October Guests

I keep talking about cutting back the asters that grow along the front walkway.  They’re enormous and overgrown, and when it rains, they droop over the sidewalk so you can’t get inside without your pant legs brushing through them and getting soaked.  I haven’t cut them back, though, because butterflies and bees love them, especially this time of year when not much else is in bloom. 

Today, I was so glad that I’m all talk and no garden scissors.  When I got out of the car after school, six Monarch butterflies were swarming around the asters.  I tiptoed past them to find E and a camera, and for half an hour, we watched them, leaning in so close we could hear their wings fluttering.


If you look closely, you’ll see this Monarch sharing his flower with a bumblebee!

One by one, they flew off over the lake, heading south on a long, long journey. We were happy to have shared a bit of it with them.

And if you’re planning to visit me any time soon… I’ll apologize in advance.  The asters flopped all over the front walk are staying right where they are.

Champlain and the Silent One Press

The Medina Journal Register, the newspaper in the village where I grew up, ran a great article on Champlain and the Silent One today, including a lengthy Q and A that I did with the reporter.  You can read it here.

Request for ideas on historical fiction & revision tips!

I’m giving two presentations at the NYS English Council’s annual conference later this month, and I wanted to ask my LJ author friends for some input.

My presentation called Historical Fiction as a Bridge to Content Area Literacy focuses on high interest historical fiction with solid historical content as well as nonfiction picture books and middle grade books that teachers can use to teach Social Studies content as well as English Language Arts.  I’m in the process of adding new titles to my presentation to mix in with my regular favorites.  I’ve added Laurie Halse Anderson’s historical novel CHAINS and her picture book INDEPENDENT DAMES, M.T. Anderson’s new OCTAVIAN NOTHING book, Tanya Lee Stone’s ELIZABETH LEADS THE WAY, and Jenny Moss’s WINNIE’S WAR, set during the 1918 flu epidemic.

What other NEW 2008 historical titles have you read and loved?  Do any of you have new titles coming out in 2009 that would fit the bill?  If so,  I’d  love to include them in my presentation!

My second presentation is called Walking the Walk: How Teacher-Writers Encourage Student Revision.  In it, I share the ways in which my own writing has helped me to be a better (and more understanding) mentor to my students when it comes to revision.  I talk about my strategies and my experiences with critique partners and editors, and I discuss how those concepts and strategies can be adapted to the classroom.  Part of this workshop is a PowerPoint presentation that gives examples of how different authors like to revise.

Do you have a favorite revision strategy that you’d like to share with kids & teachers?  I’d be happy to include your idea with an image of your book cover in my slide show.  (Some of you were kind enough to share thoughts with  me last year. Thank you!  With your permission, I’ll use the same advice/slide for you unless you have a new book out that you’d like me to feature.)

Thanks, everyone, for any thoughts you choose to share!

My Fall ’09 middle grade novel has a title!!

I’m awaiting copy edits right now on my next book, a funny, contemporary middle grade novel about a Vermont girl, her quirky family, and the school leaf collection project that’s ruining her life.  It’s due out with Walker Books for Young Readers in Fall 2009.  The title has changed a few times, as titles sometimes do, and it’s been up in the air for a few months.  Today, my delightful editor emailed to let me know we have a title!

From now on, instead of blogging about "the-novel-that-used-to-be-called-Maple-Girl,"  I’ll be talking about…


Thanks to all the friends who suggested ideas and offered input.  I love the new title, though I also still like my agent’s suggestion… GIANNA AND THE NO-GOOD, HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, VERY BAD TITLE. 

Maybe that can be the sequel.

Book Signing this Weekend!

Happy Friday! 

This is Educators Weekend at Borders Books & Music, which means a 25% discount for current & retired teachers.  It also means that I’ll be signing copies of my new book, CHAMPLAIN AND THE SILENT ONE, at the Borders at Champlain Center in Plattsburgh on Saturday from 12-4.

I was at the mall yesterday to pick up shoelaces and swim goggles for the boy and peeked into Borders, you know, just to see if they had my book in stock yet.  There was a GINORMOUS display of them —  a table and two big racks full, to the tune about 200 books.  Yikes! 

