I’m a huge believer in positive peer pressure, so joining
with the Summer Shape-up was just what I needed to get moving on my current middle grades work in progress. It’s working wonders. I’ve written just over 11,000 words in the past week. What a great idea and a great gift to fellow writers! Thanks!
Working has made me a little less impatient for the release my MG historical novel, Spitfire, this fall. The last time I hated waiting this much was when I was a week overdue for the birth of my daughter. On a happy note, though, Art Cohn from the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum sent me a lovely note about the book’s release. LCMM does an amazing job promoting Lake Champlain heritage and reaches out to school groups with the most lively, innovative museum programs I’ve ever seen. Museum educators there were a huge help when I was researching Spitfire. I’m on my own now with the waiting, though…