November Woods

As much as I love the bright leaves on the trees in October, there is also something to be said for the thick carpets of them that cover the forest floor now.  Temperatures never got out of the 30s in Northern NY today. We spent the better part of this chilly afternoon in the woods at a favorite state park, getting a little exercise and talking about the important things in life.

"How come you’re scuffing your feet like that?"  my son asked.

"Because I like the sound…"

We climbed down to the beach to watch oak leaves drift into Lake Champlain and then stopped for soup at a favorite organic deli on the way home.  When we pulled into the driveway, I saw right away that the UPS guy had been here — my copy edits for THE BRILLIANT FALL OF GIANNA Z were leaning against the front door.  I’ll be at my desk tonight with my red pencil and a cup of green tea.

24 Replies on “November Woods

  1. HA! i spend the better part of today raking up oak leaves! LOL

    It spit snow here for just a couple minutes today.

    Just thought I’d mention it.


  2. Oh I wish I had been there with you. It looks like a wonderful way to spend the day. Good luck with your edits! May the energy flow and the creative juices bubble!

  3. Shushing…I like that word. I was actually trying to define the sound when we were out in the woods, and I was thinking it was almost like waves breaking on rocks.