The thought of hanging out all by myself with 200 books is making me a little wobbly-kneed.  If you live in Northern NY, would you please stop by Borders on Saturday and say hello so it’s not just me hiding behind a big pile of historical fiction?

Thankful Thursday…a little early

I have discovered that they never, ever, ever call off middle school soccer games.  Even if it’s pouring rain, cold, and windy.  Even if the mom of the guy playing right defense is fighting a head cold.  And so I was grumbling a little about this as I cranked the heat in the car on the way home.  Then I pulled into the driveway and saw this…

…and this…

…and suddenly I’m not feeling grumbly any more.

Every Soul a Star by Wendy Mass

I often feel sorry for people who don’t read good books;
they are missing a chance to lead an extra life.
                                                ~ Scott Corbett ~

When I think about why my favorite books are my favorites, Scott Corbett’s sentiments ring true. So many of them involve real-life places I’ve never been or fantasy worlds that I long to visit.  And some introduce me to worlds that I haven’t known well but suddenly find myself wanting to explore.  Every Soul a Star by Wendy Mass (Little, Brown, October 1, 2008) is one of those books.

The book is set at the Moon Shadow Campground in the days surrounding a total solar eclipse, and three narrators tell the story of how their paths converge there, just as the moon’s shadow crosses the sun. There’s Ally, a self-confident, home-schooled kid who has grown up at the Moon Shadow, spending her time searching for alien signals and arranging rocks in the campground labyrinth.  There’s Bree, firmly entrenched in the life of an urban middle school social butterfly until her parents drop the bomb that she’s moving to the middle of nowhere so they can work on a research project.  And there’s Jack, who flunked science class and is sentenced to a summer project at the Moon Shadow with his teacher.  Often, when I read a novel with multiple narrators I end up liking one better than the others and wishing the whole book were written in that voice, but that wasn’t the case here; every voice was distinct and every character so well-developed that I loved them as individuals and felt like I cared about each of their stories.

As a middle school teacher, I always get extra excited about titles that connect to the curriculum and still maintain the rich characters, plot twists, humor, and tension that keep kids reading on their own.  Every Soul a Star is loaded with astronomy, presented in a way that’s accessible and compelling. It made me want to spend more time looking up at the night sky, and I found myself googling the time and location of the next total solar eclipse because this book convinced me this is something I need to see.  Every Soul a Star is a perfect choice for middle school teams connecting English and Science classes, but it’s also a terrific character-driven journey to the stars that kids will enjoy on their own.

About Book Challenges

This is Banned Books Week, when the American Library Association asks us all to take a few minutes to celebrate our freedom to read and the freedom of our libraries to provide a wide and diverse selection of texts.  So I thought I’d share some thoughts about how I’ve handled the issue of book challenges in my world.

I’m in my thirteenth year of teaching middle school English and have dealt with a handful of book challenges in those years.  Most never went through a formal challenge process but required discussion with parents and administrators all the same.

I’ve stood alongside other members of my department and library staff to defend books by Maya Angelou, Mildred Taylor, Bruce Coville, Lauren Myracle,  Sonya Sones, and more.  After a particularly troubling challenge to the Orca Soundings series for reluctant readers last year, members of our department made a commitment to be more proactive — to talk more with parents about the challenges and responsibilities of providing books to middle school kids whose ages, developmental levels, and needs are so diverse.

Here are the thoughts I shared with the parents of my students at Open House this year…

Our school librarian does a phenomenal job making sure that there are books of interest to every student in our building.  That’s a lot of students.  A lot of different students.

This middle school serves sixth graders as young as ten years old and eighth graders as old as fifteen.  Five years is a big gap, and those are no ordinary five years.  The difference between ten and fifteen is the difference between Legos and iPods, the difference between trick-or-treating and Homecoming Dances. The difference between child and young adult.

Our kids are not only different ages; they arrive at school with different reading levels, different backgrounds, and different experiences that have shaped their lives in both positive and negative ways. They have different needs when it comes to reading.

The book that is perfect for your wide-eyed sixth grade girl isn’t likely to be a good fit for a fifteen-year-old boy repeating eighth grade.   The book that eighth grader will read and love is probably not one that would be right for your sixth grader right now.  But as teachers and librarians, we have a responsibility to serve all of the kids who come to us. We have a responsibility to offer literature choices that speak to all of them and meet all of their diverse needs.

