for this opportunity.
Hi Kate,
This sounds amazing. Thanks for putting it together. While not a certified teacher, I do homeschool. Can I play along?
Of course – we’re happy to have you join us!
This is such a fantastic opportunity. Thank you so much.
HSA Denison Middle School
7th Grade Language Arts/Librarian
Cleveland, Ohio
Schools not out until this Friday, so I might be hit and miss until this weekend.
Name: Kristine Michael
Role: Curriculum Director-moving from Ohio to Senegal in August
Twitter: bestbook
Blog: http://www.bestbookihavenotread.wordpress.com
My name is Brianne and I’m a learning strategist working with students in grades 4 – 9 in Calgary, Alberta.
I can’t wait to get started! Thanks Amy for sharing this wonderful opportunity with me. Let the writing begin!
I can’t seem to find today’s assignment. I signed up on the Google Docs page.
Thanks so much for doing this! It’s awesome that we already have tons of new people to network with! I’ve been a K-2 Literacy Coach for the last 2 years–I taught a first grade class last year and looped with them to second. Next year I am co-teaching in K! I wrote a little about how my thinking has changed about working with young writers and what I’m thinking about with my own writing… http://pamhrtn.blogspot.com
My name is Cheryl Gates and I teach grade 4 in Melbourne Australia. I love teaching writing and would love the opportunity to be part of this writing camp even though down here in Melbourne it’s the beginning of winter and not summer holidays. So count me in.
Oh, Kate. This is perfect. This topic has been a passion (and somewhat a pet peeve at times) of mine for more than 25 years. As a teacher (my masters project was on teaching writing) I ran weekly writing clubs for my peers, as a librarian I started a teacher critique group, as a continuing education instructor, I’ve facilitated writing classes for many teachers and made it possible for them to get credits for attending WA and OR regional SCBWI conferences. And as a children’s author, I offer a free “writing workshop” session for teachers when I do school visits—all to get them writing in order to best support their students.
I hope you feel how excited I am about your blog post. I can’t thank you enough for supporting education this way. Your “Teachers Write!” is exactly what many teachers need. I’ll be sharing this with educators and others who work with them. Way to go!
Your fan…
I am teaching grade four in Nova Scotia, Canada in the beautiful Annapolis Valley near the Bay of Fundy. I am on Twitter : geralyn macmillan account name – @saamiandvega
Saami and Vega are my two Finnish Lapphunds and my best friends. On my Twitter site I keep track of what I am reading so this writing site is a perfect fit!!
I am having trouble recording my information on the link with the table/chart so I hope commenting here is enough to egt me started with this writing group.
Gerayn M
Linda Yust
Retired H.S. and Elementary Librarian
El Paso, TX
Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about writing – something I have always wanted to do, but haven’t quite jumped in with both feet.. I’m looking forward to learning a lot!
Ok, I am on board, but in the throws of student projects and writing in the classroom, more realistic to start posting my own writing this weekend. But I love seeing what everyone is doing around the country!
I am a seventh grade ELA teacher in Columbia, SC. I participated in a Midlands Writing Project, which was a course that is similar to what you are doing! Ever since that experience, I have been seeking to participate in something of that caliber so I am so glad that my former media specialist put me on to this site! Being excited or elated is an understatement of how I feel…
I’m a Kindergarten/ 1st grade Bilingual Teacher . Always wanted to learn more about writing projects for kids, but not sure where to find a “course”. Thank you for doing this!!
Thank you. I’ve been teaching Language Arts for 8 years, and it seems to becoming increasingly difficult to motivate students and inspire them to see the value of writing. I look forward to joining when I can this summer and learning and sharing.
Jennifer Maxwell
4th grade teacher at Illahee Elementary, Camas, WA.
Thank you for providing this opportunity! I’m so excited!
Nervous but excited to do this. Never done something like this before but want to learn what others are doing with writing with their students! Thank you for doing this!
You rock. This will be amazing! Thank you for hosting and inviting us to camp!
Kate, you’re always doing something fabulous! I’m here to watch this process unfold. And since I’m a retired elementary educator and now am an author for children that age, I hope I can help in some way and learn something, too!
Happy you’re here, Carol – thanks!
This is just what I needed to get going with my summer writing!
I am from Hong Kong and would like to learn from your writing in order to help my 6 and 7 years old.
I am glad to have such an opportunity.
I hope I did this right – went in through facebook & google docs, but not seeing anything so far. Technology is not my forte!
Hi, Diane! All of the writing lessons and prompts are hosted on my blog, which is here:
The newest entry will be on top – and all the Teachers Write entries are labeled that way. If you scroll down, you’ll see the Teachers Write entries from earlier in the week. Hope this helps!
Hi Kate – I met you at the Flying Pig Bookstore at one of Elizabeth’s wonderful brunch meet-ups. I also took one of your workshops at an earlier NESCBWI conference. I would love to be one of your volunteer authors to help other aspiring writers with tips and encouragement in their writing. I do work 10-5 on Wednesdays but could participate in the evening. Let me know. Thanks much. Marilyn
Hi, Marilyn! We’re pretty well set with guest posts through the summer, but I’d love to have you drop by any time just to join the conversation. It’s been fun so far! Thanks!!
Here is my latest blog post, a vision into the work we do at CVMS, I will be posting a few more over the next few days about our different classes. http://writinginmyhand.org/?p=509
Looking forward to this project so much, already loving checking out writing and blogs!
I just finished my 32nd year of teaching and still love it, even tho I believe the work is getting harder and harder with the challenges facing educators today. I’ve taught everything except K, but have specialized in first and second grades (mostly first) for the past 25 years. Reading and writing are my passions in the classroom and I find great joy in helping students become readers and writers who can’t put their books and pencils down. I’ve done lots of writing for our school district and now am dreaming of that book that is brewing inside… I’m looking forward to following you this summer and honing my skills.
This is exactly what I was looking for this summer! I am a grade 8 English Language Arts and Social Studies teacher. Thanks for offering this opportunity to explore my own writing!
This sounds great! I’m a teacher of k-2 students who require Title 1 assistance. My sister teaches writing at the college level and we have started looking for a way to get started writing together. This could be the beginning….along with a lot of others!
should be an interesting workshop!
I don’t have a website or twitter account yet (maybe by the end of summer).
This is my second year as 3rd Grade teacher in San Jose, CA and this seems like a great way to get my writing program shored up for next year. I added my name to the Google doc to sign up.
Hey Kate, I teach year 6 in Sydney, Australia. I am not on vacation but I’d love to jump in when I can. I’ve signed the google doc sheet and requested to join on facebook. No rush to reply, just thought I’d let you know that I’d like to be a part of this. Thanks Clare
Happy to have you join us, Clare!
Am I too late to join? I teach 6th grade Language Arts in Dublin, Ohio.
Nope – not at all. Welcome!
Looking forward to jump starting my writing. Thanks for starting this group.
I did the first quick write and then had to drop out for a bit as we’re on vacation for a week. But I’m trying to check in and keep up as much as I can – don’t want to miss too much! I’m currently a literacy specialist at a career/tech high school in Maine. Thanks for this great opportunity!
Hi Kate and Others,
Thanks for this opportunity. It would be great to find a few beta readers and crit partners through this experience!
I will try to talk about critique groups soon – and figure out a way that people can connect & figure out who would be a good match. Good thought!