Kids, in general, do a fantastic job self-selecting books, and when they find they’ve picked up something they’re not ready for, they’re usually quick to put it down and ask for help choosing something else. As teachers and librarians, we’ll offer recommendations and steer kids toward books that are age-appropriate, and we encourage you to talk about books with your kids. We have multiple copies of many titles in our library.  Let us know if you’d like to check out two copies of a book so you can read together.  And if you find that your student has chosen a book that you think might not be the right book for him or her right now, talk about that, too. 

We respect your right to help your own child choose reading material, and we ask that you respect the rights of other parents to do the same.  If you object to your child reading a particular book, send it back to the library, and we’ll help your student find another selection.  We’ll put the first book back on the shelf because even though you don’t feel it’s the right book for your child right now, it may be the perfect book for someone else’s.

Our library will continue to have a wide range of choices for kids – to meet all of their varied needs and help them all develop a love of reading.  If we can ever be of help to you in recommending titles for your family, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Book Signing Pictures & Contest Winners!

I’m heading off to teach this morning after a fantastic, fun book signing in the Finger Lakes this weekend.  Thanks so much to everyone who came out to the Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery in Canandaigua, where we signed books and where my mom is one of the featured artists this month.  In-laws, cousins, and my parents’ neighbors and church friends all showed up — even my piano teacher from when I was nine years old!  (Thanks, Mrs. Webster… You look just the same and are still just as nice. And I really am sorry I didn’t practice more.)

Here we are signing…Don’t we look like we’re concentrating very hard?  (Thanks to my sister-in-law Linda for sharing her pictures!)

Here are Mom & Dad, visiting with friends. They are at the healthy snack table. I was over at the other table, eating candy corn.

Here I am signing a book, with Dad making sure that I’m doing it right.  Some things never change, huh?
That’s the original cover art for Champlain and the Silent One on the table easel!

And speaking of Champlain and the Silent One…I have a signed copy to give away this morning!  I had written all the names of the people who entered on little slips of paper, but I forgot to have my kids draw a winner before they went to bed, so instead, I called on the online Random Integer Generator, which never sleeps.  And it chose…. (drum roll, please…)

Congratulations, Number 19!!!

Oh wait…you don’t know who that is, do you?   Here.

jbknowles , please email me with your mailing address and I’ll get your book in the mail.

Thanks for entering, everyone!  Have a fantastic week!

Friday Five and a half – How do you do it?

I’ve gotten a few emails lately – most from friends but one from a writer-mom I don’t know who read my blog – asking how I manage to balance family, teaching, and writing.  The answer: like one of those circus jugglers who have to toss up and catch six flaming tiki torches at once, riding a unicycle on a tightrope and eating cotton candy the whole time. 

Sometimes it works. And sometimes I fall off, and the torches fall and catch my unicycle on fire and turn my cotton candy into a gooey, burned mess.  Today’s Friday Five and a half (because there’s always more than you can fit in a day, really) is about the balance…or not.

1. My  middle-grade-novel-that-used-to-be-called-MAPLE-GIRL (Walker Books, 2009) is going to copy edits and might even have a real title soon. 

2. I have lost my cell phone.  Have you seen it?  I’d call it, but the battery is dead because I also lost the charger.

3. I managed 2000 words on my new project last night – a novel that was brewing while I worked on revisions for middle-grade-novel-that-used-to-be-called-MAPLE-GIRL.   This new book has a title right now.  I’m enjoying that while it lasts.

4. I have lost my marbles. Seriously.  I have a jar of marbles in my classroom that I use for a voting activity in election years.  I cannot find them (they are clear marbles that are hard to see – I should have gotten bright red ones).  We are voting with paper clips instead right now.  Juggling flaming tiki torches is all about flexibility.

5. I’m heading to the Finger Lakes this weekend to visit family and sign books at the Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery (71 South Main St.) in Canandaigua from 2-4 on Saturday. You’re invited, too!

5 1/2.  If you see my marbles or my cell phone, would you please drop me a note?  You can’t call because…well…you know…

One more thing…


If you’d like to enter the drawing to win a signed copy of Champlain and the Silent One, click here to see the contest entry and leave a comment.  The deadline is midnight, EST tonight, and winners will be announced on my blog on Monday!